نگاهی به شکنجه های روانی در زندان
مواجهه روانی و اعمال شکنجه روانی از همان ابتدای فرآیند بازداشت فرد زندانی آغاز می گردد. اصل بر این است که همه چیز باید به طور ناگهانی و غیر قابل پیش بینی و غیرقابل فهم و بدون وجود دلیل و پیش زمینه منطقی ولازم صورت گیرد. فی المثل دستگیری فرد در زمان و مکان و شرایطی اتفاق می افتد که به هیچ عنوان احتمال آن داده نمی شود. دستگیری با یورش به منزل یا محل کار در ساعات غیر معمول مانند نیمه های شب در مقابل خانواده و بدون ادای توضیح و دلیل یا ارایه حکم قضایی و با اتهامات سنگین، یا ربودن فرد از کوچه و خیابان و انتقال او به مکان ها نامعلوم و بی خبری فرد از علت اصلی بازداشت و عدم تفهیم اتهام پیش و هنگام و یا روزها پس از دستگیری جریان می یابد
مبارزه سیاسی در قالب «کمپین جنایت علیه بشریت»؟
بیانیه ای که هفته پیش به امضای جمعی از شخصیت های ایرانی خطاب به کمیساریای عالی حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد منتشر شد بحث های زیادی را به دنبال آورده است. این بحثها به خصوص پس از آن شدت گرفت که آقای اکبر گنجی با یاد کردن از این سند به عنوان «کمپین جنایت علیه بشریت» از یک سو آن را در قالب جنبش سبز و در تقابل با هر نماد و پرچم دیگر تعریف کرد، و از سوی دیگر عملا خود را به عنوان سخنگوی این جمع یا کمپین (اگر نه سیاستگزار آن) معرفی نمود. مسئله پرچم به نقد و بازنقدهای زیادی دامن زد که در این جا مورد بحث نیست. همچنین سخنگویی آقای گنجی از سوی جمع به خود آنان بر میگردد و گرچه میتوان حدس زد که نظرات آقای گنجی (تحت عنوان «ما») موضع مشترک همه امضاکنندگان نباشد بیان هر گونه اختلاف نظر احتمالی بر عهده خود آن افراد خواهد بود
We can hardly gauge two centuries of Iran’s half baked modernization without appealing to irony
Reflecting on cities is as old as civilization itself. It all started with mythmaking 78 centuries ago as Sumerians speculated about the origins of Ur, Uruk, Kish and Lagash. They believed that their cities were built by Gods. One would think that if anyone knew who built those ziggurats and magnificent walls, they did. Archaic Greeks too insisted that the massive boulders of Mycenae were moved by the giant Cyclops. Masud Bakhshi also starts his tribute to Tehran with the myth that it was founded by a bandit tribe that lived underground and grew excellent pomegranates
Understanding political divisions and advocating human rights
President Obama has gotten it right: while expressing in clear terms that his statements are in no way meant to intrude in the sovereign affairs of Iran, he has cited America’s respect for human rights and support for the rule of law in Iran. While Washington should not be seen to be interfering in Iranian domestic affairs, it should nevertheless not shy away. As is necessary in confronting all nations threatening human rights, the Obama administration must at all times adopt and implement a human rights centred diplomacy towards Iran - stressing the obligation of Iranian authorities to respect the human rights of their citizens
Strengthening export controls to prevent Iran from easily circumventing sanctions
by Michael Jacobson
According to the Justice Department, in fiscal year 2008, the number of criminal export control cases rose to 145 -- with Iran clearly the top enforcement priority, accounting for more than 20 cases -- up from 110 the year before. Companies and individuals were prosecuted for sending a wide range of sensitive technology to Iran, including missile guidance systems, military aircraft parts, and components for improvised explosive devices. This enforcement trend has continued into 2009. Shipping giant DHL, after acknowledging the illegal transfer of goods to Iran, Syria, and Sudan, paid a $9.4 million fine earlier this month to the U.S. government
Mr. Obama, what happened to your vow to defend democracy against tyranny?
by Parviz Minooee
Mr. Obama, what has happened to the human rights that America has always stood for? Thousands upon thousands of Iranians residing in this country voted for you with the impression that you are a champion of human rights, freedom, and just causes because you yourself have had first-hand experience in discrimination and suppression. Just a few weeks ago you declared Islamic Republics a danger to the world. You are an ardent advocate against terrorism yet clandestine terrorism against the freedom movement in Iran is in full force by the regime and totally ignored by you
Interference via Twitter, Dreyfuss and the National Endowment for Democracy
In its desire to build citizen to citizen contacts as a prelude to promote official dialogues and ultimately establish a normal diplomatic and commercial relation with the U.S., the Iranian government threw its doors open on U.S. individuals and groups who appeared wanting to allay the differences between the two countries. Although the majority of the peace groups and activists who visited Iran were well-intentioned, there were quite a few who were motivated by the idea of supporting certain political trends against the Iranian government. These individuals and groups were more interested in furthering the U.S. foreign policy objectives in Iran and the Middle East
A reasonable scenario is that the entire operation will be completed in three months
I am writing this article knowing full well that I am opening a can of worm and that some of my closest associates may never forgive me. But I have stayed silent for too long, and I refuse to see yet another opportunity to free Iran to pass by due to the employment of the wrong tactics by us in the anti-regime opposition (as opposed to the pro-regime opposition). For too long, the opposition has suffered from low self-esteem. We never felt comfortable taking a direct debate with our opponents, fearing that people wouldn’t side with us, circumstances weren’t right, too early to reveal our end objectives etc
بپاخیزی مردم در ایران در چند واژه
غیبت رهبری چیزی جز از نقطه ضعف استراتژیک این جنبش است. ناتوانی موسوی و دیگر سران اپوزیسیون رسمی در ارائه رهنمود به جنبش، به جای آنکه آن را بخشکاند، به تبیین هویت استثنایی آن کمک کرده است. تصمیمات این جنبش نه در مغز یک فرد که در باغ بارور خرد جمعی شکوفا می شود. این خیالپردازی کهنه آنارشیستهای پیشا مارکسیست این روزها در تهران زندگی می کند. این جنبش همگانی آن قدر به خود اعتماد دارد که حتی از ورود رفسنجانی به درون خودش هراسی ندارد. چه بهتر که خطی که دوستان و دشمنان جنبش را از هم سوا می کند تا عمق نظام نفوذ کند. « همه باهم» شعار نبوغ آمیز خمینی در سال 57 امروز دوباره زنده شده است . تفاوت تعیین کننده با آن زمان در چند و چون تعبیر واژه های بظاهر بیگناهی چون «همه» و «با هم» خواهد بود .
Photo essay: An evening in support of the Bahais of Iran
kfravon >>>
When I saw Neda's eyes roll back, I realized some wounds never heal
My favorite teacher in high school was a man called Mr. Fatemi, who taught Persian literature. In his early forties, very tall with broad shoulders, he was one of the few teachers who inspired more in his students than a strong desire to nap. His willingness to entertain us, and his great sense of humor, might have encouraged lax discipline in his classroom, but given his massive size and notably decisive demeanor, no one dreamed of challenging his authority. With his eyes closed, he often recited Hafiz's poetry, walking down the aisle with one hand holding the book, the other beating out the rhythm like an orchestra conductor. His warm, resonant voice made listening to him an enchanting experience
اغلب نظامهای حقوقی جهان منجمله فقه جعفری اعترافات مآخوذه تحت فشار را فاقد ارزش حقوقی دانسته اند
عدم مشروعیت اخلاقی و وجاهت قانونی اعترافات آقایان عطریانفر و ابطحی و آنها که در آینده نزدیک در صحنه ای که بشکل دادگاه آراسته شده است علیه خود شهادت خواهند داد در انظار ایرانیان و جهانیان از آفتاب نیمروز روشنتر است. آنچه مبهم است بهره هوش سیاسی آنهائیست که چنین نمایشی را براه انداخته اند. میگویند دشمن دانا به از نادان دوست. توجه کنید که این دوستان نادان چگونه با تکرار اتهام "انقلاب مخملی" جمهوری اسلامی را در جای نظامهای تمامیت خواهی که یکی بعد از دیگری به زباله دان تاریخ میپیوندند گذاشته اند. چه سودای این گروه باورمند نمودن مردم باشد و چه ارعاب آنها، قدر مسلم اینست که آنها ظاهراً صدای افتادن طشت رسوائی اینگونه نمایشهای مخوف در جهان را نشنیده ان
Results of a poll conducted by NIAC
To overview NIAC’s US-Iran advocacy, there are places for compromise, and places where the line should be held. I would compromise on the sanction issues because the sanction glass can be seen as half full. For example economic boycotts could urge Iran towards self-sufficiency. This is a less macho way of saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” After years of neglecting Iran’s capacity for gasoline production, finally the threat of a refined petroleum sanction is forcing the government take this critical issue seriously. Iran may emerge from sanctions like a spoiled brat from boot camp. But war leaves no consolation prize for those who suffer it. Ultimately, anti-war advocacy is the line NIAC should hold
Forecasts which promise the imminent fall of the Islamic regime are premature
The title of this short article is somewhat misleading since prediction regarding anything Iranian is a hazardous task and is often refuted by the following events. The reason is that Iran is, as I have described it, a short-term society, a society which lacks continuity both at the individual and social level. I once wrote that up to a century ago, when an Iranian man left home in the morning he would not know whether, by the evening, he would be made a minister or be hung, drawn and quartered. I also wrote, on another occasion, that an Iranian may be a merchant this year, a minister next year, and a prisoner the year after. Obviously these are exaggerations, but they are close to the Iranian experience throughout its long history
Neda Agha Soultan became a commodity that just could not be ignored
I was flipping channels the other night when I came across an interview with Reza Aslan who was predictably discussing the recent events in Iran. Good for him. The guy knows his shit and he sure has cashed in. During the interview, Aslan displayed his green bracelet with the word, “Neda” written on it and exclaimed that Neda Agha Soltan was the most recognized martyr of the green movement. Wow! I almost fell off my seat. I then remembered that other organizations have claimed the same thing. We all remember Reza Pahlavi’s emotional leakage in the Press Club when he mentioned Neda’s name while weeping like a little girl