For most of the last two decades, I felt strange when I was asked if my sons speak Farsi. When it was too late to change anything, I felt vaguely embarrassed for not having taught them my native language. I wondered silently if I'd cheated them or betrayed my heritage by not sending them to weekend Persian language schools that exist in my city, Washington. But I'm getting over those feelings lately, and it's not only because they are delightful young adults now. Rather, I'm comforted because I look around me in the expatriate community and I realize that my sons have learned something equally valuable, if less tangible. Their social consciousness goes well beyond accepting superficial tales of American virtue. Like me, they want this country to move towards its professed ideals before issuing judgment on human rights elsewhere
و این لوله مشت محکمی است بر دهان استکبار جهانی تولید پوشک!
فکرش را بکن، در عشایر و روستا و حتی در بسیاری نقاط در شهرها هم، جیش کردن در حیاط یا معابر و کوچه و خیابان نه تنها مانعی ندارد، بلکه مساله ای عادی و روزمره است. پس فلسفه ی آویزان کردن آن سطل حلبی یا "سانتریفیوژ" در انتهای لوله ای که به چومبول بچه وصل است، چیست؟ فکر نمی کنی این آلات و ادوات برای حفظ مواد تولیدی و "غنی کردن" بعدی باشد؟ (قابل توجه آژانس هسته ای در وین!) به ابتدای لوله دقت کن! چرا "چومبول بچه"اینقدر بالا، و تقریبن جای ناف بچه قرار گرفته؟ فکر نمی کنی بچه را دانشمندان جمهوری از "سلول پایه" درست کرده اند و در پروسه ی عمل، کمی نور دیده و چومبول مربوطه چند سانتی متری بالاتر زده بیرون؟
I wish we can set aside the political problems and look at the humanitarian aspect
I am sure that you believe in this massage and hope you consider my tragic situation. I know you receive tons of emails each day and you may be very busy at the moment to continue reading my email. But, I hope you take a few minutes and read this email to the end. Your time is greatly appreciated. I am an Iranian woman, perusing my Ph.D at Brown University. I came to this country 7 years a go hoping for a better education and future which was denied to me in my home country... Not long a go, my mother, whom I have not seen for 7 years was diagnosed with cancer. I was devastated hearing the news but again, did not go back to Iran hoping and praying that through chemotherapy she can overcome it
U.S. and Georgia have made clear their long-range objective is to expand NATO’s military influence
After a long time being used as a leverage to extract greater concessions from Russia, finally on August 14, 2008 with great fanfare and at a much higher price, Poland conceded to letting the U.S. use part of its territory for establishing a sizeable military base in northern Poland run by American military personnel and armed with 10 U.S. global interceptor rockets. Among the most crucial factors that spurned the binding of the agreement at this moment in time were the extremely tense relations between Russia and the U.S. over the crisis in Georgia, which in turn motivated Washington to upgrade the terms of the deal with Poland. Apparently the White House was in such a hurry in the early days of the Georgian crisis to wrest the Polish accord that it was ready to pay practically any price to entice the pro-imperialist Polish ruling elite
حکایت خبر بهایی شدن هادی خرسندی و جان شیرین و جان مهناز و بقیه
در گویا نیوز خبری دیدم مبنی بر بهایی بودن هادی خرسندی، کلیک کردم و سر از اصغرآقا در آوردم. رفتن به اصغرآقا آسان است ولی بیرون آمدن از سایت خرسندی، که همواره با خرسندی همراه است، مکافات دارد. سخت است از آن همه مطالب دلچسب و طبع روان و قلم شیرین و بانمک دل بکنی! به هر حال، شایعه برای ایرانی جماعت صنار خرج برنمی دارد. هر کسی بنابه نحوه ی تفکر خود، به دیگری تهمت می زند و در سایت اینترنتی و یا در روزنامه و یا مجله ای منتشر می کند و قانون هم در آن کشور گل و بلبل، فقط جیب وکلا را پر می کند و لطیفه ایست که دیگر ما را نمی خنداند.
Dealing with Iran and the next democratic Vice Presidential candidate
By the time you read this article, you might have already heard who the actual VP is on the Senator Obama’s ticket. And I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut tonight that there is a good chance that my phone will ring early morning on Wednesday, like two million other phones to say that Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America. As an American with Iranian ethnicity, who like many others has followed the US’s foreign policy toward Iran in the past decades I can say Joe is the best choice. This judgment is not only based on the fact that Senator Biden has foreign policy experience as the chair of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, but also because of his unmatched actions and interest in opening up with Iran
Yasmina Khadra's "The Attack"
No matter the questions of the puzzled observer and the clever expert, there are never any proper answers. Forget the possibility of even half-baked ones. The mind of the suicide bomber already blessed for her spiritual martyrdom, is unworkable for a psychological penetration, mute to ramblings and secretive to disclosures. The intimidating icy personality disguised behind its feminine veil, shuns any attempt at recalling the basic laws of compassion and the resurrection bearing any normal perspective of humanity that would have long faded away, by the time the hour of the ghastly act dawns
Recollections of writers, translators, men and women of the pen
On the occasion of 28 Mordad (Aug 19, 1953), I thought that by translating and summarizing parts of these recollections, some of which are quite fascinating and moving, we might see the past from different perspectives. In many ways, while Iran is being targeted on all fronts, whether right or wrong, the events of Aug 1953 are still with us in the most haunting way. Writers, scholars and people in general, Iranians and Americans alike, continue to be mesmerized with what really took place on those days when a nation’s destiny was changed overnight, trying to analyze these events and to find answers to the many questions they raise. Above all, more than that of any other Iranian political figure of modern times, Mossadegh’s legacy lives on
I hope Iran’s politicians are not counting too much on China and Russia’s support
This “friendship” that politicians and clerics in the Islamic Republic of Iran consider useful, is nothing more than a “doostie khale kherse”! Either Iran’s politicians have no problems with this one-sided friendship or they are ignorant of the fact that they are being played! When the Russians attacked South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Iran’s media blew this up into former-USSR-propaganda proportions! I don’t think Russian media even claimed this attack to be as much as a success as Iranian media did!
گمان می کنم ما بیش از هر چیز به نویسندگانی مانند لورکا احتیاج داریم
دیشب نمایش یرما اثر فدریکو گارسیا لورکا را دیدم. پیش از رفتن به نمایش دلم می خواست چند کلمه در موردش بنویسم ولی کار و گرفتاری نگذاشت و برای همین موکولش کردم به نوشتن مطلبی به بهانه اجرای یرما. از اجراهایی که در آن یرما از صبح تا شب با لباس خواب جلوی چشمان خوان می چرخد تا او را به رختخواب بکشاند و باز هم تلاشی بکنند تا شاید بچه دار شدند خوشم نمی آید. از ویکتوری که هی مردانگی مذکر خود را به رخ تماشاچی می کشد خوشم نمی آید. از خوان قلدری که زنش را له و لورده می کند خوشم نمی آید. نکته ی شخصیت های لورکا در دوگانگی وجودی شان است. یرما در عین عفیف بودن پر است از امیال سرکوب شده. خوان در عین قلدری و سختی، شکننده هم هست. ویکتور دخترکش نیست، بلکه جفت مناسبی است برای یرما و آن دو خودشان این را نمی دانند بلکه ما هستیم که این را می دانیم و در خلال نمایش به آن پی می بریم.
The truth behind Spiegel’s article on Cyrus the Great
by Cyrus Kar
In a recent article, titled “UN Treasure Honors Persian Despot,” Spiegel Magazine criticizes the United Nations for recognizing an ancient artifact believed by many to be the world’s first declaration of human rights. The “Persian Despot” of course is Cyrus The Great, the author of the doctrine inscribed on the outer surface of a clay cylinder housed at the British Museum in London where it’s simply known as the Cyrus Cylinder. When this cylinder was discovered in 1879, amid the ruins of Babylon, it made huge headlines in the Christian West. It was the first time a biblical story had been confirmed through archaeology. But the euphoria quickly wore off. The democratic age had no room for a celebrated monarch
Photo essay: Iranian women's gathering in Berkeley
talieshah >>>
نیروی هوائی به تنهائی از پس دشمن بر خواهد آمد هیچ ترسی نداشته باشید
مکان: اتاق فرمان، مرکز بسیار محرمانه و سرّی ستاد فرمانده ای کّل نیروهای نظامی ایران در تهران. حاضرین: فرماندگان نیروهای زمینی، هوائی، دریائی و سپاه پاسداران، یک آیت الله نماینده دفتر رهبری، اکبر آقا آبدار باشی، یک بچه گربه و چند تا مگس سمج. دستور جلسه: اطلاعات محرمانه از طرف سفارت انگلیس در مورد حمله اسرائیل و آمادگی ایران برای دفاع از وطن. آیت الله خطاب به فرمانده نیروی هوائی: خوب تیمسار شما بفرمائید در صورت برخاستن هواپیماهای اسرائیل از خاک آن کشور و مشاهده آمدن آنها بسوی ایران در دستگاههای رادار شما، آیا چه سناریوهائی را پیش بینی کرده اید و نقشه برخورد شما باآنها چیست؟
What to do if U.S. immigration service is not making a decision on your case
A mandamus is a writ that is used to compel an administrative agency to act. For instance if your adjustment of status or your citizenship is pending for a long period of time, you can opt to file such an action. The Mandamus Act authorizes the court to order a remedy. It does not provide independent, substantive grounds for a suit. In other words, what the court is going to determine the reasons why the decisions are pending not the outcome of the decision. Therefore by forcing the agency to make a decision can also result in a denial. At that point appeals or motions to reopen can be timely filed.
Punisher of pride and hubris waits impatiently for her meeting with us
Nemesis is Chalmers Johnson‘s third volume from his "inadvertent trilogy". Edith Hamilton, an expert in ancient Greek mythology, says Nemesis stands for “righteous anger.” The first of this trilogy was Blowback, the term, invented by the CIA, refers to the unintended results of American actions abroad. In this incisive and controversial book, Chalmers Johnson lays out in vivid detail the dangers faced by our overextended empire, which insists on projecting its military power to every corner of the earth using American capital and markets to force global economic integration on its own terms