25-Feb-2011 (5 comments)
گاهی نور
خسته از تابش
پشت کرکره ابر
آرام در خواب است
و ما صدای هق هق اش را
از ابر می شنویم >>>


Present is in the Past

Present is in the Past

Photo essay: Before the dying days of Mubarak's regime

by Keyvan Tabari
23-Feb-2011 (3 comments)



Celebration of Pain

Celebration of Pain

Photo essay: Thaipusam Hindu festival in Malaysia

by Rogi Karimi
23-Feb-2011 (10 comments)



شکستن مرزهای خودی و ناخودی

منشوری که تمامیت جنبش سبز را نمایندگی نمی‌کند

23-Feb-2011 (6 comments)
اگر در هشت ماهه اول پس از انتخابات ریاست جمهوری خرداد ۸۸ شعارهای اصلاحی در حرکت‌های خیابانی وجه غالب را داشت و به تدریج شعارهای ساختارشکن نمود پیدا می‌کرد، در تظاهرات اعتراضی ۲۵ بهمن به وضوح شعارهای اخیر عمومیت یافته بود. این تظاهرات نشان داد که جنبش سبز اکنون از مرحله خواسته‌های اصلاحی در محدوده قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی گذشته و با هدف‌گیری شخص خامنه‌ای و ولایت فقیه موجودیت نظام را زیر سؤال برده است>>>


Hengameh in Hell

Award-winning journalist in Islamic Republic's prison

23-Feb-2011 (9 comments)
In a cold, concrete cell at Tehran’s Evin prison sits 36-year Hengameh Shahidi, a single mother to one little girl. The well-respected, award winning journalist and fervent women’s rights advocate was recently sentenced to a 6-year prison term for “conspiring against the Islamic regime.” In the Islamic Republic of Iran, promoting Women Rights and speaking out against violations at the hands of the reigning Ayatollahs is clearly, a grave crime>>>


من و دوست غولم

با يك ماچ نمي شد همه اش را بوسيد

23-Feb-2011 (9 comments)
دراز كشيدم رو كاناپه و سرم را گذاشتم رو شكم نرم و گنده آقا غوله. شكمش عين بالش بادي سفري بود. از آن هايي كه وسطش قد يك كله گود شده. قشنگ سرم رو گودي ناف غول جونم كيپ شده بود. او هم داشت موهاي مرا بهم مي ريخت. به خيال خودش داشت نوازشم مي كرد. اينقدر ترسيده بودم كه شرايط حرص خورن از اينكه يكي با دست هايي به آن گنده گي موهايم را درهم و برهم مي كند و مي كشد و مي كَنَد را نداشتم>>>


Yeki bood yeki nabood

Our culture – assaulted as it may seem - still maintains its profound beauty

Among a pile of forwards I happened to receive a nice clip about the beginning phrase of Iranian fairytales, Yeki-bood-yeki nabood - one was and one wasn’t. And it went on to conclude that such a phrase being hammered into us from childhood may well be the reason why we choose to be alone, always “yeki” and never a team. That if one is there, the other is absent. As if someone had just offered the best food for my eccentric thoughts, my mind took off and hard as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to get rid of it>>>


صدای بهار
23-Feb-2011 (2 comments)
اینجا زمستان است صدای بهار
مُچها جوانه زدند
آسفالت هم سبز شد زیرِ پاها
چاره‌ای نیست
باید شكفت یا مُرد


Democracy NOW!

Democracy NOW!

Photo essay: Freedom rally by Iranians in Washington, DC

by Ali Khaligh
21-Feb-2011 (16 comments)



Freedom NOW!

Freedom NOW!

Photo essay: Iranians in San Francisco rally for freedom

by SFM
21-Feb-2011 (11 comments)



Not Just A Number

Problems? Someone across the ocean that has it worse

21-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
We forget that there are children, yes children, who are literally dying for a glimpse of the freedom we take for granted. They are risking their lives, so that they too can create an environment where their country can prosper through their ability to be free. Free to simply obtain the right of a human being. Instead every time they try to vocalize these rights, rights that are so natural to us here in North America, they are treated like objects. Beaten to the point where many are slowly dying on the streets in agony and pain>>>


Clear Shift

Khamenei's hypocrisy has surely not been lost on Iran's youth

21-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
The Islamic Republic finds itself in a precarious position. As protests in Egypt grew, the regime could no longer stay silent on such a seismic shift in its backyard. The official spin -- calling it an Egyptian "Islamic awakening" -- was of course necessitated by its own crackdown on post-election protests in 2009 and into last year. While such propaganda may serve well with older and more susceptible classes, Iran's youth knows the power of information and watched Egypt's youth achieve what they could not: the overthrow of their ruling dictator>>>


Changing From Within

I will not see it happen in my lifetime

21-Feb-2011 (44 comments)
The key thing that many seem to forget or ignore is the way Iran's legal system and constitution is set up. This is the crucial point for all of us to get through our heads, because as wishful as we all are for various levels of reform to occur, it simply can't, according to established Iranian Law and it's strange Constitution. It is currently a felony crime to suggest that Iran's constitution be changed>>>


Radioactive Fear

Propaganda to instill fear into the hearts and minds of Americans

21-Feb-2011 (7 comments)
There is now a new semi-documentary, semi-science fiction propaganda film in the US, entitled Iranium (Iran + Uranium). As an Iranian-American, after watching the film, I felt angry that here we were with another Hollywood film demonizing Iranians. This of course had started with the movie Not Without My Daughter filmed in 1991 in Neve Ilan, Israel about Iran. Then there was more, more recently the movie 300 which took the IEDs wielding Persians (same as Iranians) to the sixth century BCE, against the freedom-loving Spartans>>>



آنی شده بودم که دلم می خواست

21-Feb-2011 (9 comments)
از جنگل پشت خانه، هوای فشرده از باران به داخل خانه هجوم می آورد تا کاری کند که ماهی ها، دور سرم شروع به شنا کردن کنند. از صبح که بیدار شدم دلم هوس ماهی شدن کرده بود. هر کاری که کردم نه پولکی در آوردم و نه فلسی برای غوطه ور شدن در آب رودخانه ی جزیره.>>>