Farzad Kamangar had given hope to Kurdish children
Farzad had given hope to Kurdish children; so the Islamic Republic of Iran forces killed him. They labelled him an enemy because he longed to keep his heritage alive. He was locked up because he was a danger to the dictator who is unable to survive with people like him alive. Farzad was a liberator; so oppression tightened its grip on him until he choked to death.
Letter from Farzad Kamangar on anniversary of his execution
Farzad Kamangar wrote the following piece in memory of a political prisoner from 1980’s. This political prisoner who suffered from terrible poor vision used a small piece of cardboard in place of each lens when his glasses broke during beatings and torture. This was the last image of him seen by his mother. The aforementioned political prisoner was subsequently murdered under torture and was buried in an unknown and unmarked grave
She is and could be anyone’s sister, daughter or friend on an extraordinary path
It was interesting to me, there she was, in prison on her birthday and she was worried about me. She was still the Bahareh I remembered. Always putting concern for others ahead of concern for herself. Bahareh will not be calling home for her birthday this year, though her friends gathered once again to celebrate the day in her absence. I have no doubt that despite over a year of being in prison and despite all these pressures, she remains the same Bahareh, putting concern for others ahead of her own needs
For rights activist Bahareh Hedayat
Like the millions of younger women and men of her generation, Bahareh desires rights, dignity, prosperity, family, and love. Why does she have to celebrate her 30th birthday in the Evin prison? What is the crime that she has committed that warrants her spending her 30s, the best years of her life, in solitary confinement? Why she is denied the basic and simple human rights of celebrating her birthday and wedding anniversary with her beloved husband on April 5th? She is in prison because she dared to exercise her civil rights and demand what belongs to her
Middle East's religious and cultural reformation
The current grassroots uprising against the theocratic scrooges or autocratic puppets and their hegemonic linchpins, spanning from North and the horn of Africa, to Southeast Asia supports such a re-awakening paradigm. The fundamentalist crypto-theocracy has also remained an impending predicament in several countries against the organic aspirations of the masses yearning to establish the rule of law, security and sovereignty, modernity, justice and equality, transparency, equality, and peace
Iranians can take comfort that the international community is finally answering their call
Thanks to its active presence on the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Obama administration was able to work with Sweden and a broad coalition of cross-regional partners to ensure the Council took action on Iran. This groundwork paid off today as the HRC voted to establish an independent human rights monitor on Iran to address the ongoing human rights crisis. The need for a monitor is clear. Iran’s dismal human rights record has only been getting worse, with the Iranian government going on an “execution binge” and severe penalties for political dissent that have even landed 28 journalists and 9 bloggers in prison
Express your love and appreciation
by AI
Traditional Nowruz celebrations include the preparation of a Haft Sin table which literally means the seven s’s. Seven items beginning with the Persian letter sin (equivalent to the English s) and which represent spring time are set out. To honor this tradition, this year Amnesty International has selected seven cases, all of them prisoners of conscience who have been identified by Amnesty International as “individuals at risk” and are therefore targeted for intensified campaigning
کانال مستقیمی برای انعکاس اخبار مربوط به نقض حقوق بشر در ایران در سازمان ملل
ما در سالهای اخیر شاهد آنیم که جامعه جهانی بیش از گذشته به نقض حقوق بشر در ایران اعتراض میکند و کمتر روز و هفتهای است که صدایی در محکومیت رژیم ایران بلند نشود. این صداها همچنین در نهادهای بینالمللی و به خصوص سازمان ملل پژواک پیدا کرده است، به طوری که اکنون پس از نزدیک به یک دهه موضوع تعیین یک گزارشگر ویژه برای ایران در دستور کار شورای حقوق بشر قرار گرفته است
It concerns me
when we joke about catastrophes
It concerns me
when in our scale; the price of oil is heavier than freedom
by IranHumanRights.org
Over the past 32 years, Iranian security forces have widely relied on “house arrests,” detention in a “safe houses,” or in a “secret prison,” of prominent opponents who enjoy a wide social base, or who enjoy religious or partisan backing. Reviewing the evidence it becomes evident that Islamic Republic rulers have taken advantage of these methods for cracking down on critics and dissidents. But while the two methods share many similarities, their implementation and objectives differ
Award-winning journalist in Islamic Republic's prison
In a cold, concrete cell at Tehran’s Evin prison sits 36-year Hengameh Shahidi, a single mother to one little girl. The well-respected, award winning journalist and fervent women’s rights advocate was recently sentenced to a 6-year prison term for “conspiring against the Islamic regime.” In the Islamic Republic of Iran, promoting Women Rights and speaking out against violations at the hands of the reigning Ayatollahs is clearly, a grave crime
صدای پر از بغض برادر صانع ژاله یادآور تراژدی دوران بربریت بود
جوانان را می کشند و خانواده هایشان را از سوگواری منع می کنند. از طریق رسانه ها و مهره هایشان، دیگران را به خیانت متهم می کند. دیکتاتوری خود را قادر برحق می بیند و هیچگونه نافرمانی را تاب نمی آورد و از سوی دیگر به هیچ مرامی پایبند نیست و از مرده ها انتقام می کشد و با انحصاری کردن جنازه و منع سوگواری آبرومندانه، و در واقع با تحقیر مقتول به تحقیر مضاعف دودمانش برمی خیزد
دیگر از هیچ غولی نمی ترسم چون می دانم همه ی آنها قلبی دارند به وسعت تمام مهربانی های جهان
اصلن مهم نیست که درست همین حالا پرنده ای از بالای سرت می گذرد، بی آنکه حتی نگاهت بکند. اصلن مهم نیست که در کناره های ساحل جزیره غول عاشقی غرق شده باشد بی آنکه حتی صدای آخرین آخش را شنیده باشی. اصلن مهم نیست که تو درحال گذار از وهم تاریخ گذشته ای باشی که حتی هجاهای بی صدایش خاطر عزیزت را مکدر کرده باشد. درست همین حالا دو کودکی را به یاد می آورم که پدرشان سر دار رفته است