

Nuke Plants? Please!

Can you imagine the nightmare if a natural disaster hits Bushehr?

16-Mar-2011 (41 comments)
The Iranian people -- especially those living in Bushehr, the sight of the nuclear power-plant-to-be -- must be feeling not merely a sense of sadness for the people of Japan in these days of severe hardship and suffering. As the people of Bushehr in particular start digesting the implications for them and start to find out about more details of the unfolding disaster in Japan, they certainly will be reflecting on their own situation and the possible threats directed at them by the nuclear power plant that has yet to go live, in their port city on Persian Gulf>>>


Bushehr? Earthquake? Disaster?

Japan tsunami and Iran’s quest for nuclear energy

16-Mar-2011 (41 comments)
It is time for Iran too to revisit its nuclear ambitions. Unlike Japan, Iran is immune to devastating tsunamis, as Iran possesses no oceanfront. But like Japan, Iran has proven to be an earthquake prone country. An earthquake of a similar magnitude as experienced near the cost of Japan can potentially threaten Iran’s nuclear reactors. Furthermore, Iran’s oil and gas and other industrial sectors have historically suffered from under-investment, grave negligence, and lack of overhaul. If anything, this history raises concerns about the safety of the Iranian nuclear reactors in the long run>>>


Focus on Rights

Holding Iran accountable for its human rights abuses

16-Mar-2011 (2 comments)
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Suzanne Nossel spoke on Capitol Hill at an event sponsored by the National Iranian American Council before Congressional staffers, civil society and the press to make the case for creating a Special Rapporteur on Iran at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. "The case for a new mandate focused on human rights in Iran is powerful," Nossel said, explaining that the human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated since the 2009 Presidential elections>>>


گزارشگر ویژه برای ایران

کانال مستقیمی برای انعکاس اخبار مربوط به نقض حقوق بشر در ایران در سازمان ملل

16-Mar-2011 (4 comments)
ما در سال‌های اخیر شاهد آنیم که جامعه جهانی بیش از گذشته به نقض حقوق بشر در ایران اعتراض می‌کند و کمتر روز و هفته‌ای است که صدایی در محکومیت رژیم ایران بلند نشود. این صداها هم‌چنین در نهادهای بین‌المللی و به خصوص سازمان ملل پژواک پیدا کرده است، به طوری که اکنون پس از نزدیک به یک دهه موضوع تعیین یک گزارشگر ویژه برای ایران در دستور کار شورای حقوق بشر قرار گرفته است>>>


NoRooz NEVER cowbug

If we can't stand up for NoRooz, then what do we stand for?

16-Mar-2011 (13 comments)
Once again, my personal NoRooz tradition and mission of bashing the inherently wrong and unduly horrendous English spelling of nowruz begins like Spring herself, anew. Once again, I carefully prepare to gird my loins as the necessary backlash arrives from those haplessly less versed than I in Anglicus Lactosa, and hopelessly trapped in Encyclopaedia Iranica, and we begin our endless dance once again>>>


It concerns me
16-Mar-2011 (3 comments)
It concerns me  
when we joke about catastrophes
It concerns me
when in our scale; the price of oil is heavier than freedom >>>