

Down but not out

Interview with an insider on Rafsanjani's downfall

09-Mar-2011 (6 comments)
Khamenei might be okay with a weak Rafsanjani but he does not want to see him eliminated. What Rafsanjani did was that he convinced Mahdavi-Kani to run. This man [Mahdavi-Kani] is a very conservative but a moderate cleric. Rafsanjani and Mahdavi-Kani have been political allies for many years. This [Mahdavi-Kani’s nomination and subsequent victory] was a team effort led by Rafsanjani. Mahdavi-Kani has always been viewed as someone who could mediate between different factions in the Islamic Republic>>>


Mousavi's Children Forsaken

Their share today and ours during his reign

09-Mar-2011 (48 comments)
I remembered the summer of 1981. It was the golden years of Khomeini’s reign, and Mir-Hussein Mousavi was his prime minister; Mehdi Karroubi was the head of the Mostazafen Foundation of Islamic Revolution [Bonyad-e Mostazafen va Janbazan]. And I was in prison. My brother, Aref, had been martyred in peaceful demonstrations held on the 30th of Khordad [June 20, 1981]. My husband, Mahmoud, had been arrested and tortured such that for his execution, he had to be carried on a stretcher>>>


زن، بزرگترین قربانی انقلاب اسلامی ایران

مردان غالبا از قوانین تبعیض‌آمیز جمهوری اسلامی به نفع خود بهره می‌گیرند

09-Mar-2011 (9 comments)
هنوز برای مرد ایرانی این نکته کاملا جا نیفتاده است که به زن به عنوان یک انسان نگاه کند و نه به عنوان کسی که به انسان دیگری متعلق است. پذیرش زن به عنوان یک انسان مستقل شرط اولیه نگاه به او به عنوان یک انسان هم‌تراز و برابر با مرد است، و تا وقتی این مفهوم در فرهنگ جامعه ما شیوع پیدا نکند و مرد ایرانی با آن خو نگیرد، تبعیض سازمان یافته علیه زنان هم چنان ادامه خواهد یافت>>>


Saving Farsi

Maybe we don’t love our language enough to invest in its survival

09-Mar-2011 (4 comments)
It is hard to understand why in a community that prides itself for its wealth and knowledge; no one has stepped forward to help those who are desperately trying to resuscitate this “dying language.” When our children are small, we spend part of the weekend to drag them to community schools to teach them a little Persian, but when a university offers it, which would in turn train our future teachers, we don’t seem to grasp its importance. If these students are denied further studies in Persian education, then who is going to teach the children of our children? >>>


 اگه منو دوست داشتی

خدایا منو خر کن ولی گیر آدم خر ننداز

09-Mar-2011 (3 comments)
دستت درد نکنه که یادآوری کردی به خاطر من چه ها کردی. یک کلمه نگفتی من به خاطر تو چه کردم. تو نمی خوای مشکل منو حل کنی. می خواستی مشکل خودت رو حل کنی. حرفات مونده بود سر دلت. نکنه خدایی نکرده یه غمی هم رو دل تو سنگینی کنه. گناه داری والا. اونم می خواستی بریزی سر من که ریختی. همچین که دلت می گیره می گی نکنه اون فلان فلان شده باکیش نباشه>>>