"Let Gaza Live"

"Let Gaza Live"

Photo essay: San Francisco rally against Israeli aggression

by Nazy Kaviani
12-Jan-2009 (42 comments)



Voicing anger

Voicing anger

Photo essay: London protest march to Israeli Embassy

by RL Banks
12-Jan-2009 (4 comments)



The Widow’s Tale

From the manuscript, "Contemporary Jinn Stories"

11-Jan-2009 (3 comments)
I felt an upheaval in the universe. Not a single atom shifted position or changed state, but the world flipped, as though it had been a perceptual illusion. The cube that turns inside out, the chalice that becomes two faces. But when the cube turning inside out is the whole universe, the sensation is no longer one of amusement. It is the utmost terror. The jinn kept his imploring stare on me. My instinct was to run out of the cemetery. But the walls receded explosively in all directions, enlarging the graveyard faster than I could hope to run. All around me was nothing but an expanding ocean of Koranic verses interspersed with dates of birth and dates of death. This is it! I thought to myself>>>


It's not stealing...

... it just looks that way

11-Jan-2009 (13 comments)
The Palestinians have been suffering for over 50 years. Their experiences if nothing else, proves one thing. If you are going to get mugged, get mugged when you are alone. That way, when the guy grabs your wallet provoking you to knee him in the groin and he recoils in pain so you're able to grab your wallet back, no one is going to think the worst of you. From Beijing to Portland, from Brazil to Alaska, every lawful society acknowledges the in-alienable right of self-defense. The mugger is the aggressor and the one being mugged is the victim. Case closed>>>


Organization of death

What does a power like America expect by unconditionally supporting Israeli policy?

11-Jan-2009 (8 comments)
By continuing to have a contemptuous attitude toward with the Palestinians (Arabs in general), seeking concession after concession, preferring to nibble on the territory - a piece of Jerusalem here, a settlement there ... what would be the result at the end? A gradual transformation of a negotiable situation into an explosive one. If Israel and the U.S. continue to deny the unspeakable humiliating outlook that drives their policies, then despair will continue to spread from country to country. And in this escalation, every day is a day too many. If they persist on not do answering the question why a young stone thrower in 1987, has been transformed into a human bomb seven years later?, then forgotten young lives will increasingly be candidates for death. >>>


داستانی نه تازه

"ازانتخاب شدن باراک اوباما دلخوری؟"

مرد راه داشت که از کنار آن دو تا دختر که نزدیک به در، روبروی هم ایستاده بودند رد شود اما نمی دانم چرا آمد درست ازمیان آن دو گذشت و کیف سیاه پلاستیکی اش اصابت کرد به دست دختری که هم داشت حرف می زد و هم روغنی به لبهای خود می مالید. دخترگفت "هوی!" مرد نشنید یا نشنیده گرفت؟ و سرانجام چیزی را که می خواست ازتوی جیب بغل درآورد، یک بلیط اتوبوس بود، آمد کنارمن ایستاد که کمی آنسوتر چسبیده به شیشه ایستاده بودم وسعی می کردم بی آنکه دخترها متوجه شوند نگاهشان کنم، و مرد حالا داشت دنبال کسی می گشت که بلیط خود را به او بدهد، انگار نمی دانست در اینجور اتوبوسها تو فقط باید بلیط خود را در جیب داشته باشی که اگرماموران مربوطه وارد شدند بلیطت را به آنان نشان بدهی.دخترگفت "با کیف لعنتی ش داشت من را کورمی کرد.">>>


آرزوی بزرگ

در فقدان حاکميتی سکولاريستی نه رسيدن به کثرت گرائی و تساهل و تحمل ممکن است و نه وصول به آرزوی بزرگ دموکراسی

11-Jan-2009 (one comment)
تا زمانی که روشنفکران ايران در نيابند که در برابر حکومت اسلامی دينکاران در کشورمان، بدون توسل و ابرام بر سکولاريسم (که آلترناتيو هر حکومت ايدئولوژيک است) هرگز نمی توان به پلوراليسم و دموکراسی رسيد، مطرح ساختن شعار «دموکراسی خواهی»، بعنوان نخستين اولويت مبارزه، راه را بر جا افتادن انواع سوء تفاهم های اختراعی اصلاح طلبان حکومتی می گشايد. بعبارت ديگر، حکومت دينکاران در ايران، و جناح های مختلف آن، همواره از اينکه مخالفانشان خواست سکولاريسم را به کناری نهاده و خواهان دموکراسی شوند استقبال می کنند و همواره آماده اند تا با ايجاد بحث های انحرافی مختلفی همچون «مردمسالاری اسلامی» وقت مردم و رقبا را تلف کرده و بر سر قدرت باقی بمانند. >>>


می سوزم و اما . . .
آبم نمی کنی؟
"نمی گیریم از موم؟
نمی خوای بگزی
آواز زنبورها رو
از کندوی لبام؟
آبم نمی کنی؟" >>>


Circled the world 3 times over
11-Jan-2009 (2 comments)
I feel like Marco Polo
I’m circling the world solo
Then I met u
An hour turned into a day, a day turned into a mid summer nights dream
The future I’ve already seen
There’s no white picket fence
Things are very tense >>>


Voting in the Dark

Iranians want change but have not yet figured out a way to create change

09-Jan-2009 (10 comments)
In a few months Iran will hold presidential elections, which most likely will result in Ahmadinejad remaining as president. This will not be due to an expression of what the majority of Iranians want but due to the fact that there still remains a slight chance that Iran will be attacked. After America invaded Iraq preparations were made within the Iranian power structure for war, and this included installing Revolutionary Guard hardliners throughout government organizations, with Ahmadinejad being the most visible. Essentially a shadow military junta has been created so as to back up the theocracy in the event Iran has to go on a war footing>>>


Welcome new source

Launching BBC Persian TV

09-Jan-2009 (25 comments)
We finally had some good news: BBC Persian TV, the second professional news and television program, is slated to launch by the end of this month. Many of the journalists and editors of PTV -- as the BBC refers to it -- are my old friends and colleagues and most of them have no TV background. But there is no need for panic, the BBC always offers the best (or one of the best) training programs. Almost all of the 140 PTV employees have now completed their courses on TV journalism. BBC PTV has only one rival: VOA Persian, news and feature programs run by VOA out of Washington. DC, but many experts believe the quality and content of the VOA programs do not meet BBC standards>>>


British, Persian or German?

An illiterate bully who soon became intoxicated with power

09-Jan-2009 (39 comments)
Reza Shah truly instigated the wide ranging modernization of Iran from a filthy, backward and lawless shell-of-an-state, to a functioning and advancing society. With the new roads and trucks, the all too frequent famines of the earlier twentieth century disappeared. Under the new army’s watchful eyes, bandits and tribes could no longer rob the caravans or invade towns and villages. The new schools and colleges gave hope and purpose to many youths for a better future and the flourishing of their talents. Emancipation of women encouraged that half of the population to play a more active role in public life. Municipal modernizations, public health initiatives and vaccinations, lowered the infant and general mortality rates and provided a brighter outlook for young families. >>>


09-Jan-2009 (3 comments)
زنجیری که به پای من است
عشق نوباوگان وطن است.
مگر تو نمیدانی
قلبی که در سینه اِشان میرقصد
طبل جنگ گیلان من است.
خونی که در رگشان میجوشد
انتقام مام وطن است.
این ابریشم نتابیده
حرف حساب من است. >>>


Lost in a Dream
09-Jan-2009 (4 comments)
I dreamt of you last night
lost, I could see the end near
on the road I walked to reach you
trees of apple tall, flowering in the hands of the wind
drinking from my heart
and I wished you
like the moment gone... >>>


Guns & roses

Guns & roses

Photo essay: British woman traveling in Iran

by Lori
08-Jan-2009 (20 comments)
