Kill the Black Dog

“Religion’s anything that teach good. Anything teach bad is not religion even when people say it’s religion.”

15-Dec-2008 (2 comments)
The unrelenting August rain pounded the cabin roof of an Alaskan Chilkat Valley campground. Sitting by the crackling fire and looking through a large window, I could see soaring snow-capped mountains and thousands of bald eagles feasting on the abundant Chilkat River’s salmon. The remoteness of the unspoiled wilderness made me feel as if I had arrived at the end of the world. About several dozen people had come to this camp for a week of rest and restoration that included informal talks and workshops. It was a recess time. One of the participants, a very elderly Tlinget Indian man and I sat together enjoying the magnificent display of nature>>>


Self-desired loneliness

Le Clezio and the myth of the reclusive artist

15-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
I was reading a piece in Persian about J.M.G. Le Clezio, the winner of this year’s Nobel Literature Prize. If you allow me to go to a tangent at the beginning of an essay; it never fails to surprise, and delight me, to see how active Iranians, the ones living in Iran, are in pursuing international and global issues of art, literature, and basically what helps us continue to be human. Considering the information blockade which prevails there, it is quite striking to read pieces in so many journals which show a deep understanding of issues beyond the borders of Iran, and even beyond the immediate concerns of Iranians. I have it from several sources, one particularly reliable, that Iran alone publishes more translated literature than its neighbouring Arab countries together. >>>


Who are Iranian-Americans?

Surveys and the Iranian community

15-Dec-2008 (3 comments)
It seems that one of the trendiest things to do in the Iranian community nowadays, (other than avoiding any sort of action at all costs) is the perennial community Survey. Recently the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) in Washington, DC, the latest organization with the usual need to serve, announced the results of yet another survey, this time a Zogby phone survey! This implied secret-sauce of information and revelation of who we are, that will somehow explain our superiority, and cure all our ills, inspires and invites and begs deserved criticism. Just ask me how I know!>>>


 توجيه تفکر ضد خردمداری

تضاد تئوری «نسبيت فرهنگي» با حقوق بشر

15-Dec-2008 (one comment)
مهم ترين قدمی که امسال در بزرگداشت حقوق بشر برداشته شده، از سوی دو تن از فعالين حقوق بشر بود که به شکل مخالفتی علنی با نقض حقوق بشر به بهانه ی تئوری «نسبيت فرهنگی» صورت گرفت. اين دو فعال حقوق بشر، خانم شيرين عبادی و آقای وول سويينکا، برندگان جايزه ی صلح نوبل از دو کشور ايران و نيجريه، بودند؛ دو کشوری که هر دو بر اساس شريعت اسلامی اداره می شوند. در اين اعتراض، خانم شيرين عبادی، بعنوان يک حقوقدان، ساختار «شورای حقوق بشر» را از يکسو، و «نقض حقوق بشر« در کشورهای اسلامی را، از سوی ديگر، به پرسش گرفت؛ و آقای وول سويينکا، نويسنده ی انساندوست نيجريه ای نيز رسماً عليه ديدگاه «نسبيت فرهنگی» ايستاده و «وحشی گری» هایی را که کشورهاي مسلمان زير پوشش سنت و توجيه آن بوسيله ی اين تئوری انجام می دهند سخت مورد انتقاد قرار داد. >>>


پرونده تئاتر شهر در تهران

راستی قرار است اسلام امروز بر سر فرهنگ های باستانی چه بلایی بیاورد؟

15-Dec-2008 (3 comments)
فرهنگ زدایی شاخ و دم ندارد. به همین سادگی آب می بندند به پاسارگاد! از زیر چهارباغ مترو رد می کنند و در کنار بیستون بایست حتماً یک اتوبان بسازند تا تمام علائم گذشته و تمدن پیشین محو شود. به همین سادگی! تصورش را بکنید که یک کشور هفتاد و چند میلیونی فقط چند سالن تئاترش فعال باشد! و تازه فعال ترین سالن در معرض انواع و اقسام تهدیدهاست. می خواهند از زیرش مترو رد کنند! در سی سال گذشته، در هر گوشه پارک دانشجو مسجدی ساخته اند و از یاد نبریم که تمام نمایشهایی که در این سالن اجرا می شود از زیر دست و نظر و خودکامگی های صاف چی های ارشادی و ممیزی های گوناگون گذشته است. >>>


Heart & soul

Heart & soul

Photo essay: Working the land near Kermanshah

by Kourosh Moazami
13-Dec-2008 (8 comments)



Bridging the Persian Gulf

UAE remains the main re-export capital for Iran

13-Dec-2008 (one comment)
After months of intense focus on the economy, the recent attack in Mumbai was a sombre reminder that the incoming Obama administration will have to confront many other serious threats as well. Beyond terrorism, Iran's nuclear programme is also likely to be high on the president-elect's priority list. The success of US strategy in tackling and resolving these critical issues will depend, in large part, on how effectively the new administration is able to work with -- and gain the cooperation of -- the countries in the Persian Gulf. The Mumbai attack offers a case in point. The Gulf remains a major source of funding for al-Qaida and its affiliates, with millions of dollars being sent from the region to terrorist groups>>>


از قرطبه تا بمبئی 2

مبارزه با بدعت منحوس تروریسم تنها وقتی موثّر است که عاری از هرگونه امّا و اگری باشد

13-Dec-2008 (7 comments)
یکی از ترفند های توجیه گران تروریسم سنگ انداختن در مسیر تعریف دقیق و روشن این پدیده است. میگویند: "تروریست بودن" بستگی به تعریف دارد یعنی آنکس که به زعم یکنفر "تروریست" است ممکن است برای کس دیگری "آزادیخواه" قلمداد شود. این یک مغلطه محض است. تعریف تروریسم روشن و تفاوت آن به مبارزه آزادیخواهانه معلوم است. تروریسم یعنی "حمله متمرکز روی غیر نظامیان غیر مسلح برای نیل به اهداف سیاسی1". حال اگر تعریف قضیه اینقدر آسان است چرا اینهمه شکّ و شُبهه در کار آمده؟ پاسخ اینست که راز آلود کردن پدیده تروریسم معمولاً علل سیاسی دارد. بعضی از دولتها از تروریسم بعنوان یکی از اهرمهای سیاست خارجی خود استفاده میکنند. اینها در ظاهر به تروریسم حمله میکنند ولی با تروریسمی که منافع آنها را تأمین کند مشکلی ندارند و حاضرند برای آن هزار و یک توجیه بتراشند. >>>


تجربه‌ی آشنا

باری، افشین قطبی را هم از ایران فراری دادند

13-Dec-2008 (10 comments)
معده‌ی خاصی برای هضم بسیاری از مسائلی که در حول و حوش فدراسیون فوتبال ایران رخ می‌دهند، می‌خواهد. کار هر کسی نیست. به ویژه کسی که در ایران پرورش نیافته‌باشد و یا مدت زیادی را خارج از ایران زندگی کرده‌باشد. چنین کسی از یک سادگی‌ خاصی بهره‌مند است که در ایران ترجمان تحقیرآمیز بسیاری دارد. زندگی شفاف سادگی یگانه‌ای به آدم‌ها می‌دهد. و زندگی‌های پیچیده بی‌تردید انسان‌هائی به جامعه تحمیل می‌کنند که در برابر پویائی‌ آن جامعه نقش ترمز و یا بدتر پس‌رونده دارند. انسان‌های پیچیده جامعه را دچار عذاب می‌کنند و جامعه به نوبه‌ی خود انسان‌ها را در خودبیگانگی از اصل نیک‌سرشتانه‌ی خود می‌بلعد. افشین قطبی به عنوان یک مربی‌ با دانش و با منش و رفتار نیک وقتی تصمیم گرفت به ایران برود و به میهنش خدمت کند، تمامی آنهائی را که با ساختار مدیریت مکان‌های دولتی در ایران آشنائی داشتند، بسیار نگران حال و روز خود نمود.>>>


Father of Ballet in Iran

In memory of Sarkis Djanbazian

13-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
Sarkis Djanbazian was the first ballet master, choreographer, and producer who established a ballet academy in Iran. He was also the first male ballet dancer who performed on stage in different cities in Iran. Owing to his significant contributions to teaching, staging, and raising awareness towards ballet in Iran, Djanbazian is widely regarded as “the Father of Ballet in Iran”. Sarkis Djanbazian was born on January 15, 1913 in Armaveer in Armenia. From early childhood, he took an avid interest in the arts especially in dance. After graduating from high school, he went to Leningrad to study dance. He graduated from Vaganova Dance Academy of Leningrad and from Lesgaf University with a Masters of Arts degree. After graduation, he worked as a principal dancer, choreographer, and artistic director in Kirov Theatre in Leningrad until July of 1938>>>
Reading Kafka at Harvard (6)

The Question of Jurisdiction -- and Survival

13-Dec-2008 (14 comments)
The evisceration of boundaries and any observable limits to the power of law is another insight of Kafka’s The Trial. The above statement by the Harvard University police officer investigating the crimes of extortion and death threats, alleged by two subordinates of professor Roy Mottahedeh and maliciously attached to me, appears on page 29 of Mederos’s deposition, that has been videotaped. This was an important admission that turned out to have high legal value in my civil rights law suit against Harvard; it harked back to the question that I had innocently asked Mederos and his friend about “jurisdiction” while in their cruiser on the way to the Harvard police headquarter.>>>


Seeing is believing

Seeing is believing

Photo essay: Iran & Iranians in the eyes of a European tourist

by JAG
11-Dec-2008 (4 comments)



Some answers

Survey of Iranian Americans

11-Dec-2008 (41 comments)
The results of this PAAIA/Zogby survey indicate that nearly all Iranian Americans are either citizens (81%) or permanent residents (15%) of the United States. While their ethnic heritage is important to the vast majority of Iranian Americans in defining their identity, they appear to be well-assimilated into American society, with only one in five indicating that they interact mostly with other Iranian Americans outside of work, and more than half indicating English as the language or one of two languages most often spoken at home. The survey paints the picture of a diverse and relatively affluent Iranian American community. While two-fifths of Iranian Americans identify themselves as Muslims, almost an equal percentage appear not to practice any particular religion>>>


A Saturday in May

The answer came to her at last

11-Dec-2008 (30 comments)
The day starts innocently enough. Having gone out the night before, I sleep in a little, before setting off for my morning run. I feel victorious at having once again completed the 5 mile trail. I record a new personal best. For a mediocre runner such as I, that amounts to shaving off a second or two from the mile. Every personal best deserves to be celebrated. So, I promise myself a small piece of chocolate after dinner. I start on the usual Saturday morning chores – laundry, grocery shopping, a little cleaning here and there and lastly the hairdresser’s. I was to meet him at around noon. Dressed, made up and ready, I settle on my leather recliner – cherishing the moment. I slowly drift into a delicious slumber, only to be nudged awake by the ring of my phone>>>


Babak's Story

"I want to help her leave her husband, so that the two of us can be together"

11-Dec-2008 (76 comments)
Maryam loved Babak and Azita. They were her best friends in the world. Babak had been her first friend in the US, when she had first arrived from Iran. She and Babak had gone through college together, had helped each other through some rough time, and had celebrated each other’s weddings. They had also helped each other through their divorces. They could talk about anything and everything, politics and arts and gossip, and they never grew tired of each other’s company. Luckily for both of them, the men and women who had entered each of their lives seldom felt threatened by their deep friendship. Maryam was so happy to see Babak’s life brighten up when Azita entered it. Mature adults and professionals, lovely and compatible together, they were a joy to watch and to have around>>>