Creatures of our own creation

Creatures of our own creation

Photo essay: Molavi district in downtown Tehran

by Nader Davoodi
07-Oct-2008 (4 comments)



Reading the signs

Reading the signs

Photo essay: Advertising, billboards and traffic signs in Tehran

by benbagheri
07-Oct-2008 (5 comments)



Blinding lights

Since when looking at your phone is a crime?

07-Oct-2008 (2 comments)
The heart of rabbit is pounding hard as she cruises along the bushes to get home. With every single step, she knows that any moment she can be trapped. This forest is full of wolves. Hungry, angry, devastated wolves waiting for her tender flesh. Wolves already salivating at the thought of jumping at her and seeing the extreme of fright in her eyes. But despite all this, all this fear and paralyzing ansgt, she has to go on. Simply because life goes on...and she has to live right here in forest. The story is a simple metaphor for police cars cruising the streets of Los Angeles nowadays. I am not sure if it is the state deficit or the global recession that has put the pressure on them. Turning them into non-human predators scanning every single movement>>>



Underdog Iranian Americans knock out war resolution in U.S. Congress

07-Oct-2008 (30 comments)
It was David versus Goliath: the classic underdog matchup. In the battle over a Congressional resolution calling for war with Iran, the lines were drawn between the smaller grassroots Iranian-American movement (NIAC) on one side and the hawkish American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) mega-lobby on the other. No one expected the Iranian Americans and their coalition partners to be able to stand up to the belligerent giant intent on amplifying hostility with Iran. But with the Congressional session expiring this week, our proverbial David in Washington has delivered the knock-out blow to the pro-war forces' Goliath. The Iran war resolution is down for the count. Yes, you read that right - NIAC beat AIPAC >>>


دل هر ذره که بشکافی

‫نوبل فیزیک به ویشیرو نامبو، ماکُتو کوبایاشی و توشیهید مازکاوا تعلق گرفت

07-Oct-2008 (12 comments)
‫نوبل فیزیک ۲۰۰۸ مربوط به توضیح وجودی ما در این دنیاست و به ۳ فیزیکدان ژاپونی ویشیرو نامبو، ماکُتو کوبایاشی و توشیهید مازکاوا تعلق گرفته شده است. کارهای این محققین به این سؤال که چرا بعد از بیگ−بانگ موادی باقی مانده که از آن کهکشانات و ... ما بوجود آمدیم؟ این سؤالیست که دانشمندان از خود در ۳۰ سال آخیر میکردند و منشأ این سؤال از اینجا بوجود آمده که در پیداش بیگ−بانگ همزمان عناصر و ضدشان بوجود آمدند که وجود هر دوی این عناصر همدیگر را میبایست خنثی میکرد و در اصل چیزی دیگری بعد از این انفجار نمیبایست باقی میماند. ‫یویشیرو نامبو بعلت کشف مکانیسم شکستگی غریب الوقوع تقارن در فیزیک زیراتمی، ماکُتو کوبایاشی و توشیهید مازکاوا بعلت مبدأ این شکستگی غریب الوقوع که وجود ۳ فامیل کوارتز را در طبیعت ‫به اثبات ‫میرساند به این افتخار دست یافتند>>>


The Model
07-Oct-2008 (one comment)
Sitting at back of the great hall
I see heads bob down and up
like buoys in rough sea
not recognizing her face
in that amorphous makeup.
After a while, the novelty of height
of colors, or black
fades into the crowd >>>


Road to Ramsar

Road to Ramsar

Photo essay: Traveling to Ramsar and the village of Javaherdeh

by asghar62
07-Oct-2008 (9 comments)



Two months in Beirut

Two months in Beirut

photo essay: My experience in Lebanon

by Pouya Alimagham
06-Oct-2008 (15 comments)



Mujahedin's fate in Iraq

The vast majority of Camp Ashraf residents are not so much members of a terrorist cult as they are victims of it

06-Oct-2008 (53 comments)
The Bush administration inherited many of Iraq's problems when it invaded that country, including an Iranian terrorist organization funded and armed by Saddam Hussein, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO). Though in the midst of a war on terror, the Bush administration chose in 2003 to protect 3,000 of the organization's militants and house them in a camp given to the group by Saddam — Camp Ashraf just north of Baghdad. Ever since, the fate of this State Department-listed terrorist organization has been unclear. Hated by Iraqis for its involvement in Saddam's crimes against the Iraqi people, the Baghdad government wants to expel the group. But no country is willing to take them>>>


The Hollow Hills of Nain

An ancient way of life is fast passing away

06-Oct-2008 (5 comments)
If you travel a hundred miles or so eastwards out of Isfahan, through a landscape of pink-coloured mountains and desert wastes inhabited by strange willowy trees and clumps of yellow grass, you come inexorably to the ancient city of Nain. Situated on the very edge of the great Kavir desert, Nain was once an important station on the Silk Road. Today, however, the concrete cubes of Modernity have lent it an air of apathy and neglect. Only the magnificent fortress of Nareen Ghaleh, towering over the city like a broken tooth, still speaks proudly of a rich and illustrious past. But Nain has secrets not disclosed to the casual visitor. On the main road leading to the centre is a low sandy hillside, honey-combed with countless caverns>>>


The Newlyweds (2)

The wedding was a grand ballroom affair at some fancy hotel in downtown Toronto

06-Oct-2008 (11 comments)
Hi Dear Brother, First, I apologize for this tardy response to your letter. What with the wedding, honeymoon trip and our return to Toronto, getting acquainted with my new life, I have not really had the time to digest all of it myself, let alone write you an account of it. The wedding can best be described as a circus. The successive faces of various amoos, khalehs, dokhtar-dayees, friends, business associates etc. whirled around me like we were all on some sort of a giant merry go round, until they all started blending and blurring together. As the wedding guests lunged towards me, with their wide, grimacing mouths and teeth as sharp as their designer suits, I could not tell whether they were going to kiss me or bite me >>>


«ملت مسلمان ايران» وجود خارجی ندارد!

از نخستين روزهای انقلاب 57، صفت «اسلامی» تبديل به اسلحه ای در دست دشمنان «ملت منتشر و رنگارنگ ايران» بوده

06-Oct-2008 (7 comments)
از آنجا که ـ بر اساس قوانين و معاهدات بين المللی ـ دولتمردان يک حکومت مدرن حاکمان مجموعه ای از مردمان ساکن، يا تحت حمايت، يک کشور محصور در مرزهائی شناخته شده بوسيلهء کشورهای ديگر هستند، و در هيچ کجای عالم نمی توان، در داخل مرزهای يک کشور، ملتی را يافت که دارای فقط يک مذهب باشد، و همواره ملت ها به اقشار دينی مختلفی تقسيم می شوند، خطاب کردن «ملت ايران» به عنوان «ملت مسلمان ايران» يک غلط فاحش حقوقی و سياسی است. چرا که در درون ملت ايران هم، همچون ملت های ديگر جهان، معتقدان به مذاهب گوناگون وجود دارند، همچنانکه در ميانشان منکران مذهب و دين هم فراوانند. در ايران مردمان مسيحی و مسلمان و يهودی و زرتشتی و بهائی و هندو و هزار مذهب و نحلهء ديگر، و همچنين بی دينان و منکران خدا و پيامبر و ائمه و دهری مذهبان و غيره، در کنار هم زندگی می کنند و همگی جزئی از «ملت ايران» هستند. در نتيجه، می توان به ضرس قاطع گفت که چيزی به نام «ملت مسلمان ايران» وجود خارجی ندارد در حاليکه «مسلمانان ايرانی» و يا «مسلمانان ملت ايران» موجوداتی حقيقی اند.>>>


قصیده ای برای رزهای صورتی
06-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

... امروز می خوام یه قصیده بریزم
به پای این رزهای رنگ پریده
که فقط یه تقلیدن
این خوشگلای بی
                       عطر و بو
که امروز از یه مرد سفید
با دهنی خشک شده خریدم؛
مردی حتی لاغرتر از ساقه ی پرخون این گلها
که خودشونو بین برگهای مرده پیچیدن



What did the trees do wrong?

What did the trees do wrong?

Photo essay: Trees chopped down at Bahai cemetery in Isfahan

by Ahang Rabbani
04-Oct-2008 (87 comments)



Dumb and Really Dumb

McCain and Obama both offer change. But change is already here… without them

03-Oct-2008 (5 comments)
Just as Jim (Carrey) and Jeff (Daniels) made America laugh with their classic comedy back in 1994, “John and Barack “are also making us laugh as they act this 2008 drama in comedic fashion. Here is the nation falling apart economically, and here we have two senators contending for the highest office in the land who, instead of charging forward on white stallions ready to joust, show up riding side-saddle on decrepit mules. McCain totally clueless about the economy… ditto for his rival Obama. We truly have reached what could be termed as “bottom of the barrel” politics, with a duet of dumb and dumber politicians claiming leadership when they should be claiming ignorance. We need to be clear here. By dumb we don’t mean to categorize these two senators as stupid>>>