Khanom e lisanseh

Khanom e lisanseh

Photo essay: My daughter Mahdiyeh's graduation

by Jahanshah Javid
12-May-2008 (48 comments)



Legacy, tradition and perseverance

What Iran has given to the world and why they matter

12-May-2008 (9 comments)
An invitation to revisit and re-examine facets of one of the most ancient civilizations – Iran – so as to reclaim that heritage and to exercise a degree of control over a historiography which it represents: The purpose is to add to the voices expressing discontent with the Eurocentric – more specifically Anglo-Saxon – approach to history which considers European history as the core history while the rest of world history languishes in the shadows and on the periphery. It is an invitation to reject the Eurocentric attempt at de-nationalization and de-culturalization of the history of those labeled “people without history” and fabrication of a superficial national identity subject to manipulation>>>


Viva España!

If you haven’t yet made it to the shores of this wonderful and culturally-rich country

12-May-2008 (8 comments)
Modern day Spain has etched its place in the world as a country so diverse in its regions with 5 languages spoken and a multitude of different dialects throughout. A country rich in culture, history and influences… many of them the remnants of the Moor rule that can be traced back to 711AD lead by Tariq Ibn Ziyad and the subsequent invasion by the Al-Mohads from Northern Africa conquering Spain in 1147. Although these attacks devastated the Spaniards and cause great bloodshed, some of the things they have left behind in the wake of their destruction have enriched the strengthened today’s Spain greatly>>>


How the hyena got its laugh

Nugget had never seen anything like it before

12-May-2008 (13 comments)
In the largest and most famous pack of hyenas in South Africa, lived over 90 dull, dangerous aggressive spotted hyenas…OK, maybe they weren’t so famous, and there wasn’t so many of them, but one thing is true though, and that is, that this story is very ancient, and that is exactly why you should hear it now, before it is lost in the mist of time. Now among them lived a playful and happy baby hyena. Now be prepared for a shock. These hyenas did not have a laugh, they never even imagined having one>>>


رنگ آمیزی چشمان بی رنگ تو

تماشاگر مبهوت نقش آفرینی های تو بودم

آرام از کنار خانه ی تو گذشتم بی آنکه درش را بزنم .آرام بی آنکه حتی گل های آفتابگردان سرشان را بگردانند و نیم نگاهی به رد پای من بکنند. از کنار نرده های خانه ات که می گذشتم به رنگ آمیزی در و دیوار نگاه کردم و به یاد آن روزی افتادم که برای نقاشی صدایم کرده بودی. ساعت نه صبح بود که زنگ خانه ام را زدی. تازه میز صبحانه را جمع کرده بودم ، فنجان قهوه به دست در را باز کردم .با کلاه حصیری قهوه ای رنگ و لباس کار ایستاده بودی. دوچرخه ات را به نرده خانه تکیه داده بودی باصدای نرمت گفتی هنوز آماده نشده ای؟>>>


Good times

Good times

Photo essay: Trip to Damavand

by Mahnaz Nazmi
11-May-2008 (6 comments)



Dream of becoming

Should I wake from this nostalgic dream into the nightmare of living?

10-May-2008 (14 comments)
It is dark. Lying under my bed, touching the thick harsh wooden board that holds the mattress, touching the cold metallic bed frame, listening to the drum-like sound of artilleries aimed at invisible enemies. The darkness of night blankets the absurdity of the situation, and still knowing that does not help me to calm down. I lower my hands to the ground, pressing the floor, hard, as if I am trying to dissolve into it, to transform into cold grey vapor--smoke and ashes. My body, my fingers, my back, feel numb, but still not as numb I dream of becoming>>>


امشب لوچیا می رقصد

لوچیا، لوچیای بی آزار و مهربان، صدای خاموشان جهان است

10-May-2008 (4 comments)
لوچیا ارام و باهوش و بی سر و صدا و بی جنجال است. وقتی سرش را کلاه میگذارند، لوچیا خاموش می ماند و با دستهایش، با همان دستهای فرز و مهربانش تند و تند چیزی را تکرار می کند که من دقیقاً نمی فهمم و لوچیا نفس عمیقی می کشد و دوباره همان را از سر تکرار می کند و آنقدر تکرار می کند تا بفهمش. وقتی می فمهش و از آنچه بر سرش آمده خشمگین می شوم و فریاد می کشم، لوچیا نفس عمیقی می کشد و ساکت می نشیند. >>>


Marriage at 10

Victims of both discriminatory laws and punative and traditional discriminations

10-May-2008 (8 comments)
It is said that in the slums of Zahedan, there are many houses where several families each occupy a single room in a house. There was an opportunity for us to enter one of these houses. The mother, sister, wife, sister-in-law, father and two brothers of the man who has asked us to go in, as well as several little children all live in a single room. One of the women is 27 and has a 12-year-old son as well as a little girl who is only a few months old. When I ask her at what age she got married, she replies: "At the age of 10!" And later other people tell me that in some of the towns in this region 10 to 11 is indeed the usual age of marriage>>>


The Spider Killings (20)

Azadeh’s spit landed squarely in the middle of the man’s face

Ever since he had caught a glimpse of Azadeh wailing over the body of her dead friend in front of the Mausoleum of Imam Reza, Sharif, like a hungry tiger fixated on its prey, had kept close track of her. He had followed her to the police station, wondering when she would be released from questioning, hoping he could approach her for a ride then. But for the two days that Sharif kept his vigil, he had been thwarted in his plans. Coming and going, Azadeh was always accompanied by an older woman. An older woman who struck Sharif as one he had seen before. Well obviously, she must be a prostitute too. These morally ill women stuck together after all>>>


Mother’s Day
09-May-2008 (9 comments)
Before I became “Mother”
Worry was just a word
Sleep meant long, peaceful nights
Didn’t need fairytales, lullabies or sweet lies
Before I encountered motherhood
Tiny fingers wouldn’t tug at my heart
Someone else’s pain couldn’t make me die >>>


كاتوليك‌هاي ديروز، مسلمانان امروز

در حاشيه ديدار پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم از آمريكا

09-May-2008 (5 comments)
سه سال قبل كاتوليك‌هاي آمريكايي براي انتخاب پاپي دعا مي‌كردند كه مدرن ستيز نباشد و به نص و روح اصول مصوبه در شوراي دوم واتيكان (سال 1965) وفادار باشد. مثلي است كه مي‌گويند خداوند همه دعا‌ها را مي‌شنود ولي بعضي اوقات جواب حضرت باري <نه> است. مسلمانان در آن روزها دستي به دعا نداشتند، ولي شايد بهتر بود آنها هم دعا مي‌كردند.به‌محض اينكه كاردينال راتزينگر سابق <تيارا>ي رهبري كاتوليك‌هاي جهان را بر سر گذاشت، اسقف مايكل فيتز جرالد كه از سوي پاپ جان پل دوم مسوول گفتمان با مسلمانان بود با تقليل منصب به‌كار ديگري گمارده شد و راهبان فرانسيسكن از مذاكراتشان با مسلمانان منع شدند. پنج ماه بعد در دانشگاه ريگنزبرگ پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم اسلا‌م را مستقيما مورد حمله قرار داد.>>>


The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury

Photo essay: Visiting New York, the vertical city

by Orang Gholikhani
09-May-2008 (8 comments)



Do you feel it?

Almost 100 signs of getting older

09-May-2008 (6 comments)
When I look intently at my black and white picture on my high school diploma, I realize how the passage of time has taken its toll on me. I remember when I was a kid, any time I did something nice for older people; they wished me to get old, elahi peer beshi. Now, that prayer has been almost answered and I am getting older. But believe me it is not much fun to get old. An aged man is like an old car, out of warranty with not much horse power, going up the hill and breathing rapidly but hardly. The pace of life becomes slower and slower with age. The only thing that is easier to do when you are older is waiting>>>


Paris catacombs

Death is always chasing us

Underneath Paris
There is a network of subterranean
Chambers and passages
Extending hundreds of kilometers
From the Roman-era
Near the end of the 18th century
When real estate was scarce
While the cemeteries were full
Some of the quarries
Converted into a mass tomb >>>