Brush stroke for every human suffering

Iman Maleki’s paintings

11-Feb-2008 (28 comments)
A criticism often leveled at Iman Maleki’s astonishingly realistic paintings is, “why not just use a photograph?” Maleki’s hyperrealism is rooted in obsessive compassion. But he also draws from his gift as a storyteller. In “Omens of Hafez,” one young woman is wearing a ring on her right hand, the other only a watch, both waiting."Empty sandals" is a clever way to suggest each woman is waiting for someONE. The poetry book being opened does Hafez justice with its double entendre, hinting at wedding night sensuality. There’s a subtle contrast in the facial expressions of the two characters. The soft trace of hesitation in the older girl’s face is enigmatic. What is there to fear about becoming a woman?>>>


Five score and 45 years

What was ridiculous a year ago is very close to real now

11-Feb-2008 (23 comments)
Realism is supposedly the ultimate virtue for any politician. Idealism gets you in trouble. Haven’t we seen some criticize Bush Jr.’s disaster in Iraq as fundamentally flawed based on it’s alleged excess of idealism! And was it not the idealism of a generation of Iranians that brought us the unmitigated evil of the Islamic Republic? Almost all revolutions and their ensuing rigns of terror and bloodbaths have roots in some type of ideal. What I am trying to say is that we are told idealism is the root of all evil. Down-to-earth realism is the way forward. And then I find myself watching Obama’s “Yes We Can” speech. When was the last time I actually searched for a speech by a politician anywhere?>>>


Military maneuvers

Two devastating news from Iran

11-Feb-2008 (6 comments)
General Jafari, the head of Islamic Republic Guardian Corps (IRGC), last Friday in a convention with the title of “Students, Elections, Maximum Participation, and National Unity” among the members of his militia, Bassij, after criticizing the content of the Human Sciences curriculum in Iranian universities, has clearly sided with the conservative front in coming Iranian parliamentary election and advised the Bassij to vote for an specific conservative alliance. This would be a fine statement from nonmilitary personnel, but it is devastating to the long tradition of Iranian military of not being affiliated with any type of political interaction>>>


 شرقی دوست داشتنی

چرا قاطبه را دوست داریم؟

11-Feb-2008 (17 comments)
او که یک شارلاتانِ متقلبِ کلاهبردارِ دروغگویِ ریاکارِنامردِ نارفیق بیش نیست؟ او که میدانیم تا رویمان را برگردانیم کلاهمان را خواهد برداشت؟ او که میدانیم بازبان چرب ونرمش درپی خالی کردن جیب مان است؟ او که می دانیم به زن وبچه خودش هم رحم نمی کند، تا چه رسد به من وشما؟ راستی چرا؟ قاطبه یک ایرانی تمام عیاراست! >>>


The rest is history

Video on Iran-U.S. ties and the need for real diplomacy

11-Feb-2008 (59 comments)


The Ball

The Ball


by Mehran Mohajer
10-Feb-2008 (17 comments)



Pleasant state

Pleasant state

Photo essay

by Ashk P. Dahlén
10-Feb-2008 (10 comments)



Neo-Con asset

Reza Pahlavi not mindful that bringing death and destruction to innocent civilians is the ultimate in terror

10-Feb-2008 (296 comments)
Once again the neo-cons have given Reza Pahlavi a platform, but it is not clear who the intended audience is. The feigned altruistic appeal in his speech bears an eerie resemblance to the rehearsed Iraqi appeals before that country was invaded. Those appeals cost over one million Iraqi lives. This is a well-written speech, disguised as it may be, to convince. Whether the speech was delivered to persuade the American public of the necessity of intervention and war or the purpose of it was the alienation of Iran’s Arab neighbors, much like his father had in favor of Israel, one can be certain that Norman Podhoretz has given it his blessings, if indeed he has not been the writer himself>>>


در پس واژه ها...

برای" گرگی در کمین"؛ سروده های عباس کیارستمی

انسانی با چنین شیفتگی، هر لحظه در آستانه خلق اثری است، تا که گلی صحرایی می شکفد، تا که پرنده ای بال می گشاید، بوی مدهوش کننده یاسی در حیاطی می پیچد-- هر لحظه که چیزی از طبیعت تا او کوچ می کند. و به گمان نگارنده این سرگشتگی، گونه ای از شکیبایی و عشق را می طلبد-- از برای تامل-- که تنها در ضمیربرخی بیداراست. آنچه توجه این افراد را بر می انگیزد و براحساس شاعرانه شان می افزاید، برای دیگران نادیدنی است.>>>


Gulf Française

France’s red carpet into the Persian Gulf region

10-Feb-2008 (11 comments)
Ever since President Sarkozy took power in France, the French foreign policy has been undergoing a great deal of revival and revolution. Sarkozy, who sees himself the modern-time Napoleon and savior of the French Republic, has been trying hard to re-impose France back onto the world stage as a major power and actor, and do away with his predecessor’s more laissez-faire approach. Therefore, it is not surprising to see how the French are out to find any kind of opening and welcoming around the world, and coincidentally to exploit them in order to achieve this foreign policy objective>>>


بازی 10
10-Feb-2008 (one comment)
در پایان هر سفر دریایی
(اگر بندری باشد!)
بازنده‌ها به میخانه می‌روند
برنده‌ها به کاباره.
اهل بازی
فقط قایق عوض می‌کنند!


River runs through it

River runs through it

Photo essay: Guilin, China

by Shahriar
08-Feb-2008 (8 comments)



She brushed her body on my canvas and took a more compromising position

08-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
“Don’t, don’t make a move for a second and let me crush you right on the wall. You’ll pay for invading my privacy in the middle of the night.” I was loudly declaring its death sentence but the fly sitting comfortably on the wall wasn’t scared. It was mocking me with its disgusting compound eyes the very moment I was issuing the death warrant. The second I raised my hand it flew off and insanely crashed its head to the window glass and then circled around the room. I patiently traced it with my eyes>>>


Academic coup

When "great" scholars play a deadly role

08-Feb-2008 (63 comments)
Most of the key players of the 1953 coup have since died, but Ann (Nancy) Lambton is still living in the English countryside. Although she is now very old, she has never publicly acknowledged her role in the 1953 coup. Maybe she is just too ashamed. Ann played a decisive role in the affair. She was the expert and the foreign analyst who advised the British government, worked in high circles and recommended that no compromise with Mossadegh was to take place under any circumstances. She saw Mossadegh as a danger! Yes, indeed he was dangerous to their plans of bloody greed and power. >>>


تجربه‌اندوزی از تاریخ

نگاهی گذرا به ریشه‌های قتل‌عام زندانیان در سال‌های ۶۰ و ۶۷

08-Feb-2008 (21 comments)
نگاهی گذرا به تاریخ ربع قرن اخیر کشورمان، نشان‌می‌دهد که نطفه‌ی‌ قتل‌عا م زندانیان سیاسی، در فردای انقلاب بهمن و در اولین ساعت‌های بامداد بیست و ششم بهمن‌ماه در پشت‌بام مدرسه‌ی علوی، با اعدام نعمت‌الله نصیر ی، منوچهر خسروداد ، رضا ناجی و مهدی رحیمی چهارتن از امرای ارتش شاهنشاهی که نقش مهمی در سرکوب و کشتار مردم ایران و نقض گسترده‌ی حقوق بشر به عهده داشتند، بسته شد و پیوسته رو به رشد گذاشت! شاید هم ریشه آن را بتوان به یک هفته قبل از پیروزی انقلاب برگرداند؛>>>