
Chat and telephony technology

15-Dec-2007 (10 comments)
Most of us are familiar with those cheap 10-10 numbers we can all use to call friends or family members during those holiday times of year. And if you're more technically advanced, you've probably even used such things as Skype or instant messaging to stay connected. Today I've discovered an even better option for staying connected, not only during the busy holiday season, but for any time of year. It's called goober>>>


 نه مرسی
15-Dec-2007 (5 comments)

پس چکار باید کرد

بدنبال قدرتمندان رفتن , ارباب گرفتن

مثل یک پیچک گمنام دور کنده درخت گشتن

با نوازش این قیم بالا رفتن با تزویر و سرعت

بجای بلند شدن در آسمان با حمت و قدرت ؟

نه مرسی



Stealing riches

What should the third world do in order to protect itself

14-Dec-2007 (10 comments)
Why so many Iranians fear of their INDEPENDENCE to be taken away by the US or other foreign countries, INFIDEL, or maybe more of a fidel nature? This fear is a very old one and we can mostly guess about its causes and origins. Of course this is nothing particular to Iranians, and I have seen citizens from Lybia or Iraq to Uganda, Congo or Venezuela and so forth to have similar fears. Why are these people afraid of the West (what is perceived as the most modern and powerful countries in the world) threatening their INDEPENDENCE, or maybe pride, or maybe... >>>


Mandalas for meditation

Mandalas for meditation

Digital art

by Azadeh Azad
13-Dec-2007 (5 comments)



Call from death row

My instincts tell me that at the end of this black night, a warm sun is going to shine in the sky

13-Dec-2007 (68 comments)
Walls, only walls. I am surrounded by walls. I cannot forget any of the terrifying moments of these last few days. I don't want to think about how time is running out. Only a few more days... From the first day of my arrest, five years ago, until now, the sky is all I can see. During all these unbearable moments, I can only stare at the endless fences of my prison. I can only see its towers and its barbed-wires which pierce my heart. Do you hear the bleeding of my wounded heart?>>>


Longing for clay

Longing for clay

Photo essay: Finding shape and purpose in ceramics

by Nazy Kaviani
13-Dec-2007 (6 comments)



What would you tell him?

Innocent question for you Iranians, who happen to be Muslim

13-Dec-2007 (42 comments)
"I am 35 years old, and live in Iran," he tells you. OK. 35? This is not The guy looks at least 55 for God's sake. But fine, you let it go.
"Ehhhhhhh iroonee hasteed? Pas cheraa zoodtar nemeegeed? Cheh lahjatoon khoobeh. Taazeh oomadeed? Kojaa veezaaa gerefteed?"
Ignoring you, he continuous: "Life is not bad, although it could be better. There's a corrupt group of individuals that are powerful and run the show, and the central government has not been very stable, but, personally, I can't complain too much. I want to see my country prosperous, Iranians good to each other, and world peace." >>>


شانس آخر

چقدر برای اصلاح طلبی شانس موفقیت وجود دارد؟

13-Dec-2007 (one comment)
آنالیز کردن این دوره بسیار حساس تاریخ دمکراسی در ایران بی شک راه موثری برای درک بهتر ماجراست. در یک بررسی جامعه شناسانه می توان موقعیت بقرنج جریان اصلاحات در ایران را بهتر درک کرد. در شرایط کنونی اصلاحات ضعیف است. با یک شکست محصول اشتباهات سابق روبروست و از خیلی جاها صدای مخالفت می شنود. اصلاحات اساسا با سه چالش روبروست: چالش با محافظه کاران انحصار طلب ، چالش با براندازی خواهان و چالش های داخلی سه طیف سنتی ، رادیکال و میانه رو در درون جریان اصلاحات.>>>


My Liberty
13-Dec-2007 (one comment)
In your jewel studded dress now
you strike your favorite pose
amidst ruined houses of clay.

I lament death for sure,
but also the transformation
of your beacon of Hope
to this burning sword. >>>


خانه ای از شن و ماسه

شیفته و بی قرار جلوی درب خانه می نشینم تا که تو بیایی

برایم نوشتی که مرز رویا و واقعیت را گم کرده ای و این چه خوب است و دلت می خواهد در این مرز توهم بمانی نه برای همیشه که چند گاهی ! اسامی فراوانی برای خواندن تو هر روز تمرین می کنم هر روز به تنم آب می زنم خوش بو ترین عطر ها را به پوستم می زنم لباس جدیدی برای خودم می خرم هر روز جلوی آینه می ایستم و خودم را برانداز می کنم تا غبار زمانه را از خودم بر چینم.>>>


I'm in Europe and not sure why

I'm in Europe and not sure why

Photo essay

by Jahanshah Javid
13-Dec-2007 (36 comments)



Warped logic

You masturbate in the closet, you beat your wife and Iran had a nuclear weapons program

13-Dec-2007 (22 comments)
of the NIEThe ink is dry on the 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear capabilities. And yet the Bush Administration keeps watering down its message. One official after another has been going around calling Iran still dangerous and still a threat and still deserving of greater sanctions! So, I ask, per the line in David Letterman’s shtick, “NIE: Is this anything?” It is something alright: It is a first rate exercise in obfuscation: perhaps, it is designed to facilitate a military strike on Iran by allowing the elaboration of and attention to other reasons for continued enmity toward or possibly even attacking Iran >>>


Feel good foods

Christmas is coming… (And its not just the ‘Goose’ that’s going to get fat!)

13-Dec-2007 (21 comments)
Even before the Christmas period falls upon us, we are already recovering from the holiday aftermath of Thanksgiving. Greed has once again, gotten the better of us and some of us are paying the price in the form of fatigue, sluggishness and weight gain. So what on earth are we supposed to do when we haven’t yet reached the ‘Mother’ of all holidays, Christmas? Well, I don’t know about you, but barely a week into December and I’m feeling lethargic, heavier and generally not at my peak. In anticipation of the Christmas season, I have decided to eat sensibly to prevent any needless weight gain even before the Christmas and New Year is upon us. >>>


Touched by an Angel

What right do I have to complain about life?

13-Dec-2007 (2 comments)
The pain we are all feeling is real and devastating. It is true that our dear little Lauren is finally free of pain. Her suffering is finally over. How we all wish her life story would not have ended here prematurely, two months short of her 14th birthday. This is so unbelievably unfair. Lauren was denied the chance to fully experience life. Just as she was blossoming as an intelligent, beautiful young lady, her body was viciously attacked for the third time by Cancer, one of the worst enemies of the mankind>>>


Peeling a pomegranate, dehati style

Peeling a pomegranate, dehati style

Photo essay

by Midwesty
12-Dec-2007 (29 comments)
