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Obama and McCain made it clear that the U.S. could not tolerate a nuclear Iran

02-Oct-2008 (10 comments)
McCain and Obama emphasized their differences on Iran when actually they have much in common. Both agreed "we cannot tolerate a nuclear Iran." Both supported reinforced diplomacy as the solution, with strengthened sanctions as the central instrument. Even regarding the issue on which they exchanged testy words -- namely, engaging Iran -- their differences were more about how to engage rather than whether to talk. For all his pounding McCain about direct talks, Obama agreed that meetings required preparation and would not start with a presidential summit>>>


[Re]defining Iranian comedy

Young comedians

02-Oct-2008 (4 comments)
Part of being an immigrant in the US, is understanding that there is a period of time that one has to go through, as the rest of America begins to accept you and your culture into it's fold. Before you can truly melt into the pot. The concept of melting, depending on your culture and it's character might be a bit daunting to some, more easily accepted to others. For example, it certainly appears that Indians have been more willing to blend into American culture as they immigrate. They seem to have arrived recently, or certainly after we did, and they look far more comfortable with the process of Amercanizing their culture, than we seem to be>>>


The Newlyweds (1)

BAM! Love at first sight.

02-Oct-2008 (11 comments)
Dear Mitra Joon: Yes, you read the subject line correctly. I am getting married!!! I know, your jaw is dropping from the shock. Me? Getting married? Me, who had all but given up on love, and vowed to remain single forever. It has been a whirlwind, let me tell you. I guess it must be true what they say, that you find your true love only once you have stopped looking. I had all but given up on finding my Prince Charming especially after kissing so many frogs (remember Houman from Montreal? LoL). In my case, as you have guessed, I found my true love in the most unlikely of places: Iran >>>


Setting you free

But even I know it needs guts

02-Oct-2008 (3 comments)
Imagine me going to a trip to say… Italy, then getting very emotional seeing this person who is very hot, and say… kiss him once, a deep French kiss, a very passionate kiss. Let’s also assume that it stays by a kiss and it does not go further (it’s just an assumption, we all know that if a kiss is that passionate, it can have some other implications…). Further, we can assume that I have a relationship and I decide not telling my partner about the KISS. In a very odd way though, the minute I arrive back home, my partner has an idea that something has happened. He will then ask me: “is there something you want to tell me?” I will then say: “no.” Let’s analyze this for a minute, shall we? What is the truth? Am I lying? >>>