I am pretty sure they suspect nothing of what I am really going through
Dear Brother, our telephone conversation a few days ago was so brief and repeatedly interrupted by this or that relative that I am not even sure I got to wish you a happy new year in the midst of all the chaos. Obviously, speaking to you long distance in front of an army of relatives is not exactly the best scenario for a meaningful conversation. That is why I relish these late hours in the night when I have the peace and quiet to gather my thoughts and write to you from my heart. Nightime has always been a respite for me from the cacophony of daily life. The same holds true of my new home. Or rather, the home that belongs to Nassim’s parents and where they have generously let us live
U.S. depolys sophisticated radar in Israel
Amid the country's financial and economic crisis the U.S. military has sped up the deployment of a most powerful and therefore expensive long-range radar system in Israel, called AN/TPY-2 forward-based X-band, a year earlier than it was scheduled previously. Why? The X-band system, deployed to Israel on September 26th, was originally scheduled for delivery in 2009 for joint training exercises, according to the U.S. European Command mission (EUCOM). For reasons not explained by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, the ownership of Army/Navy Transportable Radar Surveillance remains with Washington and will be installed and operated permanently by 120 U.S. military personnel drawn from U.S. units stationed in Germany and across the rest of Europe.
Is this genuinely what American ideal of democracy was?
An unprecedented, yet serious degree of cynical pessimism and ignorance that has been inserted into the apathetic culture of malaise in the U.S., then allows such ill-conceived policies in our name. And if one ever rarely dares speaks his conscience for the good of the nation and humanity, he is immediately discounted as one committing treason and treachery under the fifth column by schizophrenic government organs, the media or even ignorant people themselves who wrap themselves in the flag to demonstrate they are the far more patriotic and loyal Americans? By the same taken, the patriotism and loyalty of the unpatriotic mega-corporations cheapening and selling America and wasting its precious resources are never questioned, but instead constantly rewarded from our pockets.
With the fall of communism
Those who are motivated by self-interest
Won the day and raised their flag
Now the fortunate need no apology
To dominate the unfortunate
So we live under the tyranny of consumers
Of rational misers and social climbers
Anybody can be a millionaire
با یادی از هدایت و شاملو: در موزه ی کنتس دو سگور
راستش وقتی فکرش را می کنم بین ایرانیان، کسانی که حتی توان نوشتن یک صفحه بدون غلط را ندارند با چه تحقیری از نویسندگان پرفروش و محبوب مردم، نویسندگانی مانند محمد حجازی یا ر. اعتمادی و فتانه سید جوادی و فهیمه رحیمی حرف می زنند در حالی که خودشان از فرط تنبلی، حتی عرضه پاکنویس کردن یک کتاب این نویسندگان را ندارند، وقتی می بینم کسی که از همان جمله ی اولش غلط املایی و دستوری دارد و بلد نیست قلم به دست بگیرد تا لاف های غربت خود را به روی کاغذ بیاورد و برای هر کاری با انواع شگردها و حقه ها مدام از این و آن کمک می خواهد با چه حس نفرت و تحقیری نسبت به انواع ادبیات و تولیدات نویسندگان و هنرمندان محبوب دوران خود که حافظه ی جامعه را تشکیل می دهند حرف می زند، از کوته فکری ایرانیان چه در خارج از کشور و چه در داخل کشور شرمنده می شوم