

Bipartisan militarism

Democrats, Republicans and threats of war toward Iran

25-Oct-2008 (30 comments)
So here we have, yet again, our glorious Foreign Policy Community threatening another country -- one which hasn't attacked us and can't attack us -- with war, threatening to bomb them with "devastating strikes" that "would probably last up to several weeks and would require vigilance for years to come." And they want the next President, beginning this January, to "build up military assets in the region" in order to threaten and prepare for those attacks. It's just objectively true that there is no country in the world -- anywhere -- that threatens to attack and bomb other countries as routinely and blithely as the U.S. does. What rational leader wouldn't want to obtain nuclear weapons in a world where the "superpower" is run by people like Dan Coates and Chuck Robb who threaten to attack and bomb whatever countries they want?>>>


How do men feel?

”It’s a crime to be a woman in this country. I commend you. Give my regards to your friends.”

25-Oct-2008 (19 comments)
I got in the back seat of the Taxi. There was a young man who got on before me. He was talking loudly on the phone….”Yes dear Hamid. These medications have affected my hearing and eyes. Sounds are louder and everything is brighter. Note all the changes I tell you. Take care and good bye.” After a while a girl got into the Taxi and sat on my other side and we drove off. I immediately took out two notepads from my bag and gave it to both of the passengers. The girl thanked me and started reading it. The young man also shook his head in appreciation. A little later he asked: ”Oh, are you the same one million signatures campaign?” I got excited that once again I had met someone who was familiar with the campaign>>>


The Newlyweds (9)

Did he really think that putting a plate of money in front of me was going to take away the pain of all those cruel words he hurled at me?

25-Oct-2008 (10 comments)
Khaleh Joon, I hope you haven’t been worried if your phone calls have remained unanswered for the past few days. Shahab and I were gone for a short vacation. I know this will come as a surprise to you after how low I have been feeling ever since our big fight. I was even more surprised than you must be at the way things turned out. About ten days ago, I came out of the shower to see the table set with candles and flower, the lights dimmed, some nice Persian music playing on the radio, and the smell of something yummy coming from the kitchen. I was in awe and did not know how to react. Shahab finally came out of the kitchen, came towards me and took my hand, which he kissed tenderly. He led me towards the table and pulled the chair out for me>>>


برابری خواهی

منشور کورش و مساله ی زن ايرانی

25-Oct-2008 (one comment)
به نظر من، در درون فرهنگ ايرانی ما، بهترين، مهمترين و مؤثرترين نقطه ی شروع استناد کردن به تنها سند رسمی و معتبر ملی ما است که می تواند همچون ميثاقی انسانی ما را به راه مستقيم پيشرفت برساند. و اين همان سندی است که با نام «منشور کورش بزرگ» در جهان شناخته می شود. اين منشور، علاوه بر دارا بودن همه ی مفاهيمی که در ارتباط با مسايل حقوق بشر جهانی قرار دارند (هرچند در اشکال ابتدايي اين حقوق)، واجد اين بالقوگی هم هست که می تواند، در متن فرهنگ ملی ما، کارساز مشکل و مسئله ی زن در جامعه ای سنت زده امروز باشد، و همچون پايه و مايه ای برای بازسازی قوانين آينده ی مربوط به حقوق انسان ها و حقوق زنان ما بکار گرفته شود.>>>


خطرناک برای کی؟

حکومت اسلامی و بند ناف نوانديشی امامی

اخيراً، هربار که مطلبی در مورد «نوانديشان دينی» (يا به قول آقای دکتر سروش، «روشنفکران دينی»)، و مخالفت مستمر آنان با «سکولاريسم» می نويسم، با اين پرسش گروهی از خوانندگانم مواجه می شوم که چرا، در عين نشان دادن موارد اين مخالفت، توضيح نمی دهيد که چگونه است که اين آقايان، برای آسان تر شدن کار نوانديشی شان، هيچ کدام کمر همت به بيان دلايل ابطال حکومت اسلامی و ولايت فقيه نمی بندند، و هرگاه که به اين مطلب می رسند بلافاصله رو بر می گردانند و از ورود به دايرهء اينگونه بحث ها خودداری می کنند. چرا اين انديشمندان، مرتباٌ، با سر و هم کردن استدلال هائی سخت ضعيف، سکولاريسم را نفی می کنند؟ مگر سکولاريسم حرفی خلاف عقايد آنان می زند؟ مگر باور مذهبی را نفی می کند؟ مگر کاری به کار اهل مذهب دارد؟>>>