

Gone with the wind

Is Iran’s strategy counter-hegemonic?

08-Oct-2008 (6 comments)
Nuclear energy is essential in the Iranian context as indeed in all places where concentrated energy is needed. But it has to be as part of a comprehensive and long term energy program. Alternative (non-fossil) sources of energy are at the moment – with the exception of nuclear and hydroelectric power – in their early stages of mass production and consumption. Solar, wind, tidal, and biomass sources continue to evolve, but the magnitude of production along with transportability and the initial capital costs have made nuclear and hydro more appealing. For instance, even if Iran gets a small percentage of its electricity from each of these renewable sources, it will be in a position to diversify home-grown energy sources while removing enormous dependency and restrictions in confronting hegemony>>>


فیلم تکراری؟

لزوم شفاف سازی مبارزات ماقبل انتخابات

08-Oct-2008 (43 comments)
هرچند من خودرا از طرفداران کاندیداتوری آقای خاتمی میشمارم ولی لزومی نمیبینم که گزینه فقط بین ایشان و دو سه نفر دیگر باشد. دلیلی ندارد که در یک نظام سالم همه اش بدنبال معمرینی که دو دوره رئیس جمهور بوده اند بدویم. کجای دنیا برای پذیرش بالاترین مقام مملکت اینهمه خواهش و تقاضا از یکسو و ناز و کرشمه از سوی دیگر وجود دارد؟ تعارف در صرف چای و شیرینی و عبور از در ضرری ندارد ولی جای آن در سیاست نیست. اگر ما مبارزات ماقبل انتخاباتی آزاد می داشتیم شیفتگان خدمت از جوان و دنیا دیده با کمال میل وارد گود میشدند و در راه کسب نامزدی حزب خود و مبارزه برای کسب قدرت و امکان خدمت پنجه در پنجه رقبا میانداختند. اگر گزینه ها تنگ نمیبود دیگر لازم نمیشد که اینهمه به یکنفر رو بیاندازیم و التماس کنیم و او را به جد اطهرش قسم بدهیم و در محضور اخلاقی بگذاریم که رهبری را بپذیرد. این همان فیلم تکراری دوره دوم آقای خاتمی است که نتایجش را هم دیدیم.>>>


Tehran's Coming Disaster

200,000 dead, 400,000 injured

08-Oct-2008 (8 comments)
"Baba jan, look, there is so much they could be doing, that is basic, simple, established read it and do it type protocols for this sort of thing, that they could have rescued far more people than they did. It is absolutely un-necessay for this many to have died." he replied. Later that week, in the shiny offices of his San Jose consultation firm Enviro Safetech, I spoke with Jamali about exactly what the government of Iran could have done better to rescue more people than were saved in Bam. Jamali outlined a basic plan that now seems all but elemental, and not only sounds obvious, but happens to be backed by the emergency response policy here in the US.>>>


The Newlyweds (3)

In such a short time, I have become unsure of my husband

08-Oct-2008 (11 comments)
Khaleh Joon! Before anything else, I want you to know that I am well, and very sorry to have remained silent for so long after my departure from Iran. Before I give you my news, I would like to ask you to please not communicate anything I tell you in this or other letters to Papa Joon or Mahrokh Khanoom. Not that I would expect you to. You have always been a precious and loyal confidant to me. Indeed, you have been the closest thing to what I can call a real mother ever since I was a child. Khaleh joon, now again, you are the only I can confide my real thoughts to as a newly married woman in a strange land. How I wish I could elate you with the typical joys and happy anecdotes that must be the norm for most newlyweds! Instead, I am filled with anxiety and fear for my marriage and my new life here>>>