

Dumb and Really Dumb

McCain and Obama both offer change. But change is already here… without them

03-Oct-2008 (5 comments)
Just as Jim (Carrey) and Jeff (Daniels) made America laugh with their classic comedy back in 1994, “John and Barack “are also making us laugh as they act this 2008 drama in comedic fashion. Here is the nation falling apart economically, and here we have two senators contending for the highest office in the land who, instead of charging forward on white stallions ready to joust, show up riding side-saddle on decrepit mules. McCain totally clueless about the economy… ditto for his rival Obama. We truly have reached what could be termed as “bottom of the barrel” politics, with a duet of dumb and dumber politicians claiming leadership when they should be claiming ignorance. We need to be clear here. By dumb we don’t mean to categorize these two senators as stupid>>>


Iran Deposes Another King

Larry vs. Mahmoud

03-Oct-2008 (17 comments)
Once again, the cowardice and ignorance of modern American journalism allowed the wrong idea to seem like a fantastic solution. Well, all I can say is, that I'm just glad I ate before I sat down to watch last week's CNN Larry King interview with Iran's pseudo President Ahmadinejad, or as I now call him A@*H&%$#. Hours before the interview, the "submit your questions" page of CNN that was sent around the internet for Iranians to fill in, was most surely filled in, with great submissions that King could have chosen any one of to really put the non-leader of Iran on the spot with, and grind the logic-failure of Iran's great Islamic proposition with. Instead though, King showed why he is the epitome of the lackluster, ignorant, lazy, and "feed the beast your children", of American journalism>>>


The Falling Stream

A page from a novel

03-Oct-2008 (10 comments)
So we decided to kill ourselves at the same time. “Hanging,” she said. I shook my head. “Too painful,” I said. “I like pills.” “No,” she said. “It’s typical coward’s kind of death. We want something spectacular.” Then we talked for hours about different ways of dying. Throwing ourselves under a train or a truck. Eating arsenic or burning ourselves. The final solution was supposed to be so original that nobody had never died from it. So unforgettable that everyone was going to remember how hopelessly we felt when we were alive. “We can’t live without hope,” Mitra said. “Suicide is our last hope,” I said. >>>


Billie Holiday
03-Oct-2008 (2 comments)
Oh Billie, I dance with you
Holding your waist with my hand
I circle around on tiptoe
Your playful rhythm leaks into my veins
And the salt of your skin sinks into my blood
The sea is far but I hear its sound
The sea is big but fits in my body
Let us cast off our shoes >>>