Why would the Islamic Republic want to eliminate its own scientists?
Once again two scientists with nuclear connection have been subject of bomb explosion. Majid Shahriari was an Elementary Particle physicist, and a member of the Scientific Board of Beheshti University. He was driving to work with his wife when the explosion occurred near the intersection of Imam Ali and Artesh Freeway. He was killed and his wife survived with injuries. The assailants riding motorcycles attached magnetized bombs to the car
Iran's independent stance is hugely popular among Arabs
by Edalat and Wilayto
The latest batch of Wikileaks revelations give the impression that, next to Israel, it's the Arab states that are most energetically pressuring the U.S. to attack Iran. In terms of the real threat to Iran, that 's definitely putting the cart before the horse. In the first place, the Arab governments mentioned as being hostile to Iran – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates – are all undemocratic, unpopular regimes that depend on U.S. support to stay in power
Can memories be erased just because we moved? Nah!
Year after year, the holiday blues seem to arrive a bit earlier than before. As we join the celebration of a season that matters to the people we’ve come to love, it’s only polite to show enthusiasm. Once again, the stores are swarmed with shoppers and a bad economy seems long forgotten. Now that I don’t have an extended list of gifts to buy, preparation is somewhat easier. As usual, my husband writes many packages of greeting cards in his best handwriting. I do the shopping and food preparations
جامعه ای سرشار از عدالت و برابری و رفاه عمومی و امنیت و ... توهمی بیش نبود
خلافت ابوبکر تنها دو سال و 3 ماه به درازا کشید. او فرصت یافت تا برخی از یاغیان عرب در سرزمین حجاز را ساکت کند و تمامی شبه جزیره را به تصرف درآورد، سردار عرب، "خالد" را به فتح بخش هایی از ایران و روم شرقی (بیزانس) بفرستد و... خالد تا پیش از مرگ ابوبکر، فرصت یافت بخش های جنوبی عراق را از ایرانیان و بخش هایی از سوریه در امپراطوری روم شرقی را تصرف کند
رفیق سیبیلو: کباب ترش رو تو رب انار جا انداختید، یا آب انار؟
پرولتاریای اول: تو آب انار تازه، مال ساوه.
رفیق ماتیکی: جوجه کباب سینه، زعفرونیه؟
رولتاریای اول: بله خانم، ما اصلا زردچوبه استفاده نمیکنیم!