Our instrument of last resort for bringing some accountability to those in power
After reading the article titled ‘WikiLeaks: U.S.-Iran Relations "Now What" Moment?’ by NIAC’s Reza Marashi who identifies himself as a former Iran desk officer at the U.S. State Department, I failed to see exactly what ‘lessons learned’ are being presented following release of thousands of the not-so-diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks -- an act that the writer repeatedly labels as an “inexcusable security breach” throughout his treatise
Why Iran is in doldrums, scientifically
That Iran, with 10% of the world's known oil reserves, 2nd in natural gas reserves, and an intelligent eager workforce, is going through the most dire of circumstances in living memory, is not a secret. Iran's economy is basically in the doldrums. It looks up to countries like Qatar, Emirates, and Turkey for how to get things done, and is ruled by a ruthless religious dictatorship, all while its environment plummets down the drain