

Tehran Zoo

Experimental documentary

07-Jul-2010 (16 comments)


Going after the Guards

How did so much wealth and power come to IRGC?

07-Jul-2010 (26 comments)
Over the years IRGC expanded its enterprise to other opportunities along the lines of telecommunications, energy, logistics and services, and automobile. They also build dams, bridges, and tunnels underground for railways. Ghorb’s director is IRGC General Rostam Qasemi, and its chief executive is IRGC’s commander and chief, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari. Ghorb’s military projects extend to the Nuclear and Ballistic missile programs. Smuggling contraband of sorts, electrical appliances and gasoline is another>>>


حق حيات

آيندگان كه تاريخ من و تو را مي خوانند چگونه داوري خواهند كرد؟

07-Jul-2010 (9 comments)
نمي دانم از چه زماني و براي چه موضوعي حكايت هابيل و قابيل بين ما درگرفت و نمي دانم چه كسي تخم فتنه و فساد را بين ما پاشيد كه هر چه كرديم و به طريقي اثبات نمائيم كه برادر هم هستيم و با اتحاد مي توانيم رشد كنيم و با اتفاق مي توانيم بسازيم و آباد نمائيم نشد كه نشد. و تا اين كه تجربه اخراج از ايول به سال 1362 شد باورمان نمي شود ... فقط و فقط يك مطلب را از شما انتظار دارم كه در اين آخرين ايام حيات خويش متوجه شوم كه حق حيات داشتم كه زاده شدم و يا نه؟>>>


Falling short

War on Error: Real stories of American Muslims

07-Jul-2010 (one comment)
The author decided to write this book when the events of September 11, 2001, created a distorted image of the life aspirations and loyalties of Muslim-Americans in the minds of many. This is clearly a worthy goal that has been addressed by other writers, and filmmakers, with mixed results. The author approaches her subject by presenting the life stories of 12 individuals: 7 women, 5 men. Those chosen include the author herself, her husband, and several very close friends. As such, these 12 people do not represent an unbiased cross-section of the Muslim-American community>>>


There's nothing like it

Wonderful Namjoo at Disney Hall in Los Angeles

07-Jul-2010 (2 comments)
I wish people would stop comparing Namjoo to Bob Dylan. As much as I love and enjoy Bob's music I do not find this a fair comparison. To start with, Namjoo has a great voice that poor Bob could only sound like in his dreams. Also, Bob followed a musical path that Woody Guthrie had paved before his death in 1931, and then entered Woodstock’s highway to fame. Namjoo has created his own style of music against all odds. He learned different styles of music, before fusing them in to what he presents to us today>>>


قصه تنهائی ما
07-Jul-2010 (2 comments)
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