

Thou shalt not steal

The drumbeat for war

15-Sep-2010 (8 comments)
Where the government of Iran has been most vulnerable, it’s the fact that its clerical oligarchy stole the riches of the country and brought misery to its own people. Oddly, this has never been a point of contention; instead all focus is on the nuclear non-issue. The sanction proponents have each their own agenda, which all converge toward one essential point: they do not wish to see an independent Iran sit on top of the oil-rich Persian Gulf. Ms. Merkel once claimed that she knows history well (i.e. of the Nazi era) and she won’t let it happen again. Well, it’s happening again>>>


The Next Apprentice?

Iranian-American contestant Mahsa Saeidi-Azcuy

15-Sep-2010 (4 comments)
"I have to say that The Apprentice is one of the best-produced shows. And it is real. The tension is real. The feelings are real. The tasks are real. You work like an animal. You almost get no sleep. The producers are so careful with the rules that all the drama that unfolds on screen is real. The second you walk in, you feel the pressure and it starts to impact you. But that's also what makes it so fun to watch. And this season more than any other previous season, the craziest things happen, you have to watch!">>>


اسم ممه های مامان

مامان به سینه هاش اشاره می کنه و به زبونی که نمی فهمم صحبت می کنه و می گه: لولو خرخره

15-Sep-2010 (7 comments)
واقعن اون کی بود؟ دختر بچه ای که همیشه گرسنه ی ممه های مامان بود؟ و کی بود اون دختر حقیقی و حقوقی بابا که یکروز که از کنارش می گذشت بابا ممه اش رو دستمالی کرد و دختر بعدش به سرگیجه افتاد؟ و کیه زنی که همه ی کارهاش یادش می یاد ولی کننده شو نمی شناسه—همه ی کارهاش که انقدر معمولی هستن که قابل نام بردن نیستن؟ آره من می خوام اسم این فرد رو بدونم—می خوام فاعل این افعال رو بشناسم. آره من دنبال اسم کوچیک خودم می گردم>>>


Men in Motion

You needed to know about the hardest struggles of the people there in order to understand the land

15-Sep-2010 (5 comments)
I sat next to an old white man on the bus. I read a book and looked out the window trying to see the America that the book was talking about. I couldn't do it. The book was The Underground Railroad. I couldn't see it but that was all right. It didn't mean it hadn't happened. The old man was dying to look at the book. I could understand it. A brown-skinned guy like me learning about the real history of his country. It was strange enough for white people when a Middle Eastern-looking guy treated them as an object to be studied, rather than the other way around>>>


آتش در زمستان

بیاد گذشته های نه چندان دور

15-Sep-2010 (9 comments)
قرار آید بهار آید مرا تا یاد یار آید
مرا تا یاد یار اید بهار آید قرار آید
ز عمر خضر بیزارم اگر بی عشق یار آید
بدون عشق جانان عمر بی پایان چکار آید؟>>>