

Whiffing a Rift

Khamenei and Ahmadinejad falling out

17-Sep-2010 (16 comments)
All along, Khamenei's support for Ahmadinejadh as been tactical and not based on what the clerics often refer to as "aqd-e okhovvat" (a tradition of brotherhood contract established by Prophet Mohammad in Medina). Both Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei have used this phrase when asked about their parting from their old colleagues. Khamenei will support Ahmadinejad as long as the advantages of such a support outweigh its disadvantages. Surely, Khamenei is starting to see how the obedient president is enjoying power and is slowly outgrowing his own skin>>>


جشن قرآن‌ سوزان

دنیا ممکن است ناحادثه قرآن‌سوزی را به فراموشی بسپارد و از آن بگذرد، ولی جمهوری اسلامی دست‌بردار نیست

17-Sep-2010 (9 comments)
برنامه قرآن‌سوزی کشیش گمنام آمریکایی که قرار بود در 11 سپتامبر برگزار شود از سوی قاطبه رهبران سیاسی و مذهبی جهان مورد تخطئه قرار گرفت و لغو شد. ولی رهبران جمهوری اسلامی دقیقا راه عکس را پیش گرفتند و تا توانستند سعی کردند با تبلیغات وسیع از این حوادث کوچک و پراکنده توطئه‌ای بزرگ و جهانی بسازند و مردم را علیه غرب بشورانند>>>



Ahmadinejad election myths

17-Sep-2010 (6 comments)
Ms. Fatemeh Keshavarz's article on Iran's "defrauded" presidential election surfaced at a juncture when the U.S. is trying to deflect world public attention from its woes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan to Iran, impose more potent sanctions on the people of Iran, in lockstep with Israel, threaten the country with the use of nuclear weapons and effectively use such terrorist organizations as Mojahedin-Khalq and the soldiers of the Kingdom Restoration of Iran to throw dust in the air right before the 65th United Nations General Assembly on September 23, 2010>>>


درسوگ تایتانیک

رثای هانیبال الخاص

17-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
به صداقت خرس قطبی
در شکارماهی
و درخشش گل سرخ
در جزایر ایستر >>>


Another  door
Ah, you kinder than the wind
If only you knew
That if behind this door
You have opened on me
Sleep be asleep
I shall not come back awake >>>