

It's Time

... for Obama to support a UN rights monitor on Iran

04-Sep-2010 (12 comments)
Over the past year, the Obama Administration has missed successive opportunities to bring real international pressure on the Iranian government to address the severe human rights crisis gripping the country. Instead, it has focused its political muscle on the singular objective of convincing Iran's leadership to stop nuclear enrichment. The result has been an almost cruel disregard for the plight of the Iranian people and their urgent need for international attention to their human rights situation>>>


The Greatest Sin

Being a Bahai in Iran

04-Sep-2010 (114 comments)
The Islamic Republic is merciless when it comes to members of the Bahai faith. It is the greatest sin to be a Bahai because in the eyes of Islam the idea of divine revelation after the death of the Prophet Mohammad—the Seal of the Prophets— is unacceptable. The regime's Shi'a leaders consider the Bahai faith dangerous; to them it is the highest form of apostasy. The Bahais are also branded as Zionists. One reason for this is that Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri, aka Bahaollah, who was forced to leave Iran, ended up in Ottoman Iraq and by way of Istanbul went to Palestine where he died in 1892 in the city of Akko, now in Israel>>>


Waiting in Transit

Iran’s Struggle for Independence

04-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
Such is the case with Russia who is holding out on a 2007 contract to sell Iran S-300, an advanced air defense system, worth $800 million dollars, using this as a playing card with the West for its own gain. And such is the case when a country is dependent on a superpower for help and protection. In the following, I hope to analyze two independent but inner-related narratives, when connected, will demonstrate how and why we have reached this point. The hand that fed us the poison is also holding the antidote>>>



کِش یک دل نه صد دل عاشق نخ شد

04-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
ترس از کشیده شدن مشکلی بود که کِش با خودش داشت.
شب و روز این کش مکش روحی را با خودش حمل می کرد.
یک روز کنار دریا دراز کشیده بود >>>


Mirrors All Mine

From "Skies of the Dead"

04-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
Two thinly bodies
of glass frame the walls
in a queen-looking room
big as mother’s
where I breathe
and exhale
every foreign grain male.
Mirrors spy >>>