Death and I
10-Aug-2010 (2 comments)
I don’t know exactly what life is
A hollow recurrence perhaps
But death is a decayed reminiscence  
“Live as if you’ll die tomorrow”
This advice I took to heart all along
A precarious life I lived
Erratic behavior, whimsical in my thoughts >>>


The Secret Letter

Mousavi exposes IRI killing expat opponents

08-Aug-2010 (35 comments)
Hidden away for more than 20 years, a mystery letter suddenly reappeared last week. The letter, supposedly written by a Tehran insider turned opposition leader, was explosive: it alleged that Iran sponsors terrorism abroad. Like a middle manager ignored by his bosses, the letter writer expressed frustration that he was kept in the dark about Iran's involvement in events that he described as “operations abroad.” Mousavi was prime minister when the letter was first published and some say this was his resignation letter>>>


به همین خیال باش

خط سومی لازم است که اساسا جمهوری اسلامی نباشد

08-Aug-2010 (3 comments)
نهضتی که به بهانه اعتراض به تقلب در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، دوباره علم اصلاح طلبی را بالا برده است، با اتکا به برخی عناصر شناخته شده ی درون نظام که از خانه نشینی خسته شده اند و مزه قدرت و نفوذ هنوز زیر دندانشان است، قصد دارد دوباره نظام را به اصلاحات تشویق کند. اگر می شد در یک نوشته ی جدی بگویم "یک قران بده آش، به همین خیال باش،" حتما می گفتم>>>


کشتار ۶۷

جنایتی که هنوز قربانی می‌گیرد

08-Aug-2010 (2 comments)
رژیم روی افرادی که سابقه نزدیکی با مجاهدین در دهه ۶۰ را داشته‌اند حساسیت بیشتری نشان داده، تا آن‌جا که تعدادی از آنان را به مرگ محکوم کرده و زمزمه اعدام آنان را به راه انداخته است. به این ترتیب، رژیم گویی که از ریختن خون هزاران مجاهد در سال ۶۷ سیر نشده است و اکنون به دنبال آن است که هر مجاهد دیگری را که در آن سال از زیر تیغ جلادان جان سالم به در برده به قتلگاه بفرستد. از دید حاکمان، گویی که قتل عام سال ۶۷ هنوز پایان نیافته است و این جنایت هنوز ادامه دارد>>>


The Fruit Tree

Iranians in America looking at a fruit tree are in Iran, that's all

08-Aug-2010 (one comment)
At any given time, if there is someone in America looking at a neighbor's fruit tree with a look that suggests that American notions of private property do not apply to fruit, there is a good chance that person is Iranian. There is a good chance that they were walking along when the reality of pears or apples or figs hit them in a way to make them stop and look at the tree and see who they are. If they were to eat of that fruit, they would be eating of themselves. It is difficult to see how there would be something criminal in that>>>


Another reconciliation
08-Aug-2010 (one comment)
Reading over and over
the story of how
you barely escaped


Prevent War

We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel

05-Aug-2010 (27 comments)
We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month. This would likely lead to a wider war. Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything less than unstinting support to Israel, no matter how the war started, and that U.S. troops and weaponry would flow freely. Wider war could eventually result in destruction of the state of Israel>>>


Grand Goals

The chance to change the world is a theme close to Ahmadinezhad's heart

05-Aug-2010 (5 comments)
On July 31, according to Iran's semiofficial Mehr News Agency, presidential chief of staff Esfandiar Rahim Mashai claimed that the West had raised no objections to President Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad's open proclamation that the Islamic Republic could build a nuclear bomb. How should this surprising claim be interpreted? And what implications might it hold for Iran's domestic politics, especially when viewed alongside Ahmadinezhad's history of confrontational rhetoric?>>>


برده (1)

شاید در تمام سرزمین پارس هیچ برده ای به اندازه ی او از آزادی برخوردار نبود

آسمان آبی و روشن بود. حتی تکه ای ابر هم آن بالا دیده نمی شد. چنین روزهایی در زمستان کمیاب بودند. روزهایی که می شد زیر آفتاب روی زمین داراز کشید و پرواز پرندگان را تماشا کرد. پنج سال پیش بود که امپراطور یولیانوس تصمیم گرفت اسکندری دیگر شود و دوباره تاریخ را دگرگون کند. اما فراموش کرده بود پیش از او بسیاری دیگر هم برای این کار از جا جنبیده ولی موفق به پیمودن نیمی از راه آن مقدونی بزرگ هم نشده بودند.>>>


 به پیشواز صبح اشکی فرستاده ام
05-Aug-2010 (one comment)
نیامدی تا در کنار من باشی
تا نگاه در نگاهت سفر دهم
سر بر شانه های مطیعت بگذارم
در پناهگاه آغوشت خود را گرم کنم
نیامدی تا حضورت انتهایی باشد بر این شب بی پایان >>>


People's Consent

"All the people of Iran are the owners of Iran"

04-Aug-2010 (133 comments)
Mohsen Kadivar: Our current position is peaceful reform because our nation is not ready for more than this, and we don’t have the potential for such action. Anyway, even if we were to resort to arms we would need an organization, and we don’t have such an organization. We would be repeating the situation of 32 years ago, and they say no generation has it in itself to carry out more than one revolution. In addition the end of revolution is not predictable. The slogan of this movement is non-violence and peace>>>


Has this woman gone mad?

Aligning with IRI that is as brutal as Israel at its worst

04-Aug-2010 (25 comments)
Freedom of speech is a funny old thing. In the Islamic Republic it’s pretty much outlawed – yet in a leafy suburb of west London, Press TV, the broadcaster it controls, is allowed to operate freely. This week, however, the UK's broadcast regulator Ofcom rapped pro-Palestine campaigner Lauren Booth (pictured) – Tony Blair’s sister-in-law – for not showing 'due impartiality' in an edition of the Remember Palestine programme she fronts devoted to the Gaza flotilla incident>>>


راههای طی شده (5)

طلایه داران تفاهم و گفتگوی بین ادیان

04-Aug-2010 (2 comments)
منازعه میان مذاهب چیزی جز جدال تیره چشمان در آب روشن نمی تواند بوددر منظر مولوی، جلوه حقیقت ماورائی در آینه های متکثر فرهنگی و تاریخی نه امری استثنائی و اتفاقی بلکه پدیداری مقدر و لازمه آفرینش است. همچنانکه آگاهی و گذر از این محدودیت دیدگاهی نیز لازمه تکوین جهان و انسان است. متدینین ادیان گوناگون مانند نقاطی در پیرامون یک دایره اند که همه به یک مرکز واحد متوجه اند ولی هریک از زاویه خویش آنرا می بیند>>>


04-Aug-2010 (one comment)
کی گفته تحمل درد زایمان
 دشوار است؟
من خودم تا به حال
چند شکم مادر زاییده‌ام! >>>


Ali is Free!

Ali Mahin Torabi's death row nightmare is finally over

02-Aug-2010 (22 comments)
Many of you might not know about him, but for me it’s hard to talk about him without getting emotional, even though I have never met him in person. The first time I heard his name was 3 years ago when he was condemned to death. His case became widely visible, but he still remained in prison, until a few weeks ago! A week ago, I received an email that Ali was going to be freed. A few days later, my cell-phone rang and there was this warm shaking voice who said, “Hi, I am Ali!” >>>