این روزها مصادف است با پنجاه و هفتمین سالگرد کودتای 19 آگوست سال 1953 در ایندولند
قبل از انقلاب 11 فوریه سال 1979 که به انقراض حکومت سلطنتی پوپورن ها منجر و رژیم سوسیالیستی به سبک معمر قذافی و هوگو چاوز در ایندولند بر روی کار آمد، خانواده تروخیلو همگی سلطنت طلب بوده و همه افراد فامیل مشاغل مهمی در وزارتخانه ها و ارتش و نیروی پلیس مخفی ایندولند بر عهده داشتند. واقعیت این بود که آنها قلباً اعتقادی به سلطنت نداشتند و الکی عکس های شاه و ملکه و ولیعهد را بر دیوار اطاق پذیرایی نصب کرده و وقت و بی وقت جاوید شاه می گفتند
بیا ژولیو، بیا! امروز می خواهم به یک جای جالب بروم
شب زیبایی بود. ژولیو از قدم زدن خسته شده و با گامهای آرام بسوی اتاقش می رفت. کاخ دو کتابخانه داشت و اتاق ژولیو درست برابر یکی از کتابخانه ها بود. قرار بود در همین کتابخانه دوباره به تدریس ماه آفرید سرگرم شود. به همین خاطر قبلاً از آن دیدن کرده بود. ولی هنوز کارش آغاز نشده و بی صبرانه انتظار می کشید. درهای کتابخانه و اتاق ژولیو، هر دو رو بداخل سالن بزرگی باز می شدند که در انتهای آن پلکانی بزرگ موجود بود
At the age of injustice,
The pivotal points in history when
We’re bound to alter our fate,
Sluggish we are, to make a move.
Yet, our devious minds tell us what to do,
Callously play ignorant, act like we’re dumb
Seal impressions of generals
by Touraj Daryaee, Keyvan Safdari
This article brings to light some ten Spāhbed bullae which are housed at the Barakat Gallery in London. Their provenance is unknown, but they are dominantly (seven) from the kust ī nēmrōz “Southeastern Quarter” of the Sasanian Empire. There is also a bulla from kust ī xwarōfrān “Southwestern Quarter,” another from the kust ī xwarāsān “Northeastern Quarter,” and a unique, mostly illegible and unpublished bulla among the collection as well
How much brinksmanship will Israel tolerate?
by Patrick Clawson
Robin [Wright] is right (forgive the pun), and Jeff[rey [Goldberg] is not, about the timeline for the Iranian nuclear impasse. Robin is wrong, and Jeff is correct, that a crisis will come unless we find a way to stop what Director of National Intelligence James Clapper describes as Iran's "inexorable" nuclear progress. Iran reactivated its nuclear program more than 20 years ago. Its approach has been that of the tortoise, not the hare. If Iran is in a nuclear arms race, it is a marathon, not a sprint
آقای مصدق نازنین، خیلی حرفها دارم که برایتان بنویسم
شما درست روز 14 اسفند ماه 1345 از این دنیا رفتید. خیلی برایتان متاسفم. مخصوصا بعد از آن همه بیماریها و تنهاییها. بابا هم متاسف بود. برای همین هم کلی نوشته و بریده ی روزنامه برایم به ارث گذاشت که شاید اگر آنها را نداشتم، لزومی نمیدیدم این نامه ی بلند بالا را برایتان بنویسم. ولی خب، بعد از کلی کشمکش، دست آخر تصمیم گرفتم حرفهای دلم را صاف و پوست کنده برایتان بنویسم. مثلا نامه ای بنویسم و آن را در یک بطری شیشه ای بگذارم و به دریا بیاندازم
Manipulation of people’s opinion, emphasizing magnificent powers of US intelligence services
In June 2009, President Barack Obama of the United States, in a speech that was directed at Islamic world and delivered in a visit to Cairo of Egypt, stated that: "In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government". Vague statements like this by American officials at different occasions along with a document which has been produced by some fishy characters with claims to link it with Central Intelligence Agency of United States, are the roots of all stories that some people continue to make a business of them while adding fuel to the burning fire of political differences among Iranians
از مهتابی که به بیرون نگاه می کنم
سپیدی امواج به من لبخند می زنند
و چون به اتاق بازمی گردم
هزار کبوتر مهاجر
از هزار گوشه ی تاریک سر می کشند.
When I look out from my balcony
The white waves smile at me
And when I come back to my room
A thousand migrating doves peek out
From a thousand dark corners
The Case for an Iranian Nuclear Weapon
For Iranians of every color and creed, this is no longer a case of Mullah against the people. Whether you are for or against the Arab Regime, its Bedouin religion or its barbaric ways, it is irrelevant. There is an Iran separate and distinct from the Mullah-Arab Regime same as there is an Iranian identity completely separate and distinct from the Islamic identity. Putting aside differences, all should prepare to fight for Iran and its unique Iranian culture. Those who love Iran and its people should unite around the Regime and prepare for the imminent outbreak of hostilities against the people
Bolstering Riyadh against Iran
by Michael Knights
When Congress returns from its summer recess after Labor Day, the Department of Defense will provide informal notification of the U.S. intention to sell up to $30 billion in military equipment to Saudi Arabia. The likely deal is part of a U.S. commitment predating the Obama administration to strengthen regional allies in the face of a growing threat from Iran. For the Saudis, the transaction represents a clear return to considering the United States as its principal arms supplier, a position the Americans risked losing to France as recently as 2006
Interview with Tetona Jackson, 1st Black Princess on ice
by Tala Khanmalek
In 2009, Tiana joined the cast of the Walt Disney Company princesses, a franchise that has generated over $3 billion in global retail sales since 1999 alone (mind you, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premiered in 1937). Not only is The Princess and the Frog the first film to be traditionally (2D) animated in a cool minute, it is also the studios’ first film to feature a “black princess.” Even before the films debut, Disney on Ice produced “Let’s Celebrate,” a show that includes Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen in the Disney family
سپاه ساسانی وارد سرزمین ماد شده بود. تا چشم کار می کرد کوه بود و کوه. اینجا دنیای کوهستان بود. طبیعت افسونی خاص داشت. عظمت حرکت لشکرهای در حال گذر از میان کوه های عظیم بی حرکت به مانند عبور صفوف مورچه ها از میان کپه های خاک بود. همه چیز اینجا با تیسپون و دشتهای گسترده اطراف آن تفاوت داشت. ژولیو مطالب زیادی درباره ی قلب سرزمین ایران شنیده بود اما حالا داشت با چشمهایش خیلی چیزها را می دید
A campaign for war with Iran begins
Obama administration officials, as well as U.S. lawmakers and European diplomats passionately made the argument this spring that tough sanctions on Iran were necessary to avoid war. But contrary to their predictions, the drumbeat for war -- particularly from Israel – has only increased since the UN Security Council adopted a new resolution against Tehran in June. The latest in this crescendo of voices is Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in The Atlantic, "Point of No Return. " As the title suggests, it essentially makes the case (though in an uncharacteristically subtle manner by neoconservative standards) that there are no choices left -- war is a fait accompli