Memories of Home

Maybe the world is only going to treat us as we treat ourselves

31-Aug-2010 (4 comments)
I went to Spain for a holiday. Nothing fancy, just a group of old friends sharing rooms, splitting the cost, reminiscing. It surprised me to find Spain so advanced. Their public transportation must be among Europe’s best. The museums and public places run most efficiently and their subway runs better than other European countries I’ve seen. Barcelona in particular impressed me with its cleanliness. The last thing I expected in such a modern place was to see Iran of decades ago>>>


پری پیراهن پوش

چقدر خوب بود

31-Aug-2010 (6 comments)
حالا که قرار است در پیراهن باد جایت بدهم و از همان هوای بالای سرم، به پایین ات بکشانم، با صدای نیمه کوتاه صدایت می کنم تا بیش از این ها در چنبره حسرت و لمس نمانم. حالا که قرار است پیراهن ارغوانی را از تنت بیرون کنم تا لخت و عور، در برابرم بایستی با صدای نرم تو، دلم می خواهد به جز سکوت، هیچ چیز دیگری در اتاق نباشد. >>>


The Family Koran

Upon hearing Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani being sentenced to execution by stoning

31-Aug-2010 (3 comments)
Every day, early in the morning
My father, who in his childhood
Had memorized all thirty parts of the Koran,
Would put the holy book on the reading cradle
And recite it with my mother
In their bedroom>>>


All the Shah's Men (part 4)

Mosadegh was definitely a patriotic but his abilities were in doubt

31-Aug-2010 (one comment)
The story of CIA coup against Prime Minister Mosadegh, other than imaginative skills of Kermit Roosevelt and Don Wilber, apparently had some roots in realities of some events that probably were organized by these characters to take advantage of them in future and possibly making some fortune from the oil companies that would benefit from the change of direction regarding oil in Iranian government policies. Kermit Roosevelt's background in OSS (Office of Strategic Services) where he worked as an officer in Middle East during WW II had provided him with an opportunity to become familiar with the history and politics of the region>>>


Bomb First, Worry Later

Those who support an Israeli attack on Iran are indistinguishable from Israel's worst enemies

29-Aug-2010 (43 comments)
Few of the major proponents of bombing Iran are arguing that it is necessary for US security -- let alone that a bloody blowback against Americans is a risk worth taking. No, at this point, the argument is all about Israel and the threat an Iranian nuclear weapon might pose to it. That is why virtually all the personalities and organizations agitating for war are strongly identified with the Israeli right. And that is ironic. Imagine the Republic of Georgia deciding that the best way to defend against Russia is by bombing Moscow and then seeing what happens next>>>


What would Cyrus do?

UK must not lend the Cyrus Cylinder to Iran

29-Aug-2010 (3 comments)
A Thai woman boarding a flight at Bangkok's airport is caught with a sedated tiger cub in her luggage. Stuffed in a bag with, er, cuddly tiger toys, this tiger was revealed by the X-ray machine to have a beating heart. The woman’s identity is not being revealed as police quiz her about her final destination which, of course, had to be Iran, the most bonkers country on earth. Why was a 31-year-old Thai woman smuggling a tiger into Iran?>>>


Sama’ (The Audition-1)

The world of humans can not sustain such perfection

The desert Jinn were a nuisance. The big one I had just shooed was sulkily lumbering away over the horizon into the sun. Now a tiny inquisitive one scurried up the rocks to watch me tune my zehtar. Like a dog begging at the table, it waited attentively eager to gulp any discarded scraps of tone. Soon I felt two others sneak up to join it. Their polite stealth made no difference. Visible or not, their nosey presence distracted me from my daily practice>>>


در نشئه ی اینهمه غروب
29-Aug-2010 (one comment)
می دیدم
چشمه سار، اقاقیای سرمست
کوچه های همهمه، شفاف، قرمز
بر روی پرهای بی شِکِوه
شُکوه شاخک ها
و تصویر زنی
بر برکه – آغشته به حس


Vaghti Asheghi

Little girl sings with her dad

27-Aug-2010 (9 comments)


Be fair to Iran and Iranians

Countering anti-Iranian propaganda

27-Aug-2010 (28 comments)
In 1970's, when I had just come to the US during Shah's time, American people were much friendlier towards Iranians. They sometimes confused us with Arabs and I had a hard time explaining to them that I had only seen camels in a zoo, but generally they liked Iranians. But in the US nowadays things are a little different due to so much propaganda against Iran. So I thought I should get these short facts out there at least to counter some of the negative propaganda, generally propagated by Israeli-influenced media>>>


2010 more like 1938

The question is not whether to appease Iran or not -- but whether Iran is appeasable

27-Aug-2010 (47 comments)
Neoconservatives, Reaganites and other militarily assertive factions in the United States are sometimes accused of thinking it is always 1938 (Britain's appeasement of Hitler at Munich) -- that there is always a Hitler-like aggressor being appeased and about to drag the world into conflict. There is sometimes merit in that charge. Knowledge of history can be as much a snare as a guide -- if it is wrapped in a dogma that distorts the current facts to match the preferred historic lesson>>>


Let her come home

Activist Shiva Nazar-Ahari remains in prison

27-Aug-2010 (4 comments)
Shiva Nazar-Ahari’s family is gravely concerned about the fact that her court date has not yet been scheduled despite the fact that she has been in temporary detention for nearly a year. Shiva is a journalist, human rights defender and women’s rights activist. A court hearing had been scheduled in June but was postponed for unknown reasons. Shiva is currently being held in the women’s ward at Evin prison. This member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters has spent over 100 days in solitary confinement>>>


Mass of Moments
26-Aug-2010 (3 comments)
I have come to measure the speed
of my lost lover's madness.
-Remember him so much
that I am forgotten
Remember him so much, Ophelia,
that the rest have become a myth. >>>


Small entrepreneurs, big future

Visiting Indian villages which seemed to promise the future entrepreneurs

To understand India you have to see its villages! This dictum is often repeated to signify the hold of tradition on Indian society. Surprisingly, I found signs of entrepreneurship in the few villages of central India I visited which seemed to promise the future. These were all the more impressive as the past was still stubbornly strong in the mix of religion and history that was the mainstay of the folklore of these villages. This was the scene of the struggle between individual vitality and the inertia of group comfort >>>


بزرگ‌ترین جلاد جهان

در مورد اعدام‌های مخفیانه اخیر در زندان وکیل آباد مشهد چه می‌توان گفت؟

25-Aug-2010 (3 comments)
موج اعدام باز در ایران بالا گرفته است. در چند سال اخیر آمار اعدام‌ها مرتبا رو به افزایش بوده و موارد متعددی از اعدام‌های گروهی گزارش شده است. اکنون خبر می‌رسد که خصوصیت «مخفیانه» نیز به این اعدام‌ها اضافه شده است. تعداد کسانی که در زندان‌های جمهوری اسلامی در خطر مرگ به سر می‌برند عددی چند هزار نفره را تشکیل می‌دهد. جمهوری اسلامی ظاهرا عطش سیری‌ناپذیری برای کشتن دارد و در برابر اعتراضات جامعه جهانی راه‌های تازه-ای برای ادامه کشتار خود پیدا کرده است: قتل مخفی و گروهی>>>