راه اندازی مهدکودک طلبه های زن و NGO” هیئت مذهبی”
اعترافات در رابطه با تزورهای هسته ای در تلویزیون ایران
فرزند علی اصغر فرزند امام زین العابدین، فرزند امام جعفر صادق
اغراق ، گزافه گوی، گنده گوی، یک کلاغ و چل کلاغ کردن از خاصیت ایرانی بودن جدا نیست
For the past few years I have been working on a comic adaptation of Samad Behrangi's most famous book, The Little Black Fish.
کی عوض می شویم خدا می داند
One of the most puzzeling images is the scene of a Lion eating a Bull on either side of the Apadana stairs in Persepolis.
Jordan's King Abdullah, in an interview with CBS News, raised the specter of partition, with the creation of a state for the Alawi minority
A nation dersving a Gold medal
"In Iraq and Bosnia, Pineda writes, vaporized depleted uranium shells have carpeted the countryside with radioactive powder."
در این قسمت به معرفی حسن وثوق معروف به وثوقالدوله می پردازیم
فروغ فرخزاد اولاً مُرد، ثانیاً به اعتقاد من عاقبت به خیر هم شد
Extremists are no one’s friends they believe in killing and maiming any nation. Mursi of 'Brotherhood' realizes that now, he orders Apache attack that killed 20 terrorists.
21st of July, 2012, more than 200 people gathered at the Villa Domergue for a
gala organized by the City of Cannes and the Heritage Foundation in favor of
restoring the Qajar Art Collection of the Museum of Castre.
The vulgar insults toward Dr. Sanjabi and Mr. Bazargan are alien to the pro-democracy movement and JM/INF
HAFEZ: IRAN - "Strongest Olympian" 2012
Video: The "Third" Gold Medal, and The "Second" Silver Medal For Iran at The London "Olympics"
At the end this was an amazing day. The most important victory is for Ehsan Hadad who became the first ever Iranian to win an Athletic event with a Silver for Discus. Wow.
Americans have a saying "it don't matter who shot who, lets stop the bleeding". Does it really matter what Reza Shah or Mossadegh did or did not do?
Khamenei's last gamble: A causus belli?
So imagine that energy being ripped apart by two thugs. Yeah. One is Pluto and the other is Uranus. So what happens to all common elements of decency and law? Out the window.
Usain Bolt is the World Fastest Man, will Behdad SalimiKordasiabi be the World Strongest Man? I hope so!
The life story of Mohammad Farkhan Farabi
25 million dollar villas, 2 million dollar cars
So hopefully the likes of Standard Chartered and HSBC, will dim their exposure to the mullahs.
می ترسم نه به خاطر خودم، بلكه به خاطر آینده این ملك
A man who his beliefs and dogma is so rigid that all this outstanding academic and scholarly achievement is not enough to excuse him on his specific position and opinion regarding women
اسارات و قتل و تهدید به قتل 48 ایرانی در سوریه و مواضع سوال برانگیز بعضی از مخالفان رژیم
Oh yes, these verdicts are truly priceless :-)
شهین تاج بختیار همسر شاپور بختیار
Video: Second Gold Medal For Iran At The "Olympics" - Omid Haji Noroozi, Greco-Roman Wrestling, 60 KG
Etude Op. 10 'Chanson de l'adieu'
NIAC calls for an end on sanctions hurting ordinary Martians and calls for an appeasement between the United States and the Government of Mars
My own pilgrimage back home three years ago...