Prelude to the Battle of Marathon
By the reign of Darius I of Persia (522-486BC) the Persian Empire was colossal stretching from Asia Minor and Thrace in the west, to India in the east. In the province of Ionia in western Asia Minor, Greeks were subjected by the Persians since the reign of Cyrus the Great. The ruler of the city of Miletus, Aristagoras decided to rebel against Darius and Persian rule. He led an army on a rampage throughout the coast of the Aegean, attacking the major Persian naval bases. Soon however Darius began to prepare an army to strike back against the Greek rebellion
کت و شلوار و کراوات ۱۵۰ ساله شد
هیپیهای دهه ۶۰ میلادی در قرن بیستم، بزرگترین ضربه حیثیتی را بر «کت و شلوار» وارد آوردند و بعد آز آنها میلیاردرهای «سیلیکان ولی» نظیر روسای آپل، گوگل، و فیسبوک نیز به تقلید از آنها روی خوشی به کت و شلوار نشان ندادند. ولی بیتردید کسی نمیتواند منکر شود که این مدل لباس از جمله دستاوردهای است که توسط بریتانیای کبیر! به پدیدهای جهانی و ماندگار تبدیل شده است
یادمان نرود که تا همین ۵۰ سال پیش هم نواختن تمبک برابر بود با خاری و ذلّت
متاسفانه فرهنگ ستیزی، زن ستیزی، رقص ستیزی و موسیقی ستیزی آخوندها از بدو ورود اسلام به ایران و القاب، برچسب و انگ واژهٔهای مستهجنی همچون مطرب، خالتور، بندتمبونی، روحوضی که هر کدام در حقیقت در طول دوره ایی از تاریخ مان بر سر زبونها افتاده است و اطلاق آنان به نوازندگان و هنرمندانی که در حقیقت میباید قشر تحت حمایت جامعه باشند نتیجهٔ ۱۴۰۰ سال جهل مرکبی است که واقعا در میان جوامع بشری دیده نشده است
Common beliefs and myths that bind people across the globe
While Christians around the world are preparing to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25th, the Persians are set to tribute one of their most festive celebrations on Dec. 21st, the eve of winter solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. In Iran this night is called SHAB-E YALDAA, also known as SHAB-E CHELLEH, which refers to the birthday or rebirth of the sun. In the East more than in the West, lifestyles have often remained more in tune with nature
History of an historic province, part 2
Under Omar Fars was captured by the Arabs, the Persians quickly gave in to the power of the Arab armies.Rashidun Empire stretched from West Africa to Central Asia. Fars became one of the major provinces of Rashidun Empire and cross roads between Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Fars contained vast industry just as it had during the Sassanian and Parthian eras. Uthman ibn Affan (579 –656) created the first Islamic navy and hired Persian marines, he also hired mercenaries from Iran namely the tough knight style “cataphracts” and professional infantry forces drawn from two provinces of Iran, Khorasan and Fars
جامعه ای سرشار از عدالت و برابری و رفاه عمومی و امنیت و ... توهمی بیش نبود
خلافت ابوبکر تنها دو سال و 3 ماه به درازا کشید. او فرصت یافت تا برخی از یاغیان عرب در سرزمین حجاز را ساکت کند و تمامی شبه جزیره را به تصرف درآورد، سردار عرب، "خالد" را به فتح بخش هایی از ایران و روم شرقی (بیزانس) بفرستد و... خالد تا پیش از مرگ ابوبکر، فرصت یافت بخش های جنوبی عراق را از ایرانیان و بخش هایی از سوریه در امپراطوری روم شرقی را تصرف کند
Never has Shiʿism witnessed such overwhelming criticism from Islamic thinkers and revisionists
In the dusk of the twentieth century, a mystical and quietist religion changed into a politico-revolutionary ideology that shook the world. How was this transformation brought about? Who were the men who transformed the faith into a weapon? What does the future hold for revolutionary Shiʿism? Martyrology and Messianism, the two main pillars of Shiʿism, can be traced back to two transformative events in the history of Islam: the killing of the Third Imam and the occultation of the Twelfth Imam
ایده ی "اتحاد ملل اسلامی" بیشتر بر مبنای عقده نسبت به برتری اروپاییان استوار بود
در واقع "صدر اسلام" دوره ای از تاریخ اسلام بود که به دلیل ابهامی که داشت، می شد همه جور النگ و دولنگی به آن بست و از مخالف خوانی "معاندین" و "اصحاب فتنه" هم نهراسید. چرا که نسل همدوره ی پیامبر و نسل بعد از او، هنوز زنده بود و می شد از قول هر کدامشان هزاران حدیث و خبر ساخت که؛ "من خود شنیدم که رسول خدا چنین گفت،... یا بخدا قسم دیدم که محمدبن عبدالله چنین کرد و ... به پرسش یک مسلمان، یا انکار یک کافر، یا مرتد، یا دشمن ... چگونه پاسخ داد
History of an historic province, part I
The southern province of Fars is generally hot and humid with mountains and lakes. Sub-tropical forests cover the southern strip of the province which causes agriculture and wildlife to flourish. There are three distinct climatic regions in the Fars Province. First, the mountainous area of the north and northwest with moderate cold winters and mild summers secondly, the central region, with relatively rainy mild winters, and hot dry summers
Historic photos published by Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies
by JB
ملکه مادر که خوب میدانست بخاطر قجر نبودن، تنها فرزندان او میتوانستند شاه شوند، بیدی نبود که از آن بادها بلرزد.
"خوبه، خوبه، خوبه ... مرتیکه پر رو ... بچهام رو بدم به اون قزاقهای فاسدت!؟ اصلا تقصیر خودته که پسر نازنینمو هنوز دهسالش که نشده بود، فرستادی دیار غربت و دادیدش دست یه مشت سویسی اون کاره! میخواستی همین جا نگرش داری و مواظبش باشی. ولی نه، حضرت عالی خیال داشتید که دستتون باز باز باشه و بتونید طاق و جفت زن جدید بگیرید."
America's architectural footprint in Iran
During the 1960s and 70s, before any of the
Marg bar Amrika (Death to America) banners of Iran's religious right, and before the bastardized quasi-soviet housing projects that mushroomed all over Iran's landscape, there existed a healthy balance of architectural exchanges between Iran and the United States, many of which resulted in some familiar landmark sites, facilities, and buildings, still seen today in Iran. The builders of some of these buildings in Iran are of international stature in recent architectural history. They most certainly deserve a mention
How to fight, carry weapons, ride horses and learn archery
The Immortal (Anûšiya or Anauša) were an elite regiment of hand picked men trained from childhood into elite warriors; they were the imperial guard of the Achaemenid Shahs. According to Herodotus of Halicarnassus the reason why they were called the immortals was because “it was invariably kept up to strength; if a man was killed or fell sick, the vacancy he left was at once filled, so that the total strength of the corps was never less -and never more- than ten thousand.” Surviving Achaemenid colored glazed bricks and carved reliefs represent the Immortals as wearing elaborate robes and gold jewelry
The first was the horrific murder of the Reverend B.W. Labaree in 1904
We've all heard that the reason Khomeini first planted the seeds of hatred against the USA, demonizing it for all eternity by his followers, has been its support of Israel, and "capitulation rights". But did you know that Americans in Iran were subject to harassment and even murder, well before any Ajax operation, and well before Khomeini was even born? And this is while Americans were trying to help Persia. Do you know who the first Americans murdered in Iran was?
Shedding light on those involved in the progress of Iranian Studies
During my visit to Tehran in the summer of 1999, Iraj Afshar showed me a series of letters between the great Iranist, W.B. Henning and the Iranian scholar and statesman S.H. Taqizadeh. He asked me what can be done with these letters and whether they were important enough to be published. After looking through the correspondences I realized that they are important as they shed light on a discipline that I was educated in. While there are many stories circulating about the great Iranists and Orientalists, very little has been done on the history of the discipline and the role of those involved in the progress of Iranian Studies