Love and the Revolution

I write to bring you back

03-Jan-2008 (25 comments)
Ezzat! January 7th is your anniversary. Fifteen years ago your heart stopped beating. I felt it in my heart and the earth stopped moving for me. It was late afternoon. Inside a booth I put some coins in the phone and heard your dad's voice, "She called us. First a man asked my name and then she talked." He did not remember what you had said. I took a deep breath full of trucks' exhaust in Darvazeh Qazvin Street and said, "I already know. She is gone forever. Her heart doesn't beat anymore." Where did I go? I don't know. 'Two days later, I met with your father in the park next to the railroad station. We walked together. The sidewalk was full of war refugees with their big bundles. He handed me your vasiet-nameh (will), and I cried. >>>


Two thousand five hundred years old

Undeniable value of Parviz Natel Khanlari’s services

03-Jan-2008 (13 comments)
The last time I saw Dr. Khanlari was in 1987 when he told me that studying literature belonged to another time. “It is a different world now,” he said. At the time I was a graduate student in literature and his advice to me was to start on a different path while I was still young. Parviz Natel Khanlari was a great man—so great, in fact, that a mere listing of his accomplishments does him no justice. People still argue whether his most important contribution was his journal Sokhan (unparalleled to this day in the talent and rigor it fostered), his country-wide literacy projects (leading to a considerable hike in literacy rates), his role in standardizing and producing text books (the accessibility and quality of which we all took for granted)...>>>


Who cares?

I am angry! At me, the girl who stares back at me in the mirror

03-Jan-2008 (6 comments)
“I AM ANGRY?” Is it even important how I feel? What I want? What I write about? Does my anger even matter when Britney Spears’ 16-year-old sister is pregnant? Could I possibly have something provoking to say when Paris Hilton just lost all of her inheritance to charity? Can I possibly have something more enraging to be angry about when so and so just got engaged and the other couple from last year's wedding filed for a divorce? I mean who cares what I have to say? Everyone has so much to worry about already. JC Penny's “16-hour post holiday sale” is ticking down and Macy's has that “two days only end of the year, new year special” going on right now so why would anyone in their right mind be reading this instead?>>>


لفط الله

آن سال حسابی چشم و گوشم باز شد

03-Jan-2008 (5 comments)
مش جواد را دیدم با نان سنگک بلند بالای دو آتشه ای که نوکش را گرفته بود تا همسایه ها بهتر بتوانند آن را ببینند، جلو رفتم و برای اینکه قد و بالا و صورتش را خوب بررسی کنم سلام کنان، نان را از دستش گرفتم و به دنبالش راه افتادم، و تا توی اتاقشان رفتم. انصافن فس فسی در او ندیدم. فکر کردم که حتمن عصمت خانم انتظارهای دیگری از او دارد. دلم می خواست نه از او، اما از عصمت خانم بپرسم، مردی به این سر حالی چرا " فس فس " می کند. ضمن اینکه درست نمی دانستم منظور از فس فس چیست.>>>