Here to stay

A new vision is required; one that sees the world for what it is

18-Jan-2008 (4 comments)
The problem at the heart of the current controversy over the Iranian nuclear issue is not one of knowledge but of regulation. Believe it or not, at exactly 08:15 local time, August 6, 1945, “Little Boy” opened Pandora’s box of nuclear knowledge and all hell broke loose over Hiroshima. The world woke up to a new technology; steam and internal combustion were old; “fission” and “fusion” were the new buzzwords. The mysterious “unknown” atom had become “known” and engineers everywhere started looking at its potential utility and destructive ability. Now, some 60 years later, some people think that they can turn back the clock to that pre-Hiroshima era of mystery. It cannot be done.>>>


Modern maturity

My friends, if you have something reasonable to say, say it politely

18-Jan-2008 (35 comments)
We should be grateful to the publishers of this journal for providing this public forum so that fellow Iranians and others can express their opinions and post their comments. We should certainly be able to do that with outmost respect for each other and no verbal harassment. Those who responded to my article with their thoughtfully crafted comments, I appreciate your sincerity. Those who were agitated by my arguments and made hostile remarks merely revealed a lack of analytical capacity to engage the topic. I intentionally didn’t respond to individuals because I didn’t want to legitimize their ad hominem attacks>>>


Freedom to explore

Interview with Mamak Khadem on her new album "Jostojoo"

"I ended up discovering how many things we all share - especially in music. I first thought about doing these beautiful songs in their original languages but I soon realized that I can express myself more openly and effectively in my native language, Farsi. So I married the work of some Persian master poets such as Rumi and Shamloo to the melodies. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to use musicians from Iran as well as non-Iranian musicians and I am so thrilled with the combination of players on this album from folk traditions, contemporary world music and from the jazz scene">>>


یک اسرائیلی ویک ایرانی

گفتگوی رویای صلح خاور میانه

18-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
در نوشته (من دلم فرار میخواهد)، درد دلهای مشکلات و مسائل خاورمیانه را با یاد راشل زرگریان، دوست یهودی دوران کودکی ام در میان گذاشتم. 35 سال پیش قبل از اینکه دست سرنوشت مارا ازهم جدا کند، ما یار ودوست و همکلاسی دوران کودکی هم بودیم. من فقط این را میدانستم که اواز ایران رفته واحتمالا در اسرائیل زندگی میکند. اما او بطور اتفاقی نوشته مرا در سایتی اینترنتی میخواند و بلافاصله در جستجوی من از اسرائیل با من تماس میگیرد و باهیجان و اشتیاق غیر قابل وصفی برای دیداری با من درلندن، بار سفر میبندد.>>>


Set that heart straight
18-Jan-2008 (5 comments)
Set that heart straight
So all else aligns,
Stars line up,
Cloud breaks down,
Desert gives up,
welcoming carnation under its sky.
Set that heart straight,
So reckless child calms down >>>