Apology accepted

Dispute resolved between Iranian group and Washington nightclub

24-Jan-2008 (12 comments)
Shabeh Jomeh, a social-networking organization of Persian/Iranian-American professionals and Meenoo Chahbazi, one of its members, represented by the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights & Urban Affairs and the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, announced today that they have reached a settlement agreement with a Georgetown nightclub, Blue Gin, resolving allegations that the owner and operator of the Club discriminated against Persian/Iranian-Americans>>>


The Green Circle
24-Jan-2008 (25 comments)
The reason of survival of our culture is behind the idea that ordinary people of Iran naturally understand and welcome the concept of function. As I have mentioned before and by the presence of many evidences, there are two factors flowing in every Iranian’s blood streams, humbleness and purpose; and as long as we don’t lose these two pillars of our survivals we should be hopeful to add more brick to our cultural castle with the birth of every single Iranian baby>>>


Thirty Birds

To joy

24-Jan-2008 (51 comments)
This poem was revealed to me. Let us not argue from whence, whether from the sub- or super-consciousness, and simply accept that, as with the Leila poem, I had no conscious choice or will in its making, only in the editing. It revealed itself with Attar's journey as the central metaphor, but it also revealed the presence of Ahriman/Angra Manyu, Ahura Mazda's opponent. I envisioned him somehow very strongly as Khomeini engaged in a battle with the "songgirl", Forough, for the soul of Iran and the world>>>


Long live the Bomb

Why Iran’s mullahs must acquire nuclear weapons?

24-Jan-2008 (38 comments)
The problem arises about what we don’t know and the accuracy of what we assume we know. Knowing the past and the present behavior of the Islamic regime makes it very hard to believe they have abandoned what seems to be their final card to play. The Islamic Republic cannot possibly live longer than it already has without the bomb. In dealing with the mullahs ruling Iran, what you see is not what you get, and what you hear is not what they mean. Transparency and honesty are not their strong suit. So, we need a first-rate sleuth to see through their smoke-and-mirrors, as well as beyond their twisted tongues into their warped brains>>>


رنسانس اتمی و سکوت رسانه ای

تمایل جهانی جدید به تولید انرژی اتمی، ولی نه در ایران

24-Jan-2008 (29 comments)

مساله این است که خود اروپایی‌ها و آمریکایی‌ها تازگی‌ها به این نتیجه رسیده‌اند که با وجود ریسک‌های زیست‌محیطی انرژی اتمی، این شیوه‌ی تولید انرژی فعلا با صرفه‌ترین شیوه است، ولی وقتی نوبت به کشورهایی مثل ایران می‌رسد یک دفعه از این جور استدلال‌های ساده‌خر‌کن می‌آورند. خود من با کمال تاسف سه سال پیش مقاله‌ای در نیو ساینتیست نوشتم و همین استدلال را برای رد نیاز ایران به انرژی اتمی تکرار کردم و الان هم کی به عقب نگاه می‌‌کنم می‌بینم که اصلا تنها دلیل چاپ این مقاله همین بود و اگر مثلا از آن دفاع کرده بودم امکان نداشت چاپ بشود. من از بابت این نادانی و دربست پذیرفتن چنین استدلالی از مردم ایران عمیقا عذر می‌خواهم.



هیچ یک با هم
ایرانی بود یا می‌نمود

با چشمانش
که میان ابر اخم
و شبنم یک لبخند
به نزدیکتر زآنچه می‌دید
و دورتر زآنچه در خیالش بود
می‌نگریست >>>