Hidden cash

Causes of corruption in Iran

16-Jan-2008 (4 comments)
The existence of corruption is fundamentally a philosophical problem and has roots in human nature and ethics. Though from a political perspective, this writing is concerned with the percolation of corruption throughout political life. I seek, here, to outline the causes of political corruption, with a focus on Iran. Political corruption is widespread in Iran almost to the proportions of an endemic disease. The modus operandi of Iranian political life requires a recipe of bribery, nepotism, cronyism, secret deals, and financial collusions, among others, camouflaged by the rhetoric and visage of Islamic justice>>>


شاهزاده و گدا

بهار اصلاً نمی دانست رابطه برف با مارک تواین را درک کند

16-Jan-2008 (2 comments)
ترجمه قطع جیبی شاهزاده و گدا رابه راحتی در بین کتابهایش پیدا کرد. با دقت زیادی انگار که دعای مقدسی را دارد ورق می زند، صفحات را با واسوس لمس کرد. اولین ترجمه محمد قاضی از شاهزاده و گدا در سال 1333 در آمد و او همان موقع که جوان رشیدی بود کتاب را خرید و آن شب تا آن را تمام نکرد خوابش نبرد. از نتیجه گیری کتاب وحشت کرد، یعنی اینکه کسی شاهزاده و یا گدا می شود فقط یک اتفاق است. آیا همه ما در شخصیت واقعی خود قرار داریم. نکند واقعاً شاهزاده ایم و لی به ظاهر و در اثر سیر حوادث لباس های گدایان را بر تن کرده ایم.>>>


Are we ready for democracy?

Iran Survey 2008

16-Jan-2008 (6 comments)
If we want to change policy, we have to change the present circumstances, the clichee iranian type. We can change that, by changing the medias attitude. It is us in the west, who have to draw the media´s attention to the, let us call it a fact, that Iranians are Democrats and deserve to be supported. But a fact is something, which needs evidence. Every Iranian can proove and contribute by taking time (5 minutes), just clicking in the survey... I will pass on the results to the media in Germany. Despite the survey naturally may not be representative, it could be seen as a very small step>>>


Three short ones
16-Jan-2008 (44 comments)
Some seek truth by soaring the heights,
there where they would become one with the Boundless.
Others seek it plumbing the depths,
there where they would surrender and be Bounded.
And both of these ways are good for a time.
But the Boundless one soon becomes prisoner of his freedom
while the Bounded one in bondage knows little release. >>>