Mazatlan redux

Beyond tourism-generated modernity

Mid-December was the time in Mazatlan when the locals told you that the cold weather was not “seasonal.” The longer the cold persisted, however, the more incredulous that claim became. From the corridor just outside of my hotel room, the little cove secluded by the silhouette of the nearby isles shone in the peculiar maroon sunset. The ospreys hovered over in the fading blue patch of the sky. The clouds made the ocean unappealing. The beach vendors appeared disoriented. Their favorite customers, the tourists from the United States and Canada, submerged themselves in Jacuzzis and margaritas. The better part of valor was to explore the land. >>>


مشارکت عمومی

مشکل لابی گری در بالاترین

08-Jan-2008 (10 comments)
سایت بالاترین این روزها روزنه هایی از امید را دارد به چشم می بیند. نوشته داور نبوی به عقیده من می تواند آغاز تغییر باشد. داور نبوی در این نوشته کاربران حذف شده هجرت کرده را داده است و در کنار کاربران بالاترین را به تحمل عقیده تشویق کرده است. من هم تصمیم دارم به این پروسه کمک کنم. خیلی از مواردی که کاربران ناامیدانه از آنها به عنوان غیر دمکرات بودن بالاترین یاد می کنند نه تنها ذات یک سایت آزاد هست، بلکه اساسا با دمکراسی هیچ نوع تناقضی ندارند. >>>


Iranian identity under fire

Against the use of "Farsi" for the Persian language

08-Jan-2008 (50 comments)
Unfortunately however, the word ‘Farsi’ is increasingly and incorrectly being used to describe the Persian language. This paper outlines the linguistic and cultural context of Persian, as well as exploring the potential motivations of those promoting the incorrect usage of the word ‘Farsi’. It explains clearly how the use of the word ‘Farsi’ instead of Persian voids important historical and cultural associations for the Iranian nation, with its long history of civilisation, and how it can therefore be seen as an insult to the heritage of Iran>>>


Splendour on the roof
08-Jan-2008 (3 comments)

Flushed in the spring sunbeams
on the flat roof of their house
three sisters call to each other
frisking, capering
dashing like mad
garlands of jasmine
around their necks.
