The Return

Music video featuring Mamak Khadem

13-Jan-2008 (3 comments)


A night at the Oscars

And the Oscar goes to...

13-Jan-2008 (19 comments)
Beating all the odds, it was the 36 year old Iranian born, Pantheon Xeroxes and her 110 minutes documentary called “Iran, the Land of Hydraulic Cranes” that won the Oscar last night for the best foreign language film... Born in Tehran as Zahra Hazrati Islampanah, she fled Iran at the tender age of 25 as a passenger in a British Air Lines flight from Tehran to Stockholm. Upon arrival she dyed her hair blonde and changed her name to Pantheon Xeroxes to better blend with the Swedish crowd>>>


Offering for a cause

Suicide bombings and human sacrifice

13-Jan-2008 (12 comments)
The reality is that the suicide bomber is taking part in an act of self-sacrifice. He is killing himself (and the mostly innocent around him) as an offering to the gods. The gods in this case are nothing but his cause or the cause of his people. He and his people live in a time of unprecedented calamity. Unlike the subjugated peoples of the past, the suicide bomber is aware of his predicament and also knows the perpetrators. Thanks to the Information Revolution, the oppressed are no longer blessed by ignorance. They are world-savvy and often educated. By offering himself the suicide bomber is attempting to convince the gods to change for the better the circumstances under which he lives>>>


Sacrificing the innocent

Suppression of Baha’is of Iran in 1955

13-Jan-2008 (52 comments)
After the coming to power Mohammad Reza Shah, intense criticism of his father's rule began. The clerical establishment, like ants, began to wreck the nation’s democratic foundation and every aspect of modern life, enlightened thought, progress and liberty, became a toy in the hand of repressive powers in Iran... After the 28 Mordad coup d'état in 1953, the mullas insisted on their significant share in the revolt, and this was only possible by suppression of the Tudeh Party and Baha’is. The furtive and renowned preacher, Hujjatu’l-Islam Muhammad-Taqi Falsafi, has stated in his memoirs that his sermons against the Baha’is took place with the prior consent of Ayatollah Borujerdi and Muhammad-Reza Shah>>>


«ناکجا آباد»

تصور «ناکجا آباد» به وجود دو نوع «شهر آرمانی» بر می گردد

تصور و اميد به فردای «بهتر» نه تنها امروز «بد» را قابل تحمل می سازد بلکه، بصورت «رانش» بسيار کارآمدی، زمينه را برای خروج از اکنون و حرکت به سوی آيندهء بهتر فراهم می سازد. بدين سان، صرفنظر از اينکه محتوای «ناکجا آباد» را کدام جهان بينی و آئين و دينی بسازد، خود وجود اين تصور حاصل روياروئی انسان با جهان هر دم ديگرگون شونده است و آرزوی او برای اينکه بتواند از پای بندهای وضع موجود برهد و خود را به وضعيتی برتر برساند. >>>