The Way
31-Jan-2008 (4 comments)

Why should I stay?

why should I talk repeat?

I have crossed this way

I have smelt the love

and want nothing more...

I have touched the mirage

pictures of fascinations in a land

lost in dreams of water and growing green



What will Israel do?

If the United States decides to live with a nuclear-armed Iran, Israel may not accede

31-Jan-2008 (97 comments)
Though the White House press release read "President Bush to travel to Middle East to follow up on progress made at Annapolis," his January trip actually centered on Iran, a country he did not visit. America's friends -- the Persian Gulf monarchs as well as Israel -- fear that the publication of the recent National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) means the United States is weakening in its resolve to confront the rising threat from Iran. President Bush made his Middle East jaunt, in part, to assure them that that assessment was premature>>>