Dealing with Quds Day protests in Iran take precedence over nuclear negotiations
While the United States is concentrating on the G-20 summit and the October 1 meeting with the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Iranian attention has been focused on the potentially destabilizing protests planned for September 18, Quds Day. This critical difference of agenda -- with Iran focused more on its domestic turmoil than on simmering international issues -- will be a major complicating factor in negotiations between the international community and Iran in the coming weeks
تضاد بین حاکمیت و مخالفان آن در جنبش سبز و جامعه مدنی به نقطه بدون بازگشت و آشتیناپذیری نزدیک میشود
در کشمکش بین دو نیروی درگیر با یکدیگر مرحلهای ممکن است پیش بیاید که از آن به عنوان نقطه بدون بازگشت یاد میشود. در این نقطه راه مسالمتآمیزی برای برون رفت از بنبست باقی نمیماند. این نقطه ممکن است بر اثر تندرویهای یک طرف یا هر دو طرف پیش بیاید. تا پیش از رسیدن به این نقطه، راه فراری برای طرفین باز میماند. در آن شرایط، آنها میتوانند با نشان دادن انعطاف به دنبال سازش برآیند و به نحوی با هم کنار بیایند. ولی وقتی درگیری به نقطه بدون بازگشت رسید دیگر بسیار دیر شده است. برای دو طرف راهی جز «درگیری تا حد مرگ» باقی نمیماند. درگیری در این مرحله به نبرد مرگ و زندگی تبدیل میشود
با صدور فتوی از سربازان و نیروهای انتظامی بخواهید که ازین پس وظیفه شان دفاع از مردم است نه سرکوب آنان
در خاکی که امروز بیش از هرچیز دیگری به فرهنگ آزادمنشی ،تحمل دگر اندیشی و مردم سالاری نیاز دارد، کردار شما آقای منتظری، به مراتب سنگینتر و زیباتر از هر سخنرانی، به برپایی چینن فرهنگی یاری داده و میدهد. روز از نو روزی از نو. این بار کودتاگران ۲۲ خرداد روی ساواک را سفید کردند، و شما بار دیگر چراغ بدست به میدانی باز آمدید که هرگز ترکش نکرده بودید. شما حتی در حبس خانگی چند سالهتان بر علیه استبداد سخن میگفتید. خط مشترک و متحد کنندهی تمامی آزادی خواهان امروز بر کناری این رژیم استبدادی و قرون وسطایی و بر سر کارآوردن نظامیست که از سر تا پایش بر رأی آزادانهی مردم بر قرار باشد
Iran is Persia, Iran is not Iraq, and Persia is not Bosnia
I've always considered Reza Shah Pahlavi's 1935 decree requesting that the country formerly known as Persia be referred to as "Iran" by foreign governments with which it had diplomatic relations to be a mistake. Naturally, once governments began to refer to the country as Iran, their citizens followed suit. This change at once led to a severing in the Western consciousness of Iran from the Persian culture of classical antiquity, and also created a situation in which the name of the country can easily become confounded with that of its neighbour and recurrent rival, Iraq, a name which entered the mainstream vocabulary of Western languages only in 1932 with the founding of the Kingdom of Iraq in that year
I know enough to say competing with Internet pussy is tough
As we followed Manijeh joon up the stairs, I could see she was not wearing underwear and if she was it must have been the transparent kind: a newly arrived model from Victoria’s Secret, her favorite place. Just the thought of her kos-excited outfit (or lack of it) scares me. I just find the whole thing frightening in a weird way. It’s like being in a war zone. At any moment something is going to go wrong. It made me feel edgy and tense and defensive
She surrenders to the future
Won't fight her obstacles so grand
Washes off the past and moves on
Getting closer to nature’s chants
She knows her pains are senseless
In greater scheme of things
River beds will show, the years that go
Nothing’s permanent it seems
پيام به مراجع عظام تقليد، علماء و حوزه هاى علميه
by Hosseinali Montazeri
اين جانب كه همه مىدانند مدافع سرسخت حاكميت دينى و از پايه گذاران ولايت فقيه - البته نه به شكل مرسوم فعلى، بلكه به گونه اى كه مردم او را انتخاب نمايند و بر كارهاى او نظارت داشته باشند - بوده ام و در راه تحقق آن در بعد علمى و عملى تلاش زيادى نموده ام، اكنون در مقابل مردم آگاه ايران به خاطر ستم هايى كه تحت اين نام و عنوان بر آنان مىرود احساس شرمندگى كرده و خودم را در پيشگاه خداوند بزرگ مسئول و در مقابل خون هاى ريخته شده شهداى عزيز و تجاوزات به حقوق مردم بيگناه مورد عتاب مىبينم.
من امروز شرح این ماجراها را می گویم تا مردم بدانند و چنین اتفاقاتی را با رفتار علوی قیاس نگیرند
by Mehdi Karroubi
خدایا مهدی کروبی چه می دید و چه می شنوید؟ یا للعجب؛ کاش او زنده نبود و نمی دید که روزی در جمهوری اسلامی شهروندی نزد او بیاید و شکوه کند که در ساختمانی بی نام و نشان، توسط افرادی بی نام و نشان تر،هر عمل قبیح و غیر معمولی بر او صورت گرفته است: از لخت و عریان کردن افراد و نشاندن آنها در مقابل یکدیگر تا فحاشی های وقیحانه و ادرار کردن در صورت آنها و رها کردن چشم و دست بسته دختران و پسران در بیابان. اینها کم نبود که خبر از تجاوز به دختران و پسران در بازداشتگاهها نیز رسید. با خود گفتم که سه دهه پس از انقلاب و دو دهه پس از فوت امام به راستی ما به کجا رسیده ایم؟
Reformists want to push Iran into the hands of Western corporations
This fact has been so far undeniable that one of the two main characteristics of the '79 Revolution was its anti-western imperialism content. A substantial section of the pro-bourgeois nationalists have let the cat out of the bag and pointed at China and Russia as two enemies of Iran, at least in their eyes. Were the ideological leaders of the reformist crowd aware that China and Russia have supported Iran, more or less, on the nuclear power plant issue, on the enrichment of uranium and have softened the impacts of the U.S./U.K.-promoted UN Security Council sanctions against Iran?
A necessary alliance to ensure that Iran reaches democracy
Now is the time to explain exactly why the Iranian-American community should ally itself with AIPAC, instead of treating American Jews as embarrassing cousins from the dahat who we don’t want to associate with, even though it’s their power and influence that we need to liberate Iran. Now is the time to discuss the number of people that will get killed over decades if the regime survives vs the number of people who will get killed in a few moments if we or the Israelis bomb Iran. Now is the time to discuss why it is so dangerous if Ahmadinejad gets the bomb
مرگ هنگامیست
که بخواهی بیافرینی، اما دنیایی نیست
بخواهی عشق بورزی، اما قلبی نیست
بخواهی بنوشی، اما جامی نیست
بخواهی زمزمه کنی، اما هوایی نیست
I am invisible. A dark ghost ship
searching the seafloor, with fingers
that mistake junk for its lost anchor.
To be frank, I expected more,
say as a victorian, a romantic
or a soul that tosses and turns
waiting for something that burns.
You'd rightly say: “Oh, please!
There is an Iran who seeks freedom and justice, one who is caring and compassionate
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is slated to make his annual visit to New York to address the UN on Sept. 23, 2009. If there ever were a time for us Iranian-Americans to come together to demonstrate to the world our outrage and contempt for his government, it is surely now. It is important that we do this especially because the movement to protest election fraud and civil rights abuse in Iran has been brutally suppressed. The reform movement in Iran is in shackles and behind bars. Armed with the Sepah, Basij and plain-clothes forces the Ahmadinejad government has arrested our leaders, intellectuals, activists and students. Many have been killed, tortured and raped
Brilliant classical guitarist Lily Afshar
Try mentioning your Iranian background in a circle of cultured American friends. Instead of the usual questions about politics they may ask, “Do you know of Lily Afshar?” This is because Afshar is one of the world’s leading classical guitarists, with remarkable innovations furthering the influence of the instrument. In fact, someone once asked Afshar herself where she was from. That “someone” was Maestro Andres Segovia, the terrifyingly eminent virtuoso authority on the classical guitar. A group of 12 young guitarists had been selected out of hundreds of international competitors vying for the honor of playing in front of the guitar legend, hoping for an approving nod