

جنبش سبز و اهداف آن

آرمان‌های خود را به عنوان اهداف یا دستور کار جنبش سبز پیش نکشیم

06-May-2010 (5 comments)
از جمله کسانی که تلاش کرده‌اند جنبش را در چهارچوب‌های سیاسی یا ایدئولوژیک خاصی محدود کنند و یا آرمان‌های سیاسی مشخصی برای آن برشمارند اعضای «اتاق فکر» (به تعریف آقای مهاجرانی) محفل جرس هستند. در هفته‌های اولیه پس از انتخابات، آقای اکبر گنجی بر اساس اظهارات رهبران اصلاح‌طلب جنبش (و تفسیر خود از این اظهارات) برای حضور در جنبش سبز قالب‌های سیاسی خاصی تعیین کرد و معیارهای سیاسی معینی برای شرکت در جنبش سبز برشمرد. پس از آن این تلاش از سوی برخی دیگر از اعضای این اتاق و به خصوص آقای محسن کدیور دنبال شده است>>>


The Dual Burdens

Most Iranian men support Iranian women in their struggle to gain equal rights

06-May-2010 (26 comments)
Iranian men unfortunately are once again victims of stereotyping and this time not by the American Betty Mahmoody in a movie called “Not without My Daughter” but in Sadr’s article titled “What is Different between Tehran’s Friday Sermon Imam and the rest of Iranian Men?”. The image she has portrayed of Iranian men in her article is misleading. Without raising objection to the original comments and minimizing the Ayatollah’s statement she takes Iranian men to a kangaroo court and denies them all due process rights>>>


Apocalyptic Islam

Interview with Abbas Amanat

06-May-2010 (one comment)
the doctrine of the “authority of the jurists” (vilayat-e faqih) was a clear example of this shift from legalism to political power; an attempt to become relevant and regain the lost privileges. Contrary to common misperceptions about the clergy’s opposition to the state, throughout its history the clerical establishment in Iran almost never entertained a claim over political power; an area that traditional Shi’i jurists for centuries tried to avoid... Vilayat-e faqih should thus be seen as an act of empowerment, a discovery of the political potency of an Islamic ideology, while bypassing legal modernity>>>


Don't Forget About Egypt

The Turk was the one consistent part of all the discussions

It was a joke his father and his father's brothers and their friends liked to use when they were entering a conversation. They were men who liked to talk and who liked to talk about politics and who looked so at home talking about politics that the boy would wonder where that home was. They looked like American men talking about sports, only there was more - more heights and depths of emotion, more putting their arms around each other, more slowness in the listening to another man's heart coming out. "Don't forget about Egypt," a newcomer would say>>>


چه خاموشی ای بانوی ایرانی
06-May-2010 (one comment)
نخواه که شمعی باشی
در کنج خلوتی
نخواه که به عزم کسی برافروزی و به خشم کسی خاموش شوی
قناعت مکن
به سوختن و راضی مباش
به گریستن بر سرنوشت مختوم خویش >>>