


کِش یک دل نه صد دل عاشق نخ شد

04-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
ترس از کشیده شدن مشکلی بود که کِش با خودش داشت.
شب و روز این کش مکش روحی را با خودش حمل می کرد.
یک روز کنار دریا دراز کشیده بود >>>


Mirrors All Mine

From "Skies of the Dead"

04-Sep-2010 (2 comments)
Two thinly bodies
of glass frame the walls
in a queen-looking room
big as mother’s
where I breathe
and exhale
every foreign grain male.
Mirrors spy >>>


Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin & Clear Denial

It must be very hard for Beck's White America to sleep these nights!

02-Sep-2010 (139 comments)
The recent event put on by Glenn Beck this past weekend, showed me a lot about that portion of middle America that has been getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Yet the middle of these Americans seems to be getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Boy Oh Boy the world sure has changed for them! What used to be a porcelain complexioned rosy cheeked European immigrant, has shockingly morphed into a range of brown and yellow skinned slant and slit eyed, bushy and dark browed, beard and mustachioed horde of freaking heathens!>>>


Serving the Motherland

International Congress of Iranians Abroad

02-Sep-2010 (32 comments)
Upon our return to the U.S. from a trip to Iran attending the Second Great Congress of Iranians Abroad, held in Tehran August 2 and 3, 2010, I decided to give a call to a long-time political friend and a peace activist to inform her about the success of the gathering and AIFC’s plans to hold a public meeting to report on the event. In this Congress about 2000 Iranian professionals, doctors, engineers, economists, financial analysts, etc. participated to get to know each other and discover the areas they can contribute in the developments of their motherland>>>


رقابت با ولی فقیه
02-Sep-2010 (3 comments)
موازی‌سازی در جمهوری اسلامی یکی از مشخصات غالب این نظام بوده است. از دولت «امام زمانی» چندماهه مهندس بازرگان که با حکم مستقیم آیت الله خمینی سر کار آمده بود تا دوران خاتمی و پس از آن، این پدیده ظهور داشته است. تنها در دوره ریاست جمهوری هاشمی رفسنجانی، موازی‌سازی کمی تخفیف یافت. مهندس بازرگان از دخالت عوامل نامسئول در حکومت می‌نالید. بنی‌صدر از کنترل نهادها موازی عاجز ماند و مقام خود را در مصاف آنان از دست داد>>>


وادی غریبی است این گذشته

نقدی بر کتاب "ما بچّه های کوچه" نوشتۀ فرشتۀ کوثر

01-Sep-2010 (4 comments)
خواندن این کتاب در حقیقت تأییدی بود بر نظرقبلیم مبنی بر شیوائی داستان سرائی و مهارت نگارنده در نثر فارسی. جذبۀ داستانها، شیرینی و طنز شیوای این کتاب آن چنان دلنشین بود که حیفم آمد دیگر دوستان را از وجود چنین کتابی بی اطّلاع بگذارم و آنها را با آن آشنا نکنم. قصد دارم که این کتاب را از سه جنبه به نقد بکشم: شیوۀ نثر، طنز و سرانجام جنبه های تاریخی و اجتماعی کتاب>>>


A History of Movement

It wasn't speed in particular, or strength, or even quickness

There was a point at which you called yourself good at something and you were just being foolish. All that had happened was that you hadn't come across somebody really good. Bahman knew it. He knew all that as he walked home from the field. But there was a time when you weren't thinking it to make yourself feel good any more. You were thinking it to figure out what you were going to do with what you had. It was when you realized that you saw something different from other people when you looked at a football field. Bahman saw opportunities there>>>


نقره ای
01-Sep-2010 (one comment)
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