Remembering Mosaddeq

Iraj Afshar, Jalil Bozorgmehr and Mohammad Mosaddeq

18-Aug-2011 (180 comments)
On the anniversary of the August 19, 1953, coup, which is forever etched in our memory, what better way than to remember Iran’s democratic leader by reading an account filled with anecdotes of his personal and political life as told to his lawyer, Jalil Bozorgmerh in a book called "Taqrirat-e Mosaddeq dar Zendan" (Mosaddeq’s Prison Notes) compiled by J. Bozorgmehr and edited by the late great Iranologist, Dr. Iraj Afshar. I have taken the liberty of selecting and translating passages from the book>>>


Revolutionary Losers

Revolution of 1979 had winners and losers. Here is the story of three losers

14-Aug-2011 (10 comments)
Ali was raised in a very religious middle class family in Tehran. Unlike his cousin who went to religious school, he chose to go to public school. He took advantage of free education, continued his higher education science, and received his doctoral degree. He got a respectable and good paying job, married, and had two beautiful daughters, named Laleh and Ladan (Flower names). He never forgot his religious duties such as Namaz and Roozeh>>>


A new beginning for Palestinians?

Protests in Israel

14-Aug-2011 (4 comments)
On both sides of the divide people of working and middle classes most of them youth have begun challenging the harsh Israeli regime's economic and political policies which has revealed its true nature by giving more of the occupied Palestinian land to new settlers "for free" while the residents of Tel Aviv and Southern israel, not to mention Arabs of East Jerusalem, are without homes as the prices to buy or to rent are going beyond their reachr.>>>


Shadow Diplomacy

U.S. should not let Iran eclipse the possibility of constructive regional engagement

11-Aug-2011 (one comment)
Over the past few months, with increasing frequency, US policymakers have issued statements indicating that Iran provides material support to the resurgent Taliban or to al-Qaeda. Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee in March 2011, General David Petraeus testified that Iran, through the Qods Force, had provided support for Taliban insurgents in "measured amounts" -- enough "to make life difficult for us, but not enough to actually succeed." >>>


آشوب در بریتانیا

اگر دموکراسی سیاسی پاسخ به شورش‌های کشورهای عربی بود، دموکراسی اقتصادی پاسخ ناآرامی‌های بریتانیا و سایر کشورهای غربی است

11-Aug-2011 (24 comments)
تقلیل ناآرامی‌ها و آشوب‌هایی که در چند روز اخیر در نقاط مختلف لندن و چند شهر دیگر بریتانیا رخ داده به جرایم عوامل خرابکار و عناصر ضد اجتماعی نه فقط نادیده گرفتن بخشی از واقعیت و حقیقت است و بلکه راهی به سوی حل آن عوامل ساختاری که زمینه مساعد پیدایش این حوادث است نیز نمی‌گشاید. دستگیری و مجازات تعدادی از عناصر خرابکار ممکن است آنان را برای مدتی از ارتکاب مجدد این عمل باز دارد و برای برخی دیگر عبرت‌آموز باشد، ولی هیچ کمکی به حل ریشه‌ای مشکل نمی‌کند>>>


Money Talks

Former U.S. officials make millions advocating for terrorist organization

09-Aug-2011 (8 comments)
The MEK's delisting campaign is funded by a fluid and enigmatic network of support groups based in the United States. According to an MEK leader, these groups are funded by money from around the world, which they deliberately shield from U.S. authorities. These domestic groups book and pay for their VIP speakers through speaker agencies, which in turn pay the speakers directly and take a fee for arranging appearances. That way, the speakers themselves don't technically accept money from the community groups>>>


Money Rules

Iran’s rich eat ice cream flecked with gold as poor struggle to survive

09-Aug-2011 (3 comments)
Gold-flecked ice cream wasn’t part of the picture that Shiite Muslim clerics painted during the Iranian Revolution, when they promised to lift the poor by distributing the country’s vast oil income equally across society. But more than three decades later, record oil profits have brought in billions of dollars, and some people here are enjoying that decadent dessert. The trouble is, it’s just a small group of wealthy Iranians. Despite the promises of the revolution, many here say has never seemed wider>>>


Democratic Islamic Republic?

Interview with Walter Posch

07-Aug-2011 (13 comments)
Inside Iran, many reformists have always expressed their fidelity to the Supreme Leader – who doesn’t want them – and to the legacy of Imam Khomeini. This allows the reformist current to stay in the political game. But then what do the reformists want? Is a democratic Islamic Republic still possible, I mean possible in real life, not in theory? The Hezbollahis as part of the Principalists (osulgerayan) succeeded in destroying the Reformist parties’ political cadres... In other words they marginalized the future generation of democracy advocates>>>


بختیار که بود و چه کرد؟

عباس میلانی،‌ حمید اکبری و مهران براتی

07-Aug-2011 (73 comments)

"...من گمان می‌کنم که ستاره اقبال آقای بختیار هر چه از قتلش به دست عمال رژیم می‌گذرد،‌ بالاتر و بالاتر می‌رود. مردم متوجه می‌شوند که دلیری و شجاعتی داشت و خطر را خوب می‌دید. راه حلی که پیشنهاد می‌کرد، یعنی جدایی دین از سیاست اساساً راه حلی است که به گمان من شمار روزافزونی از مردم ایران هم به آن رسیده‌اند و جنبه‌های دیگر شخصیتش کاستی‌های آن هم بیشتر مورد توجه است..."



Cash Crunch

Iran makes itself more vulnerable to outside pressure

04-Aug-2011 (3 comments)
By devoting much of its oil and gas earnings to public cash payments, Tehran is locking itself into a situation where it has little margin for error if its hydrocarbon revenues decrease. If oil prices decline -- or, more important, if the United States and its allies can dissuade countries and companies from paying for Iranian oil (Washington has no objections if they receive said oil, only if they pay for it) -- then the Islamic Republic could face serious problems paying for the checks to which the Iranian people are rapidly becoming accustomed>>>


زیبا تا زشت

گذشت آمنه و درسی برای فعالان حقوق بشر

04-Aug-2011 (3 comments)
در این که آمنه کاری بزرگ و انسانی کرده و مانع از آن شده است تا کسی در حضور دیگران و دوربین‌های تلویزیونی انسان دیگری را، صرف نظر از جرمی که مرتکب شده است، به عمد و آگاهانه کور کند تردیدی نیست. ولی آن چه که کمتر در این قضیه مورد توجه قرار گرفته این است که چرا خانم بهرامی باید در وضعیتی قرار گیرد که مجبور شود در مورد سرنوشت مرد جنایت‌کاری که به صورت او اسید پاشیده است تصمیم بگیرد>>>


Iran's Stunning Unpopularity

What will change that? Attack by Israel or U.S.

02-Aug-2011 (17 comments)
Iran's favorable ratings are in a "freefall" across the Arab World, with Iran's behavior in Iraq, Bahrain and the Arab Gulf region being viewed negatively by most Arabs. These are a few of the key findings of an Arab American Institute poll conducted by Zogby International during the first three weeks of June, 2011. The poll surveyed over 4,000 Arabs from Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates>>>


Shoring Up Assad

Iran's proxy war in Syria

31-Jul-2011 (37 comments)
Unfortunately, if Iran has its way, Assad won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Iran has reportedly provided an emergency financial lifeline to the regime in the amount of $5.6 billion as billions pour out of Syrian banks by nervous depositors seeking safe haven in Beirut or Istanbul-based banks. As I reported earlier, intelligence analysts have irrefutable proof that Iran has dispatched advisers from its domestic secret police forces (The Law Enforcement Service or LED) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG) to take over direct supervision of anti protest suppression>>>


روند خشونت و جنایت

ادامه حیات رژیم نتیجه‌ای جز افزایش آمار قتل و آدم‌کشی نمی‌تواند داشته باشد

28-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
دامنه خشونت در ایران به جایی رسیده که داد مجلسیان و دولتیان را نیز درآورده است. کمتر روزی است که اخبار و گزارش‌های قتل و جنایت آن هم در منظر عموم و یا تجاوز و خشونت جنسی به صورت‌های فردی و گروهی به زنان و کودکان در ایران منتشر نشود. آنچه بیشتر نگران کننده است سیر صعودی آمار این جنایت‌ها است. رژیم حاکم می‌اندیشد که با اعمال مجازات‌های خشن می‌تواند این سیر صعودی را متوقف یا معکوس کند>>>


حق حیات، حق آزادی و حق پیگیری خوشبختی

اعلامیۀ استقلال ایالات متحده آمریکا

28-Jul-2011 (30 comments)
حقوقدانان، تاریخ نویسان و فعالین سیاسی دنیا ارزش تاریخی اعلامیه استقلال ایالات متحده آمریکا را از ابعاد مختلفی تحلیل نموده و با بررسی های عمیق، بطور مفصل آن را کالبد شکافی کرده اند. ولیکن آنچه که تا به امروز ناگفته باقی مانده، آنچه است که شاید در این مقطع از زمان، برای آیندۀ ایران سرنوشت ساز باشد بطوریکه سنجیدن بهای این سند تاریخی معنای دیگری به تلاش ایرانیان برای رسیدن به آزادی دهد>>>