بد حجابم بدحجابم بی حجاب
23-Jan-2012 (9 comments)
من زن ایرانی ام جوشیده از شعر و شراب
خم نخواهد شد سرم هرگز به قانون حجاب

پایه اسلامتان را ای امام جمعه ها
می کنم با تار مویی من خراب اندر خراب >>>


The Pepsi Generation

Iranian ads from 1950's and 60's?

22-Jan-2012 (5 comments)


فراتر از تهدید

نقدی بر مناقشه ایرانیان درباره خطر حمله نظامی به ایران

21-Jan-2012 (19 comments)
مسلم این است که هیچ گروه با نفوذی در واشنگتن اشغال نظامی ایران و تکرار جنگ عراق و افغانستان را توصیه نمی‌کند و نیز غالب ناظران بر این باورند که دولت اوباما، حداقل تا پایان دوره اول ریاست جمهوری خود، از گزینه نظامی علیه ایران استفاده نخواهد کرد و فشار به ایران را از طریق تشدید تحریم‌های اقتصادی و انزوای سیاسی ادامه خواهد داد.>>>


Whose closet are you hiding in?

Reza Pahlavi’s campaign is gathering momentum rapidly

21-Jan-2012 (20 comments)
In my observation the two major reasons behind the confidence of our monarchist countrymen can be rounded up as following: Firstly RP is a squeaky clean, brand new, fresh out of the box leader. He has no shadowy past to have to answer for and no political legacy to drag him down. Unlike other groups and former leaders who have once collaborated with IRI and especially Khomeini. Who might even have the blood of many Iranians on their hands. But unlike them RP does not have such excess baggage>>>


The Sound of Silence

France’s cinephilic love letter to Hollywood’s Silent Era

21-Jan-2012 (4 comments)
An old-timey comic melodrama about the pitfalls of artistic pride and the power of romantic redemption, Michel Hazanavicius’ “The Artist” was greeted with enthusiasm in Cannes upon first screening, whilst earning the Best Actor Award for Jean Dujardin, it’s leading male Star. It has since been critically acclaimed with various awards including during the latest Golden Globes in Hollywood prompting many to bet on it’s triumph at the upcoming Oscars>>>


The Ten Phases of Ansbach

The Armageddon scenario is not discovered before it is too late

21-Jan-2012 (one comment)
Farah sat in the study with ImAn on her lap soothing and comforting as her little girl’s crying had now ceased and the comfort of the antibiotic ointment was calming the nerve endings in her slightly brushed cheek. It was apparent to Amir almost immediately that his daughter had come very close to being seriously hurt. The housekeeper wanted to stay before leaving for her errands incase Farah still needed her for ImAn, but it seemed that the little girl had gained her composure as she slowly released the hold on her mother and regained confidence in her surroundings>>>


21-Jan-2012 (one comment)
هنوز هوا در سینه ام تنگ است
دیگر نیمه شب ها در بیداری راه نمی روم
در خواب هایم به زندگی تان می آیم
آنجا که گفتی مرده ام
قبول >>>


Another World

Another World

The Iranian countryside

by Behrad Mostafaee
19-Jan-2012 (13 comments)



Could Israel live with a nuclear Iran?

IRI may be deterred by Israel's capability to strike back

19-Jan-2012 (14 comments)
Three months before the recent upsurge in tension with Tehran over its nuclear program, an Israeli think tank simulated fallout from what many here consider the unthinkable: an Iranian nuclear explosive test. The results of the simulation, published this week, are not the Middle East doomsday that some here have warned of. Rather than use the weapon to attack the Jewish state - as many Israeli leaders fear - the experts playing Iran leveraged the newly unveiled military power as a bargaining chip with the US and Europe>>>


Why Regime Change Won't Work

The assumption that democracy would magically ensue

19-Jan-2012 (8 comments)
One of the most popular things on the Republican campaign trail is regime change in Iran. Mitt Romney favors it, Rick Santorum favors it, and Newt Gingrich even has a plan for doing it. Give these guys some credit: At least they don't suffer from the common illusion that a few days of bombing will lastingly set back Iran's nuclear program. Unfortunately, the idea that regime change would do the job isn't much more reality-based>>>


حملات نظامی نامتقارن علیه ایران

جنگی که اکنون در جریان است بیشتر قربانیان خود را از مردم عادی یا نادخیل در سیاست‌های نظامی حکومت می‌گیرد

19-Jan-2012 (5 comments)
جمهوری اسلامی در معرض یک حمله نظامی قرار گرفته است. در این برخورد نظامی، هویت حمله کنندگان مشخص نیست و آنان از تاکتیک جنگ‌های نامتقارن علیه جمهوری اسلامی بهره می‌گیرند. این برای رژیم اسلامی بسیار دردسر ساز شده است. رژیم خود را برای حمله نظامی متعارف آماده می‌کرده است تا با تاکتیک جنگ‌های نامتقارن به آن پاسخ دهد. ولی اکنون خود گرفتار حملات نظامی نامتقارن شده است>>>


میهمانی قجرها  و جای خالی اردشیر

"فی الواقع از خودمان خوشمان آمد"

19-Jan-2012 (14 comments)
جای "اردشیر محصص" خالی که گزارشی تصویری از جلسه سالانه شام خاندان قاجار قلمی می کرد. پس از دیدن ویدئو این میهمانی وآشنایی با بازماندگان جلیل القدر این خاندان بخصوص "حضرت اقدس والا سلطان علی قاجار" و بیانات ایشان در پایان ویدئو درباره صدو چهل سال خدمات خاندان قاجار به ایران، فکر کردم این مطالب را بنویسم چون با دیدن آن قیافه ها و شنیدن آن صحبت ها بدون نوشتن این مطلب نمی توانستم با خودم کنار بیایم>>>


گلشیفته فراهانی
19-Jan-2012 (2 comments)
دگمه های نگاهت را بازکن
تا نافِ هستی
ترا می خواهم ای حقیقت
ترا می خواهم ای حقِ عریان.


Beast of Beauty

Beast of Beauty


by A---T
17-Jan-2012 (2 comments)



Neither War Nor Nuclear-Armed Iran

Reshaping the Middle East via a policy of common security

17-Jan-2012 (7 comments)
Joschka Fischer’s concerns and warnings should be taken seriously by every responsible politician and urge him or her to look for ways that could prevent the approaching catastrophe. It is however disappointing that his article does not address those considerations for a diplomatic solution. On the contrary, in his assessment of possible threats Fischer constructs a deadlock, which in the final analysis presents a war on Iran as the only possible alternative to a nuclear Iran>>>