رابطه حزب توده با خیانت و جمهوری اسلامی با جنایت - قسمت سوم
تلفن چند بار زنگ زده بود، تا رینگ آخر مثل پتک بر سرم کوبید و بیدار شدم. دو بعد از نصف شب یکشنبه بود و بی اختیار، گمان کردم از آمریکاست و لابد حال مادر بدتر شده. قلبم دیوانه وار به تپش افتاد و عرق سردی به تنم نشست. روی گوشی شیرجه رفتم و با فریاد گفتم، الو الو ! از آنطرف، مهدی عرب با خنده جواب داد، "واسه چی داد میزنی شازده، مگه دختره تخمتو گاز گرفته؟" نفس راحتی کشیدم و گفتم، خوار کسده اینم موقع تلفن زدنه؟!" ماه رم-از-آن بود و سال ۶۵. هنوز امام میفرمودند که صلح بین اسلام و کفر معنی ندارد و هنوز راه قدس از کربلا میگذشت
He said the blacks would win the war
but would be unable to rule.
He said to go and do as you were told.
He said these drugs are to be used
to induce the end of the World.
Susan used to be good at school
long before she became a mule.
Photo essay: Passionate about upcoming Shams Ensemble tour
Nazy Kaviani >>>
"I hate you because you're a man... Men would never understand anything they're supposed to.”
I was at a party when I was rushed to the roof of the building to save this beautiful Iranian woman who wanted to jump because another lady in the party was wearing the same exact dress as her. "Don't jump!" I screamed as I finished my beer and hid the empty bottle behind the air conditioner as you're supposed to. "Give me one good reason," she said as she gave me a sad, distraught look. "Look, I didn't think there would be a quiz when I was volunteered to come up here to play suicide prevention or else I would have studied. I can't think of a good reason. Can I give you 2 bad reasons instead?"
Photo essay: The captivating Fared Shafinury
Nazy Kaviani >>>
Photo essay: People in Iran
damonlynch >>>
این توده ی خشم قصد عصیان دارد
آهنگ بلاد ناخدایان دارد
این نهضت نو خاسته در دامن خویش
صد کاوه، دو صد رستم دستان دارد
زنهار که این توده ی خشم آلوده
تندر به گلو، به سینه توفان دارد
Photo essay: Stunning nature around Harijan village between shomal and Tehran
by Mehdi Madani
Shahrokh Moshkin-Ghalam's "Omar Khayam"
A wine color silk fabric hanging on the back curtain with golden calligraphy of Omar Khayam’s poetry, hundreds of vines hanging from the ceiling all over the stage with a discrete lighting on each leaf and grape, candles surrounding the stage… Paradise on earth was the scenery of this Persian ballet called Omar Khayam presented at the majestic Palace of Fine Arts of San Francisco on September 12th 2009. The choreographer and dancer Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam was the Iranian poet and philosopher Omar Khayam himself traveling through time and space, both physically and by the spirit expressed in his movements
گرفتاری من از وقتی شروع شد که یک ایرانی وارد معبد سرخپوستان بومی جزیره شد و بعد از مدتی به عنوان جادوگر بزرگ انتخاب گردید
هر چه از حضور ایرانیها در جزیره می گذرد، با خود فکر می کنم که شاه ایران چقدر کار دشواری داشت که با جمع کردن ایرانیها در خود ایران و مشغول کردن آنها با رقص باباکرم و بازی نان بیار کباب ببر و کی بود کی بود من نبودم و قائم باشک... و جلوگیری از مهاجرت آنها به همه دنیا از گروئنلند و ایسلند در شمال تا تنگه ماژلان و دماغه امید نیک در جنوب، چه خدمت عظیمی به امنیت بین المللی میکرد. ایرانیها اول از همه اسامی خود را چه زن و چه مرد، به محض ورود به جزیره عوض کرده و نام های سرخپوستی بر گزیدند و در فرودگاه رقص خورشید برگزار کردند
رابطه حزب توده با خیانت و جمهوری اسلامی با جنایت - قسمت دوم
یه بعد از ظهر تابستون در شیراز، که هنوز تا فصل شکار خیلی مونده بود، از بی حوصلگی تو آلاچیق باغ و رو کرسی مخده لم داده بودم و با تفنگ بادی، سارهای روی سپیدار هشتی رو میزدم. هر بار یکی می افتاد و بقیه فرار میکردند. ده پونزده دقیقه که میگذشت، چند تایی دوباره مینشستند. باز، سینه سیاه و براقی بود و صدای خفه 'پک' ، و ساری می افتاد . عمو جان که پیشم نشست، چون عاشق محبتش بودم، از جا جستم و گفتم، "شربت و میوه بیارم؟" لبخند گنگی زد و جواب داد، "نه، فقط حرمت حیات رو نگهدار!" بیست سالی طول کشید تا مطلب رو حس کردم.
My neighbor is going to the zoo
With her three grandchildren:
Mussa, who was born in Haifa
Of a Palestinian father and an Israeli mother,
Sees himself as the never-grown-up Peter Pan-
Sailing from the island of Neverland
With one eye green, one eye blue:
Gemini, a twin, who was born in America
Alas – life is but a one way street
Ideals? We all have them. Choices? We are all given. Values? Cherished by each. Dreams? Ours, without question. Destinies? Predetermined. Are they? What is life but an unknown journey through time and space? Play by the rules - we are told; walk along the well-trodden path. Then why the rebellious heart - the wild within? How to tame the untamable? Why reach for the skies? Aspire for the unattainable? Why gamble at the cruel game of chance? Why tempt fate? And play with fire? Why risk? But then one may as well ask - why live?
روایت زندگی زن روستایی ایرانی است، در گذرگاه عبور جامعه از سنت به مدرنیته
by Shahrnush Parsipur
آسیه، چهارده ساله، صدمترى دورتر از آخرین خانه ى روستا، نزدیك گورستان روى سنگى نشسته بود كه نامش را بالش رستم گذاشته بودند. داشت به نام خودش مى اندیشید. فكر كرد كاش اسمش صدیقه بود. نخستین بارى كه این نام را شنیده بود دچار این حس شده بود كه در اصل یك صدیقه نامى بوده است. و به خودش گفت دیگر باید فرار كنم. از سه روز پیش كه ماه جبین كتكش زده بود داشت به فرار فكر مى كرد، و مرد كه از دور پیدا شد آسیه فكر كرد به همین شوهر مى كنم.
I am setting out to write a book that opens up like a flower
I am uninterested in writing a book that introduces Iranians to Western audiences, because I think the need is greater for Western audiences to be introduced to themselves. This is not as offensive a statement as it might seem. Any writer has to be interested in introducing his or her readers to themselves. It is supposed to be an intimate relationship, not one in which a shared intellectual interest is the thing keeping it going. I would rather that Western audiences and I have all kinds of trouble, the kind in which I am saying that I know what is really going on inside them
Photo essay: What I saw in Iran, this vast and beautiful land
damonlynch >>>
I know enough to say competing with Internet pussy is tough
As we followed Manijeh joon up the stairs, I could see she was not wearing underwear and if she was it must have been the transparent kind: a newly arrived model from Victoria’s Secret, her favorite place. Just the thought of her kos-excited outfit (or lack of it) scares me. I just find the whole thing frightening in a weird way. It’s like being in a war zone. At any moment something is going to go wrong. It made me feel edgy and tense and defensive
She surrenders to the future
Won't fight her obstacles so grand
Washes off the past and moves on
Getting closer to nature’s chants
She knows her pains are senseless
In greater scheme of things
River beds will show, the years that go
Nothing’s permanent it seems
Protest posters: Digital art in support of Iranian uprising
by World Artists