25-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
تصویری حک شده
در وجدان زمان
قلب پیر مات شده
از نازکی حیات
که از دست رفت >>>


The Call

In Memory of All Those Who Bear Witness

23-Jun-2009 (one comment)
To the gathering-places of thieves
—I stand witness—
To the guns and the chains
To the clubs and the blades
—I stand witness—
To the false, real bitterness of those tears
Clad in the matt, choking metal of a canister >>>


Neda's Song
21-Jun-2009 (26 comments)
Her name was Neda, she was only 16
She was a young girl who got caught in between
A bullet and her flesh and some place serene
And now Iran will never be as it’s been
Her name was Neda and she wanted to show
That fear of death wouldn’t keep her below
And now all of you will come to know
How far Iran’s people are willing to go >>>


Inja Kojast


19-Jun-2009 (79 comments)
Tonight in Tehran>>>


مادرم معذرتم را بپذیـــــــــــــر

رابطه ریاضی آزادی زنان با پیشرفت و تمدن یک کشور

ای مردِ پُر از باد وُ غرور
باید اینک بپذیری در ذهن
عصرِ روشندلی وُ جلوۀ فرهنگ به آغاز شدست
مردوُ زن زوجِ برابر هستند
وَ زنان خالقِ تو تویِ جهانی هستند
که تو در پهنــــۀ آن سینــۀ خود گستردی:
"منم این طاوُسِ عِلیّن منم"


Secret of the River

For Azad

09-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
Every day we go along the river
And your body
Takes on the smell of the water.
Seeing us, the wild geese
Tune up their battle horns,
And a cat behind its green hideout
Lifts its tail in triumph. >>>


بی نام و لبخند
 مثل خوابی که به دیدن آن ناگزیریم
رفتی و شعر جای تو را گرفت
دیگر به خواب نرفتیم
 نمی آیی


هوای صادق

For Sadegh Hedayat

05-Jun-2009 (6 comments)

امشب دل من هوای صادق دارد

بن بست دلم خیال فارغ دارد

من زنده به گور و برده عشق تو ام

نادر به غلامی تو لایق دارد>>>


Homeland security
31-May-2009 (2 comments)
R. Bolano rightly writes
that a father is a landscape
you do your best to avoid
all of your adult life.

You see him eat and swallow
with yellowed false teeth
and your hatred silently grows
dull, then sharp as a knife. >>>


No thingness
27-May-2009 (3 comments)
Tell me who is the witness
Of your own seeing
And what is revealed
Through your own looking
Tell me who is attached to experience
Can you experience the space of no mind
If there is not an experiencer,
The experience won't last >>>


27-May-2009 (one comment)
Throughout all our minds
Finding the reflection of who
We are and why we are here, these questions are not so
Clear >>>


Far away love
24-May-2009 (3 comments)
She was a precious soul
Her heart spacious and free
He, was an Imperial soldier
A grandiose oak tree

The two souls merged as one
In no time were they in love
Entangled was their mind and
Enchanted was their heart >>>


When Will You Return?
22-May-2009 (one comment)
You came so late, Parmida!
My face and hair have turned so white
and my shoulders have sunken--
as if I have been waiting
for you in all the terminals of the world;
as though my shoulders
have wept in all the stations of the world! >>>


You Must Remember
22-May-2009 (2 comments)
You must remember to forgive
but not to forget
to hold on
and let go
to hold hands with the
wind blowing to the end of the earth
taking what's left and what shall remain >>>


20-May-2009 (4 comments)
Oh, Lord, forgive Thou me,

Not as Thou forgavest Thy children, Eve and Adam.

They tremble still

Behind the trees of Eden,

In awe of Thy mighty strides.

And they clutch the stolen green fruit

In their small hands >>>