My neighbor is going to the zoo
With her three grandchildren:
Mussa, who was born in Haifa
Of a Palestinian father and an Israeli mother,
Sees himself as the never-grown-up Peter Pan-
Sailing from the island of Neverland
With one eye green, one eye blue:
Gemini, a twin, who was born in America
She surrenders to the future
Won't fight her obstacles so grand
Washes off the past and moves on
Getting closer to nature’s chants
She knows her pains are senseless
In greater scheme of things
River beds will show, the years that go
Nothing’s permanent it seems
مرگ هنگامیست
که بخواهی بیافرینی، اما دنیایی نیست
بخواهی عشق بورزی، اما قلبی نیست
بخواهی بنوشی، اما جامی نیست
بخواهی زمزمه کنی، اما هوایی نیست
I am invisible. A dark ghost ship
searching the seafloor, with fingers
that mistake junk for its lost anchor.
To be frank, I expected more,
say as a victorian, a romantic
or a soul that tosses and turns
waiting for something that burns.
You'd rightly say: “Oh, please!
you look at the sky and you see blood
you see mourners streaming by the casket with thirst and hunger
you are so small to comprehend
you just cry because your mother is crying
and you can't wait for this day to be over
for sun to show up again
making every one happy
Even though life is short,
painful with stories,
and forgotten in retort
Even though memories' glory,
like bright stars in a dark night,
seduce the lessons learnt in part
Anger was at age of five
As she reached out to lend a hand
No care for her kind intent
No talking... attention! Be still;
They shouted in demand
Sadness came by at seven
Heart wrenching scenery
Her yellow shaded dog that
Followed in hope for miles
My heart has two birds
Cohabiting its nest, a beast
And a prince.
One chases a flame, not
Knowing it is in pursuit of lust;
The other free-falls in fire,
Royal blood maturing through burning scars
For Ladan and Laleh Bijani
The two couldn’t have been more
different, even if they were attached
like the stem of a plant
that grows two distinct
flowers; no, they were more
like a double-hipped cherry—
two pits with the fleshy mass joining
them at the center.
Don't ask me for tender touch,
Passionate kiss or tempting looks
I am done with all those games
As this heart never had interest
In earthly, hurtful, selfish plays
A Random face with no boundaries
A thought with no Time and no space
A spirit joyful filled with love
A heart thirsty to learn and grow
Is what my soul will now embrace
بعد از آن سودابه آمد سوی شاه / گلرخش سرخ و کمند مو سیاه
در بخش اول از دو بخش این داستان به این جا رسیدیم که شاه هاماوران (یمن) راضی به ازدواج دخترش سودابه با کیکاوس پادشاه قدرتمند ایران نیست چون با این ازدواج دختر یکدانه اش برای همیشه از پیش او دور خواهد شد. ابتدا این دو نفر را با هم روبرو می کند به این امید که سودابه کاوس را نپسندد و راضی به ازدواج با او نشود ولی بر خلاف میل او سودابه و کاوس شاه یکدیگر را می پسندند و شاه هاماور کینه جویانه نقشهء شومی می کشد. پس از مراسم ازدواج این دو، شاه یمن از کیکاوس می خواهد تا برای تفریح و شکار هفته ای به صحرا و کوهستان بروند
To unlock the lock, I must endure this pain,
To harness the journey’s craft, I must negotiate with
The stones on this path,
To kill the monsters, I must be willing to die first
And then watch how my ashes shall rise against
Another day's sunrise.
by Mohammad Javid
در كمال صحت و عقل و شعور
خالي از هرگونه جبر و ضرب و زور
مي نمايم نزد مردم اعتراف
تا شوم از درد وجدانم معاف
عامل اخراج آدم از بهشت
كشتن هابيل وصدها كار زشت
رخسار تو در ظلمت گیسوی چلیپا
صبح دل عشاق بود در شب یلدا
پیمانه صهبای نگاه تو در آن صبح
خود مست و دو صد مست بر آن واله و شیدا
و آن موی که نخجیر گه گله دلهاست
در هر خم او کرده دلی مسکن و ماوا
To the wind I look
standing outside
awaiting you
awaiting you with dreamy eyes
here behind all that is next to lost, I stand hopeless
awaiting for the wind to leave
without you
playing a lost game