

آقای دادستان، لطفا بیشتر توضیح دهید!

مهم این است که حقیقت به تمامی روشن شود

21-May-2010 (8 comments)
اکنون که حاکمیت به زبان خود به فاجعه قتل عام سال ۶۷ اذعان کرده، وقت آن است که دادخواهی قربانیان این قتل عام از راه‌های قانونی و رسمی دنبال شود. اگر تا کنون و حتا در دوره اصلاحات هیچ وکیل دادگستری نمی‌توانست خطر طرح این دادخواهی را بپذیرد، اکنون که این تابو رسما شکسته شده خطر این کار به مراتب کمتر شده است. باید اکنون به دادگستری‌ای که آقای جعفری دادستان تهران آن است مراجعه کرد و به استناد سخنان او خواست که پرونده‌های قتل عام ۶۷ باز شود و به خانواده‌ها گفته شود که عزیزان آنان چرا و چگونه سر به نیست شدند >>>


پیام آور صبح
با کدامین خورشید،
نازک قلب تو را تافته اند
که چون این پاکتر از آتش زرتشت، هماننده ی مهر
غنچه ی نور می افشانی برقامت بوم؛
که پیام آور صبحی تو در این ظلمت شوم؟ >>>


Fathe Shab

For the people of Iran

21-May-2010 (11 comments)


Don't get too carried away

What the Iran deal is missing

18-May-2010 (9 comments)
The nuclear deal announced Monday between Iran, Brazil and Turkey has certainly gotten many analysts and reporters excited, not least the LA Times, which described the agreement as, possibly, a ‘stunning’ breakthrough. And it could be. According to Ramin Mehmanparast, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, the deal will entail the transfer of 1200 kilograms of Iran’s low-enriched uranium (LEU), which has been enriched up to 3.5 percent, to Turkey. Once there, it will be exchanged for nuclear fuel. But we shouldn’t get too carried away>>>


Attack on Cinema

Kiarostami defends jailed fellow direcor Jafar Panahi

18-May-2010 (2 comments)
In his introduction Kiarostami said, “cinema has been attacked, which is why I am intervening.” He further stated that on his way to the Palais, he got a message from Panahi’s wife, to call her as soon as he possibly could.” Kiarostami interpreted this as being positive news, interestingly enough since it could be negative, too. Kiarostami said, “the fact that a filmmaker has been jailed is intolerable … an entire art form has been jailed.” The Iranian filmmaker also mentioned the March letter which appeared in the New York Times and told us he had brought a stack of them along in case any of the journalists present needed a take-home copy>>>


The Military of Ershad

Surgical raids on the suspected publishers

18-May-2010 (9 comments)
The grueling process to obtain printing rights for the first edition of a book is physically and emotionally daunting to the extent that many authors and poets prefer to live in a self-imposed state of idleness. If and when a literary master-piece dares to shape, its author is summoned to the Ministry of Ershad for questioning and endless interrogations. Once a book is accepted for further consideration, Ershad’s special examiners assume the role of writers and poets themselves and demand modifications and annexations to the text. The book is then sent back to the publisher for repeated revisions>>>


My Daughter

From "22: Eulogies" by Shams Langeroudi

18-May-2010 (2 comments)
My daughter,
it was their tradition to bury you alive.
You were killed;
a whole nation is being buried alive.
Look how peacefully he rests his head on the pillow
he who has earned his wage for killing you
eats a Halal dinner >>>


ای میهمان مهربان زمین

برای گوگوش = آنکه از ژرفنای دلهای ما میخواند

18-May-2010 (2 comments)
در سرزمینی که
هیچ کس
آشتی را نمی شناسد
تو هنوز
آواز دوستی را


Moving appeal

Iranian democracy at the Cannes film festival

16-May-2010 (5 comments)
This year, two great figures are absent at the International Film Festival of Cannes. The first is Roman Polanski, and the readers of Huffington Post know that I have spared no effort to plead and defend his cause over the past seven months. (Moreover, the pathetic declarations of Ms. Charlotte Lewis haven't made the slightest dent in my determination.) But the name of the second is Jafar Panahi; he is Iranian. Tim Burton chose him to be a member of his jury, and if he is unable to be there, it is because he is incarcerated in the terrible Evin prison, near Tehran, where he was thrown by the obtuse and criminal fanaticism of Ahmadinejad's police>>>


Back to the past

This latest round of executions is about more than the old enmity with the Kurds

16-May-2010 (3 comments)
Five young Iranian Kurds were executed last Sunday in summary trials reminiscent of the era that immediately followed the fall of the Shah and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. Even according to government-backed press, the victims had been kept incommunicado for most of their imprisonment and had little or no access to lawyers — a violation of Iran’s own laws. Gone are the regime’s efforts at keeping up pretenses, at casting itself as the authentic but misunderstood regional democracy. The evolutionary clock, which the West briefly believed to have been ticking in Tehran, positively wound down last week>>>


اصلاح طلبی؟

بنيادگرايان و اصلاح طلب های اسلامی بصورتی مشابه به لزوم «حکومت اسلامی» معتقد هستند

16-May-2010 (4 comments)
با اين نگاه می توانيم به روشنی ببينيم که بنيادگرايان و اصلاح طلب های اسلامی، بر خلاف آنچه بنظر می آيد، مشترکاً و بصورتی مشابه به لزوم «حکومت اسلامی» معتقد هستند، هر دو از چيزی به نام جدايي دين از حکومت هراس دارند، و هر دو اسلام و قوانين آن را راه نجات می دانند و ـ در عين حال ـ هر دو در پی «جهانی کردن اسلام» اند. اما تفاوت اين دو در اين است که بنيادگرايان در واقع نوعی از همان حکومت خلافتی عثمانی ها هستند به معنی يک ديکتاتوری مذهبی، زدن و کشتن و تا گلو در خرافات غوطه خوردن>>>


Adolescent dream
16-May-2010 (4 comments)
Anytime but now.
Anywhere but here.
Give me the red soaked floor
of the coloseum.
A night at the palace
with a drunk Baudelaire.


Lucky Dog!

Revisiting Iran's first animal shelter

15-May-2010 (one comment)
I could hardly wait to go back to Hashtgerd near Karaj for another visit with the beautiful dogs and the amazing staff at Vafa Shelter. Most of you may have read the story of my first visit there back in march of 2009 I was thrilled to see Mr. Karam and Mr. Gholam still looking after the dogs, cleaning up, welcoming the visitors and... I arrived in Iran early Friday morning. After settling in at my in-laws home, I called Mrs. Esna-Ashari, the shelter’s director to arrange a visit. I had collected many donations to deliver to them>>>


Making a difficult problem worse

Can an attack deny Iran the bomb?

14-May-2010 (6 comments)
As the international pressure on Iran intensifies, the option of bombing Iran's nuclear facilities remains on the table. It is widely believed that a limited strike targeting key nodes in the nuclear complex can delay Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons by several years. However, a fresh look at the historical record suggests that an attack can intensify the Iranian nuclear challenge and push Iran across the nuclear weapons threshold sooner rather than later>>>


حربه اعدام

برای پایان دادن به این خشونت وحشیانه چه می‌شود کرد؟

14-May-2010 (3 comments)
مخالفت با اعدام مخالفت با مجازات جانیان نیست (در واقع، می‌توان استدلال کرد که اعدام برای مجازات جانیان کافی نیست)، مخالفت با اعدام مخالفت با خشونت است، مخالفت با مجازات بی‌گناهان است، مخالفت با آدم کشی است، مخالفت با گروگان کشی است، مخالفت با وحشیت بدوی است. اعدام تنها اعدامی را از حیات محروم نمی‌کند و بلکه اعدام کننده را از انسانیت تهی می‌کند. اعدامی می‌رود، ولی اعدام کننده می‌ماند با همه آثار و عواقب روانی و فرهنگی و اجتماعی اعدام برای او و جامعه و محیط و نزدیکان او. اعدام مسئله اعدام کننده است نه اعدامی>>>