24 musicpage

Thanks for visiting Iranian.com and the music section. Special thanks again to JJ, Wayne and Kayvan for the team effort on this project.

New features of the music section



23 orders

order date and status is displayed in your account page

New features of the music section



22 files

A record of your purchases and files you have downloaded, or have not yet downloaded is also accessible from your account page. Note that I wasn't even logged in when I made the purchase. But the system put this record under my account because the email I put in matched the one in my Iranian.com account. In general, you don't have to have an account to perform any of these functions.

New features of the music section



21 download

downloading the actual file...

New features of the music section



20 download

Always click "save". If you click on "open", the file gets saved somewhere obscure you may not realize.

New features of the music section



19 email

You will receive an email like this with a coded one-time URL for you to click on to download the digital media you purchased. Click on the link to start downloading the music.

New features of the music section



18 order

Then you get sent back to Iranian.com, where you get an order number for your order. This information is also sent to your email address by us.

New features of the music section



17 paypal

Paypal asks you to put in your credit card information and generates a receipt for you. This also gets sent to your email address.

New features of the music section



16 paypal

Before taking your payment, Paypal asks you to sign in with your own Paypal account which has all your payment information on file. If you don't have a Paypal account, Paypal suggests that you get one. You can skip this by clicking on "continue".

New features of the music section



15 checkout

If everything seems OK, then you can submit the order and the system sends the information directly to Paypal.

New features of the music section



14 checkout

The system adds a flat Paypal fee of $0.31 to your order, no matter what the dollar amount of the order. We currently only support Paypal as a payment method, but you don't need a Paypal account to buy.

New features of the music section



13 checkout

Next you put in your billing address.

New features of the music section



12 checkout

When you're ready to check out, the system asks for some billing information. If you are not logged in, the system asks you to put in an email address. Make sure it's a valid one because that's how you receive the digital product. If you are already logged in, the system will use the email address you have already associated with your account.

New features of the music section



11 buy music

Once you hit "add to cart" you get taken to a shopping cart page. A shopping cart bock also appears on the right side reminding you that you have things in your basket.

New features of the music section



10 audio

If you click on the track names, you get a page dedicated just to that audio file. You can see more information about it, as well as play and "add to cart."

New features of the music section
