

A Country With Flavor

Cross-country travel reveals different climates and sceneries

People are generally tolerant and welcoming. Shopkeepers invite shoppers to their own shop; some overenthusiastic invitation, however, can feel slightly tense and intimidating, particularly in narrow streets with shops on both sides. It tends to be harmless and easily ends by firmly rejecting the invitation and walking away. Haggle is part of the shopping experience in most places. As a rule of thumb, the cost can be pushed down to anything between third and half (sometimes even less)>>>


نسرین را دریابیم

پشتیبانی از فراخوان تحصن مقابل سازمان ملل در ژنو

20-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
هموطنان: نگذاریم فریبکاری، ستمگری، و دروغ و تهمت زنی های مرسوم در برخی از رسانه های داخلی خود را به عرصه رسانه های جهانی بکشانند و با سوء استفاده از کم اطلاعی و ناشی گری خبرنگاران خارجی بر نقض حقوق بشر در ایران سر پوش بگذارند. جهانیان باید بدانند که زندانیان سیاسی و عقیدتی در ایران را دانشجویان، روزنامه نگاران، فعالان حقوق زنان؛ معلمان، وکلا و حقوق دانان، اصلاح طلبان سیاسی، مدافعان حقوق اقوام و اقلیت های مذهبی، کارگران و حتی روحانیان معترض و خشونت پرهیز تشکیل می دهند که حتی بر مبنای قوانین خود جمهوری اسلامی مرتکب جرمی نشده اند>>>


Thick Plot, Thin Facts

Western media on Mottaki's replacement

20-Dec-2010 (12 comments)
The replacement of Foreign Minister Mottaki with Ali Akbar Salehi is the end result of many variables. One of them, and perhaps not the major one is a series of setbacks in the realm of foreign policy execution: 1) passage of the UN resolution reprimanding Iran’s violation of human rights; 2) failure of securing a seat in the UN Women’s Rights Panel; 3) Iran’s arms shipment arrested in Nigeria, which had a negative impact on Iran’s foreign policy with regards to Africa; 4) UNESCO reneged on holding a philosophy conference in Iran>>>


بهت فکر می کنم

عاشق اینم باهات ور برم و تو چشم بسته حرف بزنی

20-Dec-2010 (4 comments)
بهت فکر می کنم. زیاد فکر می کنم. به پوست تنت، به صورتت وقتی چشات بسته ست، به صورتت وقتی که چشات بازه. به این فکر می کنم که چقدر دوست دارم دست کنم لای موهات. و به این که چه طور ممکنِ موهای به این کمی این قدر گره بخورن. هر بار که آروم دست می کشم لای موهات آخرش یه دونه اش کنده می شه. و تو در عین آرامش یکهو یه چین کمرنگ می افته به ابروهات>>>


The Movie We Most Wanted to See

There was no place to go to dream and stay dreaming

Maybe it had to do with the way we remembered coming to America, which was already the dreamed-about place and which was still the dreamed-about place for so many people in our family in Iran, and it felt strange to go to the place where people went to dream even after we were here. Maybe it felt like we ought to be the ones who were living since we were here. What was the living that you did in America? We didn't know. We tried all kinds of things and usually just came back to each other and our house>>>


کرم ها
همیشه شاکر بوده ام
 وقتی که روزگارم در مه گم شد
برای آن روز های طلایی -  برنزی - مسی - آهنی
حتی زمانی که فرسوده و فراموش
در خیابانهای بیگانه البسه ام را تشعیع می کردم
همیشه شاکر بودم >>>


Yare Aziz

A song by Soheil Nafisi

19-Dec-2010 (11 comments)


Ghosts or Heroes?

When did we decide to give up our heroes, and take on their ghosts?

17-Dec-2010 (7 comments)
A recent email floated by, you know, the kind of email that presumes to be one of our "intellectual moments" and slyly asks you to consider an exercise, one of those annoying peace-nik ideas you can't seem to refuse to try. This one challenged me and the rest on the bcc, to instead of the obvious slamming, to come up with 5 good things to say about, in this case Ahmadinejad. As merely an altruistic exercise in forgiveness, or some sort of capitulating pious in-giving, or whatever>>>


معجزه کریسمس در تگزاس

صحن کلیسا پر بود از مرد و زن شیک پوش و سلمانی رفته

17-Dec-2010 (16 comments)
سال پر برکت ۷۶-۱۹۷۵ برای ایرونی جماعت سرشار از عشق و حال بود - پول نفت و دل‌ بی‌ غم! اما اون پاییز که از ایران برگشتم، دست به نقد، سیلوی جان منو ول کرد (سیلوی که یادتونه ... از قصه‌های بد برای بچه‌های بد). گفتم که باکی نیست، و چسبیدم به درس و مشق. بر عکس خرخون شدن من، مهدی عرب (آقا مهدی رو که حتما بخاطر دارید، از همون قصه‌ها ...) درس و مشق رو کنار گذاشته بود و بقول خودش، "بیزنس من" شده بود>>>


Joining Them

What’s Christmas to you?

17-Dec-2010 (6 comments)
Don’t know what makes me think of the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” It sounds rather hostile, doesn’t it? But I have always been good at “Joining them” even where “beating them” hasn’t been the issue. As a child, I joined the village kids on my father’s farms and played their games. As a young adult, I wore a headscarf -- way back before it became mandatory -- so I could work in the earthquake-stricken city of Ghaen, where women observed hejab. Like a chameleon, I adapt and try to blend into my surrounding>>>


حماسه حلاج (3)
17-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
ای ذات تو لا یزال و سبحان
وی وصف تو فوق وهم انسان
از گرده گل به پای زنبور
تا شهد عسل به جویباران
از پویش بی بدیل نوزاد
در حالت جستجوی پستان


Israel is a Trip (1)

My primary interest in this trip will be to find out how our Iranian Jews have fared in Israel culturally

15-Dec-2010 (50 comments)
Consul General Jacob Dayan is the senior representative of the State of Israel in Southwestern United States. He runs a busy consulate and I certainly hadn't expected to meet the top man when I contacted his office with questions about who was paying for my journalism trip to Israel. Yet, the charismatic diplomat whose youthfulness contrasts pleasantly with the responsibility of his office, graciously offered his time to answer some questions>>>


کار از کجا خراب شد؟

باید پذیرفت که مردم ایران در سال ۱۳۵۷ یک اشتباه تاریخی بزرگ را مرتکب شدند

15-Dec-2010 (25 comments)
پذیرش این که اشکال کار جمهوری اسلامی نه از خرداد ۱۳۶۰ یا پس از مرگ خمینی و یا هر زمان دیگر، و بلکه دقیقا از روز اول استقرار این نظام شروع شده، به دلایلی که در بالا به آن‌ها اشاره شد کار ساده‌ای نیست. بسیاری از نیروهای سیاسی ما به گذشته خود تا حد زیادی برخورد انتقادی کرده‌اند (از فعالان چپ گرفته تا کسانی مانند آقای تاج‌زاده)، و این خود مایه تحسین است. ولی غالب این نیروها هنوز نتوانسته‌اند بپذیرند که پروژه جمهوری اسلامی از پایه ضد دموکراتیک و واپسگرا بوده،>>>


Separating Fact & Fiction

Sakineh Mohammadi's case

14-Dec-2010 (15 comments)
The new Sakineh confession broadcast on Press TV on Saturday, December 11, is the new episode of the strange "reality" show that the Iranian regime has staged around her case. Even though I have been following this case very closely, it has become difficult for me to keep track of all the new stories that the Iranian authorities have regularly added to it. It seems that they are trying to confuse the world, and I'm afraid that they have been very successful in doing just that>>>


Fars II

History of an historic province, part 2

14-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
Under Omar Fars was captured by the Arabs, the Persians quickly gave in to the power of the Arab armies.Rashidun Empire stretched from West Africa to Central Asia. Fars became one of the major provinces of Rashidun Empire and cross roads between Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Fars contained vast industry just as it had during the Sassanian and Parthian eras. Uthman ibn Affan (579 –656) created the first Islamic navy and hired Persian marines, he also hired mercenaries from Iran namely the tough knight style “cataphracts” and professional infantry forces drawn from two provinces of Iran, Khorasan and Fars>>>