TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Single Page or IOTDBanking crisis Ghormeh Sabzi191 year 45 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDFarshid Jahedi Majid Zahrai121 year 51 weeks ago
Cartoon or Single Image23 Bahman bahram9821222 years 7 weeks ago
Blog entryWho is attacking Trita Parsi? Q2482 years 10 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDMasoud Ali Mohammadi Darius Kadivar812 years 15 weeks ago
Blog entryHitting IRR where it hurts most Fred172 years 18 weeks ago
ArticleWe are ashamed! Jahanshah Javid1492 years 21 weeks ago
Blog entryHAMMER FORUM: Robert Baer and Trita Parsi Darius Kadivar272 years 21 weeks ago
Blog entryIranians in space Jahanshah Javid372 years 27 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDShabnam Rezaei sarasepidzadeh392 years 31 weeks ago
Blog entryAmerica's obsession with Iran Niloufar Parsi1122 years 32 weeks ago
Blog entryCyrus can wait Jahanshah Javid372 years 32 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDIran reveals Qom nuclear plant Jahanshah Javid302 years 32 weeks ago
Blog entryNEWS FLASH; Obama NOT a Muslim Faramarz_Fateh72 years 32 weeks ago
Blog entryI am a supporter of Ahmadinejad.... ask me anything. No Fear2292 years 34 weeks ago
ArticleSo much in common Fariba Amini932 years 38 weeks ago
Blog entryEverything I know about women I learned from Lando Buzzanca Faramarz92 years 43 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDGood Lookin Ghormeh Sabzi172 years 44 weeks ago
Blog entryThe myth of "Islam is spread by the sword" Q1792 years 45 weeks ago
Photo albumA new beginning Jahanshah Javid482 years 45 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDMaryam Namazie mehrdadm172 years 46 weeks ago
Blog entryWhat do you mean by secular JJ? alimostofi182 years 46 weeks ago
Blog entryWhat to do with shrine of Khomeini after Revolution III Faramarz_Fateh292 years 46 weeks ago
Photo albumParis punch Jahanshah Javid242 years 46 weeks ago
Single Page or IOTDFrance partial veil ban admin702 years 46 weeks ago
TitleTypeDatesort icon
Nothing, nada, zilcharticleAug 04, 2007
Future of Iranian Divorce Lawyers in L.A.blogSep 10, 2007
Extreme Makeover; Bush styleblogSep 20, 2007
No homosexuals in Iran.blogSep 24, 2007
Why we are so F'ed up as a nation.blogSep 27, 2007
Count down to Iran's bombardmentblogOct 25, 2007
The borwn stuff is about to hit the fan.blogNov 05, 2007
Who do you hate the most?blogNov 15, 2007
The only American male journalist with Balls.blogDec 12, 2007
Assault on pashm!!blogDec 17, 2007
The 7th Imam and knee high boots!blogDec 19, 2007
Announcement from Anjomane Zan ZalilanblogDec 28, 2007
When in Rome, do as the Romans do!!blogJan 11, 2008
Bush, Middle East, now! Why ?blogJan 16, 2008
Bush Lied, great many died!blogJan 23, 2008
Laser Hair Removal and Dr. ButterflyblogJan 28, 2008
Sex and Iranian girl/women's dilemma.blogFeb 05, 2008
The First Iranian-American U.S. PresidentblogFeb 08, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day to all those in loveblogFeb 13, 2008
A puppy in the U.S. or a cute child in AfricablogFeb 17, 2008
Who is Exporting Iran's wealth, how and where to?blogFeb 21, 2008
Biggest hope into biggest disappointmentblogFeb 27, 2008
Where does our personal taste come from?blogMar 07, 2008
Does fame make us selfcentered jerks? What happened to Omid!blogMar 10, 2008
Class Action Law Suit against G.W. BushblogMar 17, 2008
Damn there is a lot of $$$ in AmericablogMar 24, 2008
CIA Provides Liability Insurance for Employees!!!blogMar 30, 2008
Bush Admin's oil policyblogApr 09, 2008
Why do Iranians hate Israel & Zionism; Enough Already with the B.S.blogApr 10, 2008
Iran Doosti, Iranian styleblogApr 23, 2008
Brace yourself America; $5/gal gas is comingblogApr 29, 2008
Internet dating pointersblogApr 30, 2008
Dark and Bleak future of IranblogMay 07, 2008
Origins of the word K@$ khol.blogJun 06, 2008
Prenuptul agreement; necessary or evil necessity?blogJun 16, 2008
No attack on Iran; Thanks to Friends of BushblogJun 30, 2008
What if Mohammad (S) was a ...blogJul 04, 2008
The day all politicians &... diedblogJul 09, 2008
Ron Paul - John Stewart '08blogJul 16, 2008
Whats good about Iran and Iranians?blogJul 27, 2008
Ye Esfooni may be running Israel soonblogAug 03, 2008
Top 10 Reasons you maybe ZanzaleelblogAug 06, 2008
Iranian Swimmer Refused Competition; Najes WaterblogAug 10, 2008
MTV Cribs ; Imam Zaman's HaauusseblogAug 14, 2008
Ahmadinejad's hidden wealth: $170 millionblogAug 21, 2008
Dige' dAre' az Emrika ogham migire' !blogAug 29, 2008
Iranian Khar vs. American OlaghblogSep 03, 2008
Ahmadinejad orders halt to Uranium enrichment.blogSep 07, 2008
PLEASE BOYCOTT MSNBC and NBC; Olberman outblogSep 08, 2008
Iranians weigh in on U.S. Presidential ElectionsblogSep 10, 2008
For the sake of everyone, no more 9/11blogSep 11, 2008
Let's abolish Christianity and Islam!blogSep 15, 2008
White America worried about "Black House"blogSep 17, 2008
Support Ahmadinejad's Visit to the U.S.blogSep 19, 2008
$$$ System Melt Down! Who is to blame?blogSep 21, 2008
Fact: Ahmadinejad the 13th ImamblogSep 24, 2008
Bailout BullShitblogSep 27, 2008
Faramarz's Bail Out Plan! Why didn't you think of it?blogOct 01, 2008
Khomeini & G. W. Bush; a common legacyblogOct 16, 2008
Turning young American men into killers.blogOct 18, 2008
Open letter to President ObamablogOct 29, 2008
No on YesblogOct 31, 2008
Obama owes Howard Dean, big time!blogNov 02, 2008
America's young have spoken; History MadeblogNov 04, 2008
I hold talk radio hate mongers fully responsible in caseblogNov 07, 2008
Monarchy vs. Islamic Rule; still fighting after 30 yearsblogNov 14, 2008
India's space craft on the moon; Iran's new aaftabeh design.blogNov 15, 2008
I'm in love with my BlackBerry Storm!blogNov 21, 2008
What the hell happened?!blogNov 25, 2008
Why was Muhammad (SAV) the last?blogDec 01, 2008
Akh joon! Dahane Ahmadinejad service-eblogDec 03, 2008
$45/bbl Oil ==>> Israel Attacks Iranian Nuclear SitesblogDec 05, 2008
After 8 years of Bush, I should be pregnantblogDec 08, 2008
Mother vs Wife; whos #1 for Persian menblogDec 12, 2008
Nike & Iraqi shoe thrower sign $2.5M contractblogDec 15, 2008
Stop fooling yourselvesblogDec 28, 2008
What if there were no Jews.blogJan 06, 2009
Ahmadinejad is very quiet.blogJan 08, 2009
My list of who needs to go to jail for creating this mess.blogJan 13, 2009
Iranian.com or Palestinian.com?blogJan 19, 2009
Ali Khamenei's green card numberblogJan 23, 2009
Obama and the Jews blogJan 27, 2009
Hopeful about humanity; silent, decent Iranians.blogJan 30, 2009
Organic food; the new frontier for ripping off suckersblogFeb 02, 2009
Best Iranian Restaurants in S. CalifblogFeb 09, 2009
Democarcy+Iran = Oil+WaterblogFeb 10, 2009
Minorities can successfully counter IRI; My RxblogFeb 19, 2009
Baba sad rahmat be Shah!blogFeb 24, 2009
GOOD NEWS; this is my last blogblogMar 03, 2009
The Greatest Generation of IraniansblogJul 10, 2009
Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty.blogJul 15, 2009
Proof positive of viability of Islam's eternal laws for better living.blogJul 16, 2009
Send Text Messages to the 12th ImamblogJul 17, 2009
Politics & Religion MUST be kept separateblogJul 23, 2009
Ironic similarity of Iranian women to Iranian Baha'i'sblogJul 27, 2009
NEWS FLASH; Obama NOT a MuslimblogJul 31, 2009
Dream of Islam Free Iran coming trueblogAug 03, 2009
1979-2009 Iran comapred to S. KoreablogAug 07, 2009
Revolution good 4 Monarchy but not IRI? Bull ShitblogAug 12, 2009
I LOVE AKHOONDS! I think everyone should own one.blogAug 17, 2009
Patriotism Iranian Style.blogAug 19, 2009
Happy Ramezan (Ramadan) to all Muslims of the world.blogAug 20, 2009
Fasting in the Mid East vs. Fasting in the WestblogAug 23, 2009
Malaysia; the next "Islamization" Victim.blogAug 24, 2009
I am a proud EX Muslim; & a Thankful Iranian-American.blogAug 28, 2009
What would life at an Iranian internment camp be likeblogSep 01, 2009
How about a new phrase instead of "Allah o Akbar"?blogSep 07, 2009
1st invasion lasted 1300+ years; how long for #2?blogSep 10, 2009
Faramarz, JalehO and Q go to NYC.blogSep 13, 2009
Jews; God's gift to radical IslamblogSep 14, 2009
Islam; Chapter 7 bankruptcy. IRI in chapter 11blogSep 18, 2009
JalehO has Got to Go!blogSep 20, 2009
Evil Must be Vigilantly Confronted & DefeatedblogSep 21, 2009
ANnejad's 9/23 speech; a heeping bowl of crap.blogSep 23, 2009
What if there was no Israel tomorrow?blogSep 24, 2009
Did Imam Hossein die in Karbala or because of an Opium overdose?blogSep 25, 2009
Sanctions &/or Strikes; when will they happenblogSep 29, 2009
Its 2012; IRI is no more; Who is Leading Iran?blogSep 30, 2009
Profile of typical Reza Pahlavi HatersblogOct 03, 2009
Israel and the Jews rule the world; deal with itblogOct 05, 2009
What have Iranians learned in the past 30 years?blogOct 12, 2009
End of energy subsidies + up coming sanctions = End of IRIblogOct 15, 2009
How fast Israel can be injected into a discussion of "bavaseer".blogOct 16, 2009
What would you do if you had U.S.$120,000,000 ?blogOct 20, 2009
Nuclear Deal = Another 30 years of IslamoMafiablogOct 21, 2009
No comparison between Pahlavi Iran and Islamic IranblogOct 23, 2009
Can you envision a democratic Iran?!blogOct 25, 2009
If the U.S. attacks IRI, who will you side with?blogOct 27, 2009
Inside the mind of the Texas shooterblogNov 06, 2009
Iranians deserve more than "reform" !blogNov 10, 2009
Iranian Pop Music; inside vs outside IranblogNov 15, 2009
Islam bashing is fully justified, 100%blogNov 16, 2009
I am going to China for Chelo KabobblogNov 18, 2009
1929 Reza Shah & 2009 Antarinejad; what a descentblogNov 25, 2009
Get ready for the 99 Euro NetBookblogNov 29, 2009
What is I.R.D.D. ?blogNov 30, 2009
Dameh Tiger Woods garmblogDec 02, 2009
American down fall & Chinese prosperityblogDec 06, 2009
Fred an alter ego of QblogDec 09, 2009
Why people have a "beef" with IslamblogDec 11, 2009
One tabooed subject at a time. Whats next?blogDec 14, 2009
Happy Muharram EveryoneblogDec 18, 2009
Is an Islamic Democracy an acceptable option?blogDec 20, 2009
Montazeri's meeting with the Shah and KhomeiniblogDec 22, 2009
Concerts during Muharram; you've come a long way babyblogDec 23, 2009
Making the same mistake one more time.blogDec 28, 2009
گفتگو با خداblogDec 28, 2009
جدایی دین از حکومت، سیاست یا هر دو؟blogDec 29, 2009
5 people with last name Larijani entered Canada todayblogDec 30, 2009
It's Dec 31, 2010; Is it still IRI or Iran?blogDec 31, 2009
Revolution on Xanax or Steroids ?blogJan 05, 2010
Post revolution III, I demand reparations!blogJan 06, 2010
In a pure secular democratic Iran who will we blame?blogJan 08, 2010
Would the 12th Imam bless the current regime on 22 BahmanblogJan 11, 2010
Iran's Political Debate = USA's Abortion DebateblogJan 16, 2010
Only 24 days to 22 BahmanblogJan 18, 2010
طرح خنثی سازی جنبش قبل از 22 بهمنblogJan 19, 2010
22 Days to 22 Bahman. What will you do?blogJan 20, 2010
Hojjatol Islam Hosseini with hand gun in Namaz Jomeh!blogJan 22, 2010
1 down, 1 to go; Yesterday Karroubi, Tomorrow MousaviblogJan 25, 2010
# of Palestinian mercenaries in Iran to surpass 10,000 by 22 BahmanblogJan 26, 2010
What to do with shrine of Khomeini after Revolution IIIblogJan 30, 2010